big long meme

May 27, 2008 00:53

blame skorzy

What other names had your parents thought about naming you? if i'd been a boy, i'd have been one of the millions of kids named Micheal John in my generation. Marie was considered for my middle name.

Are you a teenager? oh, gawd, i hope not!

What is your earliest memory? err...roller skating on the blue porch

How many states have you lived in? Four: New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, and Washington

How many cities? ummm...that's a tough one. i haven't always lived in cities. i'll just go with all the cities / towns / unincorporated areas. Pine Haven, NM; Albuquerque, NM; Amarillo, TX; Midland, TX; Parks, AZ; Montreal, Qc; Redmond, WA. thus, seven.

Are you a "military brat"? No

Did you ever want a kid's meal from McDonalds just for the toy? not until i was in college...

What was the name of you Kindergarten teacher? ummm...don't remember

Which was scarier... starting Middle School, or High School? i'd say middle school. going from a school of only 60 students to one with 600 is a bit scary.

Which was the worst school year/grade of your life? third grade. academically, it was fine, but that was the year the other girls in my class decided that it was fun to be mean to me.

Can you whistle? sometimes

Can you snap your fingers? yep

Have you ever been in handcuffs? ummm...yes. i think.

Have you ever been searched? my person, no. my backpack and my car, yes.

Have you ever been in a fire truck? i've driven a fire truck.

What about an ambulance? no. whew.

Have you ever seen a house burn down? no, and i'd really like to skip that, thanks.

Have you ever caught anything on fire? oh, sure. hell, i caught the stove on fire just a few years ago.

Have you swam in a lake or a pond? absolutely. but then, we had a pond big enough to swim in out back.

Do you like to go fishing? sure. though i'm not particularly good at it. i think casting is fun, though.

Have you ever called 911 for something real, and NOT a prank? ummm, i'd never call 911 as a prank, but yes, i've called 911 for something real.

Have you ever been robbed? no, and i'd like to keep it that way.

Have you ever been kidnapped or know somebody personally who was kidnapped? no.

Have you been on the news? No.

Have you ever auditioned for a movie? no

Are you Bipolar? No.

Are you Biracial? who cares?

Are you Bisexual? not really. i'll look, but i only seem to want to attack...ahem, be attracted to males.

Are you Bulimic? euw, no!

Do you have Diabetes? no

What about High Blood Pressure? nope. my blood pressure shocks and amazes doctors by being dead center in the range for my sex, age, etc. every time.

Do you have any type of disorder? probably

How long is your hair when it's wet? the same length it is when it's dry.

What does your favorite kind of shampoo smell like? i currently have a solid shampoo that smells like jasmine and a normal shampoo and conditioner set that smells like grapefruit and lemongrass

How big is your bathroom? small...but not as small as the one in my last apartment

What was the last thing you took a bite of? sausage, egg, and cheese breakfast biscuit

Did it taste good? it was good, but it needed some grape jelly.

What are you wearing on your feet? toe nail polish. oh wait, i took that off. aaaaaauuuugh! nekkid feet! nekkid feet!

How long are your fingernails? about a quarter inch.

Do they grow fast? pretty fast

How many times do you talk on the phone each day, average? once or twice

Do you prefer to talk on the phone, or instant message? depends on the person and what else i'm doing. i don't like being stuck at my computer for a whole conversation, though.

Which do you like better... comments, or messages? i'm kinda not sure what you mean here. comments on entries? voice mail messages? e-mail messages?

Myspace or Facebook? neither

Say something really interesting about your default picture. it's the ecogryff logo, drawn by my friend prplbeedoo

Do you usually have very weird dreams? all the time, but i don't really remember the details, just the "hmmm, that was weird" feeling when i wake up.

Do you like your bed? i love the headboard / footboard / side rails of my bed, but i need a new mattress. the bed i'm currently using is okay, too.

What is your favorite book of the Bible? ummm...i don't think i'd say i have a favorite.

If you had to give your son a biblical name, which would you choose? Gabriel or Malachi

If you had to give you daughter a biblical name, which would you choose? Chloe

What was the last book you read? The Flower Net by Lisa See

Did that book fry your brain cells? nope, it was pretty much brain candy.

How many times have you been to the Emergency Room? for myself, twice. for other, five or six times.

Have you ever thought about being a nurse? no

A cop? yeah. i think it would be interesting to be a detective, but all the stuff leading up to that would drive me batty.

A ballerina? yes, but i was six.

A veterinarian? yeah, but i think Hortense was more excited by the idea than i was.

A teacher? not really.

President of the United States? no, but i did used to want to be the First Lady...

