032 // [VIDEO] // Blue Butterfly Inc.: Now recruiting!

Feb 05, 2011 18:06

[ All viewers who are taking a very close look at Dr Lamb's left hand today may spot the edge of the dressing on her arm. This is merely the measure taken against a minor burn injury and definitely not the beginning of a number of unpleasant long-term effects from something very stupid she did about three months ago ( Read more... )

[c.] edogawa conan, [c.] asakura ryoko, .ic, [c.] hibari kyouya, [c.] sasagawa ryohei, [c.] alex kralie, [c.] seimei aoyagi, [c.] mark meltzer, .video, [c.] yujinn

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video 40410 February 5 2011, 21:19:07 UTC
[ Alex doesn't doubt that she's talking about Markus' little stabbing spree. His mouth is narrowed as he wills himself not to look freaked out.

But what's this? A chance to help Sofia out and feel like he has something to offer the world? ]

I can help. ...I'm not exactly busy.

[ Make the most of your reply, because you've got about one tag left before he spots the dressing. ]


echo_of_utopia February 5 2011, 21:43:07 UTC
[ That burn wound? It had her slightly preoccupied during the actual stabbings, leaving the victims sadly deprived of her caring assistance and loving cross-examination.

Still, she did put two and two together belatedly and does have a very likely suspect now, although she has currently no intention of discussing him without being prompted. ]

Thank you, Alex.

I will contact you again as soon as I know how many others may be helping.


40410 February 5 2011, 22:03:32 UTC

[ He opens his mouth to ask how many needed helping - that is, how many people Markus hurt. Then as subtly foreshadowed he spots the dressing on his friend's arm. And makes an angry assumption. ]

--He went after you?

[ The rampage has made him feel a lot of things towards Markus: anger, betrayal, fear both of him and on his behalf. But in this second, he just wants to deck the guy. ]


echo_of_utopia February 5 2011, 22:15:54 UTC
[ He? At least that clarifies that Alex has probably (at the very least) come to the same conclusion about the culprit. Though why he'd assume that she was attacked as well... I mean, beyond his tendency to assume the worst... will remain a mystery to Lamb for a few more moments.

She shakes her head. ]

He did not. I only know about the injured people on the network. Why would you think--

[ Following his gaze... following his gaze... following his-- ah, there we go. Oh. That. ]

The arm?


40410 February 5 2011, 22:25:22 UTC

[ At least it wasn't him. If Markus attacked Sofia, Alex would - he doesn't know. It's not a confrontation he wants to imagine. He lets out a breath, relief unspooling in his chest. But that doesn't answer the question, the very important question, of: ]

What happened? Are you okay?

[ He seems to be asking that a lot lately. ]


echo_of_utopia February 5 2011, 22:51:49 UTC
Yes, of course. It was only a little kitchen accident, I'm fine.

[ Said with a casual smile and without a single beat skipped. Her alibi was created the moment she put that dressing on and the other story is now perched firmly atop the truth like a persistent alternative reality, ready to reassure everyone... sometimes including herself. ]


40410 February 5 2011, 23:04:26 UTC
[ He searches her face, still worried. But that's because this is Alex we're dealing with here. She hasn't betrayed the truth.

He tells himself to just trust her, for christ's sake. ]

Okay. [ And a 'phew' sound, to show just how not-paranoid he totally is no really. With less urgency: ] What was the accident?


echo_of_utopia February 5 2011, 23:21:20 UTC
[ She raises her eyebrows a little. Just a gentle nudge in the direction of 'That's your idea of small talk? Really?' ]

I was making a cup of tea in the kitchen when music started playing on the floor above. I was distracted for a moment and didn't look where I was pouring the hot water.


40410 February 5 2011, 23:28:54 UTC
[ Hey, give him a break, he's trying! ]

Ow, [ he says in sympathy.

No, that's not all. Give him a moment to line up some socially adept-ish words. ]

I... almost did that with a cheesegrater the other day. ...So you're one point up on me.


echo_of_utopia February 7 2011, 00:11:06 UTC
One point up? [ No worries, it's said with a smile. ]

Perhaps we ought to consider engaging in a safer competition in the future.


40410 February 7 2011, 13:41:48 UTC
[ He doesn't smile - no surprise there - but he does snort quietly. ]

Something boring like draughts. No-one ever died playing draughts.


[ ~MEANWHILE IN THE CLINIC'S MIRROR BEHIND LAMB~] screamsofutopia February 7 2011, 17:48:18 UTC


40410 February 7 2011, 18:26:14 UTC
[ Oh hey, what's happening over on the mirr-- oh.

He breathes out of his nose again, not an amused sound but one like he's been punched in the stomach. The words themselves don't freak him out so much as the realisation that she's lurking there, watching them, listening in.

Sharply: ]

Sof, cover - cover the mirror.


echo_of_utopia February 7 2011, 22:34:21 UTC
[ Lamb turns around and exhales sharply as she spots the offending slogan. She tilts the camera to the side, fetches a sheet and hurriedly drapes it over the mirror.

Then she resumes the camera's and her own position again. ]

I am sorry, Alex. Monitoring all surfaces in the clinic is difficult and... she does not usually make a habit of communicating with me.

[ At some point she did, but that was quite a while ago. ]


40410 February 7 2011, 22:59:46 UTC
[ While the camera's turned away, he shrinks back into his seat. Mirror Lamb is stuck on her side of the mirror; there's been no screeching royal announcement to the contrary. But she's still there, close enough to eavesdrop and to communicate. That's close enough to be threatening.

It stirs up all the not-so-dormant fears. And the feelings he had when he was spliced up during the fear event, the ones he'd rather dash out of existence.

When Sofia reappears on the camera, he jerks, irrationally half-expecting the features of the face to be more unkempt and arranged more viciously. But it's only a small movement. The fear wasn't fresh.

It makes him feel a little better to see the mirror covered over.

Then he realises that he's still hunched, arms crossed over his chest, left hand free and picking at the long sleeve of his checkered shirt. He straightens, lowers his arms self-consciously and looks down at the corner of the screen. ]

Right. It's okay.


echo_of_utopia February 8 2011, 22:31:17 UTC
[ Of course it's okay. As okay as her mirror double is sane. But asking for confirmation would only lead to more denial or at best to an admission to ill-being Lamb has no means of changing.

Or so Lamb believes, which is why she decides that distance from the scene is the only comfort she can offer at the moment. ]

Alex, I will arrange volunteers to work in pairs. I have yet to receive more responses and I would like to call you back once I have found a suitable partner for you. If that is all right with you...?


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