Look out world!

Sep 24, 2007 20:49

Ray and Shannon have gone and done it again. Just when we thought that Alex was a miracle baby, a one-off, Shan took an EPT last night. It was positive! She is going to see her doctor tomorrow to confirm things officially.

We concluded that we were going to try and conceive. If it worked, great! If it didn't, it wasn't meant to be. So much for me being clinically sterile. This old gunslinger isn't shooting blanks after all.

In my heart of hearts, I'd like for us to have a girl. We never wanted for Alex to grow up as an only child. I can't help but think he would make a great older brother to a little girl. Boys can get so competitive that I'm concerned that by having two sons at my advanced age, I won't be able to keep up with them.

If all checks out, they will be roughly 2 1/2 years apart. My sister and I are nearly 23 months apart, and things worked out well for our family. But if we have another little boy, that will be great too.

Of course the EPT could be wrong, and I'm writing this all in vain. Stay tuned.

UPDATE: Instead of writing a whole new post, here is the latest as of noon, CST on Tuesday, September 25th.

Shannon is indeed pregnant. The doctor says she is 4 1/2 weeks along, but we feel that 3 to 3 1/2 weeks is probably more accurate. We're not professional doctors or anything, we don't even play one on TV. We will know more once she has her first ultrasound in 2 weeks. She already scheduled one for October 10th, which is a date I simply cannot work with because of my job commitments. If she can change it to the 9th, I can be there to hear the heartbeat and catch a glimpse of our second little gummy bear taking shape.

When she called me after her doctor appointment, she said, "It's a false alarm." I have to say my heart dropped immediately until she laughed and said she was only kidding. Daddy-do (Alex's nickname for me) strikes again! Daddy did is more like it.

new baby?

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