Need to reconnect with myself...

Nov 18, 2007 15:32

Things I need to do:

- reconnect with me
- move my body more
- get back into my routine of yoga
- start on school work
- eat healthier
- stop being hard on myself
- take care of my needs instead of always putting others before me

I was in a great routine of jogging/walking at least 3-4 days a week. I realized how much of a positive impact this had on my mental health. I have to get back there with no excuses....can't say the weather is too cold because I can layer clothing.....can't say it is too rainy because I have clothes for that....can't say I don't have enough time because I do, I can always make time for at least a half an hour of movement.  I was also doing yoga regularly and mostly I felt so good. I was able to deal with stress much better instead of turning to food. Thus I need to return to this. I just simply allowed myself to fall out of the doing on a regular basis and now I am feeling the need to return. I am also feeling the need to reconnect with me. I bought a ticket to Barcelona next week in order to be by myself. I will be going there for the Thanksgiving kind of as a consolation for not being able to be home for the holidays. How many people can say I spent Thanksgiving in Barcelona?  I will try to move towards taking better care of myself by following what I know I need to do.

taking care of me, working out

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