well, the Christmas Eve service that i chose was pretty good. didn't get to sing as many carols as i like, but we got enough that i didn't feel totally gypped. by fun coincidence, i also just happened to choose the church where my high school choir director directs the church choir. so i got to say hi to "Captain Kirk", which was really nice. came home and did family Christmas. i got several
Midnight Louie books from my parents, a fabulous book cover from
miz_witch, some good gift cards (Eddie Bauer and Borders!) from my sister, and other good stuff. got my last present today. i have finally joined the 21st century and am the owner of a cell phone! heehee.
anyway, slept in Christmas morning then came for my sock from "Santa" in which i got some chocolate, another book, and a spiffy bouncy ball with swirly glitter inside. we spent the rest of the day bumming around and just being with each other. isn't that what the holiday is about? the only useful thing we did all day was when Mom and i went through and repacked the china that i inherited from my grandmother.
yesterday, we drove over to Prescott. hit Costco, had yummy Mexican food for lunch, and then trolled around the antique stores. Mom sold some of the other antique whatnots we discovered while packing my china. she even made enough money to cover our dinner at Murphy's. yummy yummy.
we went into town today. Dad got me new tires for soon-to-be-my truck (1996 Toyota Tacoma), they got me the aforementioned cell phone, Mom and i went to the gym, and we got dinner at Olive Garden. so having a fun time.
skorzy will get here some time tomorrow evening, so Mom and i are going to clean tomorrow. we're also going to go through some of the junk i've been storing in the other house. can anyone tell me why i thought it was important to hold on to all my notes from my college classes?