[Thread] Intelligence

Sep 23, 2008 09:20

Characters: Fayt Leingod (AU), Sylvanas Windrunner (OU)
Where: Loh-Tria (Sylvanas' room)
When: A few days before the song plot, after the transformation plot
Summary: Fayt wants to discuss his weapon plans with Sylvanas
Warnings: None.

Sylvanas waited. She did so much of that here. But this time it wasn't for nothing. There were enough machine-minded people in the compound that they might succeed in building a device that would wound an Entropi, putting less strain on the few who could do so by themselves. Or so she hoped.

She sat by the open window, not feeling the autumn chill. The clear light glanced off her face, accentuating its unnatural paleness and the dark, purplish tracks that ran down her cheeks from her eyes: the weeping of a dead body. But she had not cried for years -- not since a young, awed Blood Elf had approached her carrying her sister's amulet, which Sylvanas now wore around her neck, her only adornment.

Old wounds. Her focus was on the present.

[star ocean] fayt leingod, [warcraft] sylvanas windrunner, location: apartments

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