Miley #2

Feb 11, 2009 12:28

Last time we saw Miley...
-she got knocked up by her ex-boyfriend, Riley
-she had an amazing date with Jimmy Phoenix, who fled when she popped at the end of their date

A few days after the date with Jimmy, Miley gets a love letter from him in the mail.

And so, thinking maybe he's over the shock of the way their date ended and is ready for round two, Miley tries calling him up on the phone, only to find this!
Miley: NO F-ING WAY!
Let me tell you, I was so pissed when I saw that.

Miley is determined to track Jimmy down, so she calls up the gypsy once again.
Miley: So, yeah, it'd be great if you could just make Jimmy fall from the sky again, okay?

Miley pays for a couple of blind dates with no luck, so she drinks the renu-you chug or whatever it's called.

Still no luck.
Miley: What is WRONG with you, gypsy? That is NOT Jimmy.

Since the whole matchmaker thing isn't working out, Miley comes up with a new plan and heads to the park, thinking maybe she'll find him at a community lot.

She doesn't find Jimmy, but she does find Cecelia, who is still pregnant with Milo.
Miley decides to have a little fun.
(And p.s. I think that belly rub is the the cutest thing ever.)

Um, probably not the best thing to do to a woman in her third trimester.

Miley burps right in Cecelia's face, trying to gross her out...

...but apparently she has a pretty sick sense of humor because she thinks it's hilarious.

Cecelia: Ew, a booger! LOL!
Yeah, I'm not sure I'd find my husband's baby mama''s boogers so funny.

Then Cecelia and Miley have synchronized near-orgasmic responses to the smell of cheeseburgers.
I see friendship in these two's future.

After visiting several community lots, there's still no sign of Jimmy, but Miley does get a pretty sweet photobooth picture of herself.

The next day, Miley throws a "Hey, I'm knocked up, let's celebrate!" party.
Here's Reed and Gemma, good thing Miley sent him on his way like she did, or this party could have ended much differently...

There was enough conflict as it was, since Samson hates Riley's guts for playing his little sister. I think he scared Riley away, because he left right after this.

Miley grills burgers for everybody, looking very cute and pregnant.
After eating, they play cards, so get ready for some poker-face-spam.

Samson...still wearing his hard hat.
He has other clothes, I swear.


And Reed talking to himself in the background. WTF.

Annnd Miley.

After the party, Miley starts thinking of Jimmy again and has the gypsy come over once more.

This time goes even worse than the last, because lightning keeps striking the trees and everyone freaks out for an hour each time.

Miley takes a pancake-break from the search. still isn't going well.

I've decided that, Gypsy, you fail AT LIFE.

Sometime in the course of the Jimmy-search, Miley goes into labor.
Random guy: Holy crap, I didn't sign up for this when I agreed to a blind date!
Gypsy: Is that a spot? *scrubs magic ball*

It's a boy, named Oliver.
He's got Miley's skintone, Riley's hair color, and his grandma Emity's eyes.

At first Miley seems unsure about motherhood.
Miley: What the heck am I supposed to do with this thing?

But she seems to be catching on fast.

She gets a job in the culinary career track, starting out as a Sous Chef.
Doesn't she look thrilled to be working?

She hires a nanny, Robin, to stay home with Oliver while she's at work, and I am not kidding, she is the BEST nanny I've ever seen in the game. She's always playing with Oliver, cuddling him, and actually taking good care of him-I can't tell you how many nannies I've had just sit and watch TV all day. Robin also cleans's awesome. There's just one problem...

...she always puts the baby on the floor! Which is one of my biggest pet peeves, don't ask me why.

But she always picks him right back up, so I guess it's not that bad.

Miley: Here's $100 for being so freaking sweet!

Miley: Hey, you're pretty cute!
Miley's just about forgotten all about Jimmy since Oliver's been around. And then...

...he returns!

If you read, please leave me a comment! Even if you don't think it's worth writing, I'd love to hear any feedback :) It's my first time doing anything like this...
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