Riley and Cecelia #1

Feb 09, 2009 12:06

As you may recall, he was born in game to Emity and Pirate McSkittles.

Riley's always loved women, from his mom and two sisters, his three cousins whom he's grown up with, to all the lovely girls he's met along the way.

He's also always loved sports and has dreamt since he was a little boy of becoming the best athlete IN THE WORLD!

Once Riley reached college, he took his love for women to a whole different level...

One of his many girlfriends at Sim State was Cecelia. She found out she was pregnant right after graduation and Riley, wanting to do the right thing moved in.

And he's off to a good start, making his woman chicken noodle soup.

But don't get too close while he's cooking! That man should not be allowed to weild a knife, at least not till he gains a few more cooking skill points.

Cecelia is obsessed with dancing. She is constantly at that barre.

Riley does love Cecelia, and is always autonomously doing romantic things.

And he seems to be excited for the baby.

But he's only human, you know, and it's not long before he's back to his old ways. I know he looks like he's feeling guilty here, but that doesn't last long, trust me.
And where, you ask, is Cecelia while Riley's being such a bad boy?

Innocently sleeping alone.
The poor girl has no idea what a dog he is!

Yeah, I told you he didn't feel guilty for long.
I am trying for his 20 woo-hoo lifetime want, though, so I can't let him take all the blame.

Once the random skank is gone, Riley's back to being the perfect boyfriend.

I guess he wants to make this shit legit, because he pops the question early the next morning.
Cecelia: Ooh, shiny!

And about 2.5 seconds later they make it official and tie the knot.

Cecelia: Holy shit, how am I gonna fit into my leotard now?!
She seriously looks disturbed by the size of her belly. Which if I had to fit into the outfits she wears to work, I suppose I would be too.

Riley's lady friend returns and he works his voodoo on her.
Hey, he is a hard worker. When he sets a goal for himself, he makes sure he reaches it. He'd make a great businessman, don't ya think?

Yep, that's right, Cecelia is sleeping again, blissfully unaware.

I'm just wondering what kind of hussy woohoos in the backyard with a guy who's pregnant wife is upstairs sleeping.
Daisy, you are a HO.

Later that night, after all the extra-marital affairs are over, Cecelia goes into labor, sending Riley into a full on panic attack.
Riley: Wait, you're having it NOW?!?! I'm gonna be a dad?!  *hyperventilates*

Meet Milo McSkittles.
It's a boy with Cecelia's skintone, Riley's black hair, and grandma Emity's black eyes.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that Riley is a really good dad. He's always cudding and playing with Milo autonomously, and every single day when he gets home from work the first thing he does is feed Milo a bottle. Even if he's not hungry, which is actually pretty annoying.

Speaking of work, Riley got a job in the athletic career and he seems to be pretty pleased with himself.
He gets a promotion like every day.

And because Riley's cut back on the woo-hoo with women who aren't his wife, and all Cecelia does is practice ballet, nothing much happens until  Milo's first birthday.

Milo's stats.
I know he's nothing like Riley, who has like 1 Nice point and 8 or 9 Out-going, but I don't remember Cecelia's.

Riley continues with his awesome parenting skills.
And check out Milo's cute elf ears! He got them from his dad and granddad, Pirate.

Milo: Dad, no one can set me on my turtle potty like you. You're the best!

Cecelia's a pretty good parent too, she's always feeding and bathing him (also even when he doesn't need it! Grr..). 
And I just have to say, this peek-a-boo interaction is like the cutest thing ever. This was my first time seeing it.

And just when everything looks picture perfect for our little McSkittles family...

Cecelia comes home from work (sporting a very sweet aerobics outfit, I must say) and finds Riley making out with one of his old college girls.
And Riley was doing so well at hiding his cheating, too.

GASP! I didn't know he was a woman beater!
Riley: How dare you catch me cheating on you, Cecelia!

Cecelia seems just as shocked by the woman beating as I was and sends Riley on his way.

Riley tries begging for her forgiveness, but, uh-uh, Cecelia is not having it.

Cecelia seems relieved to have Riley gone (I don't blame ya, girlfriend) and kisses Milo goodnight.

If you read, please leave me a comment! Even if it's something you don't thnk is worth writing...I'd love to hear any feedback! This is my first time ever doing this :)

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