Back from Barcelona and getting in the swing of things....

Nov 27, 2007 13:29

Barcelona was absolutely amazing!!! I am so happy I went and I was able to see so much in the little time I was there. The weather wasn't completely sunny but it was perfect enough for me. I stayed in a hostel right on the sea! That was incredible in itself. It happened to be the cheapest option and in a perfect location. I watched the sunrise over the Mediterranean two days in a row (more of a cloudy sunrise but still beautiful). I saw Gaudi's work!!! OMG OMG OMG is just incredible. I was in awe every place I went. One nice part about the weekend is I was never far away from an American. I would bump into someone from various places here and there. That was fairly fitting considering how I went to Barcelona to help take my mind off not being home for Thanksgiving.

There were a lot of students traveling like me and I was able to have brief encounters with many. I also met two women from Texas I helped to find their way. (I rather enjoy learning the layout of a city even if I am only there for a short time.) We met outside of the Sagrada Familia (a gorgeous church by Gaudi) and I helped them get to the Metro.We were talking about what I was doing in Barcelona and I explained I went there because I was sad I was unable to be home for Thanksgiving. They thought it was a bit funny I was traveling alone if I was sad about not being home, but nonetheless they were sweet. When we said good-bye one woman said, "Hey" and she held out her arms to hug me. I can not explain the feeling that rushed over me in that moment. It was so sweet and tender. I felt a direct connection to my mom. It was if I was hugging her though this woman. I am not sure if that woman will ever know how much that meant to me.

The only tough part was the plane ride over. I started to not feel well on the plane and I began to experience nausea which isn't common for me. I felt this huge surge come over my body, like I was being carried away on a wave. Then I apparently fainted in my seat. I came to in a foggy haze looking at the person sitting next to me holding my arm and checking my pulse. He was an angel...I was lucky to sit next to him that day. (It turns out he was a lifeguard.) He was completely calm the whole time. He called the flight attendants over and they were quite attentive. They asked if I wanted to move my seat to the back for more air but I just couldn't get out of my seat. While I was "out of it" I felt like I was gushing urine and when I came to I thought may be it was a dream. It wasn't....I peed all over myself!  Not just a little, a lot! I was so embarrassed...but thank goodness no one noticed. I had clothes in my lap I had taken off because I was so overheated. I waited until everyone got off the plane and then explained what happened to the flight attendant. (I wanted to just pretend it didn't happen but I needed to change my clothes and I wanted them to be able to clean the seat for the next person. Another miracle was how the seat was easy to clean because the plane didn't have cloth covers...may be some kind of imitation leather or something.)  I wrapped my sarong/scarf around me  and then walked to the front bathroom. I had brought a change of clothes and I was able to get cleaned up in the airplane's tiny bathroom. I had to ride a bus waiting especially for me from the plane to the airport. The driver was sweet and asked if I was feeling better. I was exhausted afterwards and when I arrived to my hostel I just took it easy. I went to bed early that night and then got up to explore the next day.

I didn't let what happened to me dampen my time there, no pun intended ;-). I saw so many beautiful places and I cherished every moment.  It was so great. I was really proud of myself for doing that for me. I definitely want to go back to Barcelona someday...who knows when but for now I am thankful for what I have already experienced there. <3 <3 <3


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