Shiny things

Oct 18, 2010 14:42

I need a new LJ layout. It's been forever since I've made one for myself (longer even than my little trip away from LJ) and I'm getting grumpy at it not looking how I want it to. No shiny banner, no custom CSS to match.

I want a matching user info and default icon too, I think.

If you haven't guessed yet, I am totally in the making graphics type of mood. Now that I've almost completely cut ties with former work and had those months off to sort myself out after they practically hospitalised me, my desire to do graphics again is returning. It's good to know they didn't kill it for me completely.

So. Things to make:

  • New LJ banner
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom User Info
  • Icons

creativity: icons, creativity: graphics, creativity:layouts

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