Why is LJ taunting me with ads for cupcakes?

Oct 18, 2010 08:03

...as if I wasn't craving random baked goods enough!

Work is boring. Granted I've only been here for half an hour and it's not even technically business hours yet. Still far to used to job-from-hell that I keep getting here early/staying late when I don't really have to. It's like LHMU hardwired me to work ridiculous hours and now I can't stop XD. Of course, new work actually pays me for working overtime like A NORMAL JOB SHOULD so I don't mind so much and I am terribly well organised now for someone who's only just started a week ago.

Probably a good thing. If I keep getting here early during November I can work on NaNoWriMo in the mornings before I start doing any work *grins* Speaking of which - started work on cover image for NaNo this year. Haven't quite decided in the definite yet but strongly leaning towards John standing outside 221b with ghost!Sherlock half coming through the front door beside him. Other ideas lean more towards the image compliation side of the scale - still with Sherlock photoshopped half to death (LOL) to be more ghost-like.

I can't believe I am writing 50k for a kinkmeme fill lmao. I guess when inspiration hits, it hits.

creativity: writing, creativity: graphics, work: bored, nanowrimo 2010

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