Have you been to a funeral? none with the casket or at the grave site, but i've been to some memorial services.

Have you held a gun? yes

A sword? (not a knife)? certainly

Ridden in a Go-Kart? yeah, i seem to remember doing that at one point in time

Have you ever done Laser-Tag? oooh, yes! Laser-Tag is awesome.

Have you ever played Hide-and-Seek outside, in the dark? there's another way to play Hide-and-Seek? ; )

Do you celebrate Chaunnukah? No..but I will observe it for my Jewish friends.

Do you celebrate Kwanzaa? no

Have you been on a nature trail? of course

Easter egg hunt? yes

Have you seen a lion? only in zoo

Do you want to go to Africa some day? hmmm...maybe Egypt

Have you ever been to the Grand Canyon? more times than i can every season and weather.

What about Niagara Falls? no...haven't managed that one yet

Have you seen any of the other 7 World Wonders? As defined here, of the natural wonders, i've seen the Northern Lights, but not a very good representation of the phenomenon. i've seen some of the other stuff on the various lists there, too.

Do you remember when light-up sneakers were cool? yes, and i thought they were kinda silly.

Name 5 of your cousins. Stephen, David, Mark, Christopher, and Christopher (yes, i have two cousins named Christopher)

Do you have relatives in another country? yes. the ones in Germany are the only ones anyone actually keeps in contact with, though.

Who was the last person to send you a message? probably desolatedrose

And the person before that? no clue

What about the person before that? ?????

Who were the last 3 people to comment you? gretzilla, ronluvshermione, and skorzy

Do you log on Myspace every day? never ever ever

Is your profile private? i don't think so

Do you have over 300 friends? yeah, right

Do you know all the people on your friends list in real life? nope. though there's a few people on the list who used to be 'no' and are now 'yes'. : )

Have you ever met one of your Myspace friends? what part of 'never ever ever' didn't come through?

Do you have Windows or Apple? Windows...but i feel this urge to say neither and point out all the other OSs availableout there.

Are you currently on a Laptop or a PC? PC

Do you drink soda? far too much

Milk? as much as possible

Gatorade? more now. my sister keeps G2 on hand, and i tend to drink it when it's around

What's your favorite dressing? Catalina

Do you wear skirts? almost never

Where's your favorite place to buy clothes? erm.....

Do you like Chinese? yummy!

Mexican? yup!

Italian? *drools*

Do you like sauerkraut? sometimes

Seafood? for the most part

Steak? mmmmm.....coooooow

Have you ever been in a haunted house? i've probably been in some houses rumored to be haunted, but i've never noticed. or did you mean the carnival attraction type? 'cuz i've definitely been in a few of those

Are you normal? please define 'normal'...then i'll tell you just how far from it i am.

Have you ever been to Montana? driven through it.

How did your last relationship go? it when fine until it ended.

What do you think of The War on Terror? truthfully, i think it's dumb. i mean, there are probably some actions in there that needed to be taken, but the whole concept is so mismanaged and fear mongering that i want to go strangle people.

Do you take too many pictures? oooooh, yesssss. i only took a couple hundred on Sunday.

Are you obsessed with Myspace? ummm....must i remind you about the whole 'never ever ever' thing? (obviously this is a targeted meme...maybe i should go through and change all the Myspace questions to LJ questions.)

Have you had a pet tarantula? no. i don't really feel the need for pets that i can't hold or play with. okay, you can play with tarantulas, but they're kinda fragile.

What about a pet bird? nope

Do you want to go to college? been there, done that. still kinda doing that. will probably take some more classes soon. so, yes, i always want to go to college. i think i'm addicted.

What's your favorite quote? i have to come up with a favorite. crap. that's hard. ummm.....

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

What does your dad do for a living? retired.

Do you know anybody who has/had cancer? too many...and too many of them related to me

Have you been to Washington DC? no, though i do want to fix that

Have you been to NYC? once

Have you been on a train? quite a few. modern and steam.

What about those little train rides at amusement parks and fairs? yup

Have you been on a Ferris Wheel? yeah

Have you ever been on a roller coaster/any other ride when it broke down? i'm tempted to say 'yes' but i'm not sure

Do you shop at Wal-Mart? used to. don't live near one any more.

Do you like the country? the country as in the country i live in or in areas outside of the city? of course, i like both, so i guess it doesn't matter.

Do you like Banana Pudding? ummm...i think so.

Do you like to blog? you know, i kind of do. it's the best way i've found to keep in contact with people...and i kinda like the memory keeping and cathartic functions.

Do you read people's About Me's? of course. how else would i know whether i want to be their friend?

anyway, i guess i should wander off to bed. do that sleep thing.


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