Jun 12, 2006 00:47
So I guess summer has officially commenced...yet it doesn't feel that way.
The last week of my life has been insane! I finished my finals, headed home for me sister's promotion from 5th grade, came back to finish closing my building, moved all of my shit to various places and today I got to unpack the stuff I am keeping with me for my summer in Kalamazoo! Ah! I am nervous/excited about my summer plans. I am staying in Kzoo to do an internship at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum which is really great for my resume but it doesn't allow me to make any money or spend much time at home which I am mixed about. I am really excited to spend some time on my own and I really didn't want to go back to the hell that was the camp I worked at last summer but I am also concerned about getting lonely here. I am going home for most weekends so that will be good so I can spend time with my family and friends before I head to London in September.
Tonight was a really fun kick-off to the summer at least. After I had unpacked for the most part, Brady and I got some Chinese food and watched Real World in the TV lounge in the basement. I had never really seen Real World before so that was exciting. Then, after a short "Welcome-to-summer-campus-housing-please-don't-do-anything-illegal" speech from the summer RA, Brady and I returned to the TV lounge to enjoy a new ABC Family series called "Falcon Beach." I think that it may be one of the worst shows I have ever seen but I absolutely loved it! You should seriously watch it if you can! It is so ridiculous it is funny. So yeah, the marathon of Falcon Beach is over now so with a slurpee in hand I think I will continue to chill for the rest of the night. It is so fucking weird to just hang out and not feel like I should be doing something. I literally can watch TV for like 3 hours without having something else to worry about or work on at the same time. It is weird but nice!
So I hope everyone enjoys their summers and I hope to try to spend some major hang out time with people before I take off to London!