A Positive Outlook on Summer

Jun 27, 2006 10:55

So I feeling better about my summer this week because I got to spend a fabulous weekend at home and my internship is going really well now so I am happy!

Two weekends ago I went to visit Kathy and Chrissy with Brady and that was really fun because both Kathy and Brady got their cartilages pierced (and Chrissy almost did) and we all got to shop and eat and explore all of Ann Arbor together!

Then, this weekend was awesome because I went home on the train and my friend Liz from high school picked me up and we went out to lunch with all of my other great friends from high school for Liz's birthday! We shopped and chatted and hung out and it was really fun to see everyone because it felt like a long time since we all got together. Then, I saw "The Break-Up" with my mom and sister and I thought it was fairly cute and funny and I could certainly relate to the arguments that Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn were having!

Saturday was a lot of fun too because after a dentist appointment and a relaxing pedicure, I went to the Fountain Square art fair with my mom and little sis to pick out art for my mom's new office because she was promoted!! =) After that we went downtown to see "Champions on Ice" and it was sooooo cool! We were only like 8 rows from the ice and it was like seeing celebrities for me! I saw Sasha Cohen, Ben Agosto and Tanith, Victor Petrenko, Michelle Kwan, Rudy Galindo, and my favorite, Evan Lysacek! I thought of all the people I watched the Olympics with at school and how much fun we had watching these people on TV and then I got to see them in person!! Yay!

Then finally, on Sunday, I went to the Chicago Pride Parade with my friend Brent who I had not seen since high school and we met up with a bunch of his friends to enjoy the Parade. It was really fun but tiring. I did get a lot of free stuff though, namely condoms and lube. That night I went to dinner with my parents and Mad for a late Father's Day/Celebratory dinner for my mom.

Now I am back in Kzoo working on my internship. I just had a really positive meeting with my supervisor and the rest of the summer looks like it will be a lot more exciting! So I thought I would update since I am in such a great mood and I had the opportunity to here at the library. =) So now it is back to work and then I get to go home again later this week for my mom's birthday and the 4th of July! Yay! My summer is definitely looking up but I really miss everyone from K =(

Please leave me a message telling me about your summer if you have time!!
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