Oct 19, 2010 08:02
...and it's effing delicious. The toastie is the breakfast of champions and should be revered for it's natural genius. Nom nom nom, bitches!
Yeah I woke up silly XD
Day before auction day and the first auction I am mostly handling on my own. Whoo! Go me! I am in that nice little state of totally not caring which means I will probably panic the hell out later. If my brain gives me the chance to. Which it probably won't since it's been ON since about 4:30 this morning.
Well, if you want to get technical, it hasn't really turned off. I think I got some sleep in but the dreams were epic as usual and I feel like I've lived another life in my sleep again. Only got up twice though! Once to jot down NaNo notes and idea for superhero!Sherlock AU (note to self: kinkmeme reading before bed = less sleep than normal) and once to kick the blankets off and have a bathroom run.
Too much information? Probably. *grins*
Also, randomly, as I sit here typing this I discover I am bleeding. Cut on my arm apparently. Hell if I know how it happened. *grabs tissues* It hurts rather a lot for something that's relatively small. I should probably stop prodding at it. Angle says I probably scraped it getting out of my car though...
insomnia: i can has it,
creativity: writing,
&mumma said to eat right,
random injuries of random,
plotty plot