Busy= school + working + hiking...

Nov 13, 2007 13:21

Well, my life has been very busy with school plus I have started teaching English classes to children and adults. Actually, I have three teaching jobs...one with children who are 7 and 8, one with adults, and then one with a private family for their two daughters who are 10 and 11. I dislike the first one because it is 8 (as of yesterday it became 9) children (7 boys! and 2 girls) in a TINY room. The students are very rowdy and enjoy hitting/talking/bothering their fellow classmates more than listening to me. It is a challenge for me because I spend more time redirected them than teaching. I am trying to use everything I know to make it work but it is still very stressful.... The adult job is much better. I go to a company to teach employees before work. The only downfall of this job is how early it is (7:30). Fortunately, I am a morning person but, unfortunately, I have not been getting enough rest to allow myself to be that natural morning person that I am. The last job is wonderful. I just started with that one yesterday but I can already tell I am going to love it. The girls are so sweet and they are very motivated to learn. The family is great and they pay me well. (I make twice as much with that job as I do teaching the first class!) Although for me, this is not about the money. (It helps because I have been on a fairly tight budget and I don't know what will happen after I graduate.) It is mostly
to acquire different experiences which is definitely happening.

I have been able to take some fantastic hikes in the mountains here. That has been the most incredible part of being in Spain.  I would like to figure out a place where I can upload them easily because I hate to do it one by one on LJ.  (It just takes too much time.)

I love the sensation of reaching the peak of the mountains. To be able to look out and see the mountains continuing on and on is something that fills me with so much joy every time. I have taken one big hike with my partner NT (He came to visit a few weeks ago and that was a wonderful time. It is so hard to be apart from each other.)  We did two peaks in one day with the mountain closest to this city. Then I did a weekend trip with the Hiking Club from my school. Some of my classmates and I signed up and we ended up being the only ones along with three Spanish students from school. It was like our private hiking tour. We took a bus outside of the city and stayed in a house of sorts which was designed more for groups. We hiked the tallest peak of the area that we are in.  The last hike I just did on Sunday. Although the peak wasn't as high for this one, the hike was still taxing. We did three peaks and on the second one we had to crawl over rocks and through thorn bushes to reach the top. It was a scary but exhilarating experience. Hiking with my classmates has been such a fun time. We have really bonded through this time. Now onto the few pictures I had patience to upload from the most recent hike!!!


(The mountain behind me in these pictures below is the one I am on top of in the two pictures above.)


Such Beauty!!!

hiking, work, school

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