This morning The Weather Channel was showing the hurricane may now be going more up the east coast of Florida. Still not good news for Florida…..the entire State will be affected, but perhaps a little less for us on the west coast, if this is true. Also the winds are still 185 mph, they are saying we should be more concerned about winds than the amount of rain. It is so iffy right now, so we just wait.
They bumped up our appointment to get my car fixed from Thursday to this afternoon. We got a recall notice about the wires in the steering column being faulty. So this means I will get my art from the gallery tomorrow instead of today. At least this way, Pete will be able to help me.
It’s very dark and gloomy here right now and raining pretty hard, but this has nothing to do with Irma.
Oh, yeah, and something wonderful has happened!
I always used to get notification in my e mail from LJ when I got a comment, when I got a response to my comment, if one of my friends posted something, or any activity, it seemed. Several months ago, I don’t exactly know when it happened, but I eventually noticed that I was no longer getting any notifications on my e mail….nothing. For awhile I thought no one was posting, then when I checked and saw they were, I thought LJ was doing a little punishment to me because I hadn’t got their new Post Editor and they stopped my e mail notification. So I tried to get into the habit to remember who I commented to and who commented to me so I could reply, but I often would forget and lost track of so many things. Well, yesterday I checked my Spam box looking for something and guess what…..there were the many dozens of LJ notifications that I had missed for the last month! They stated that I had clicked a button saying I didn’t want them anymore, (Why would I do that…..I’m sure I did not). I figured out how to get connected back and it worked! When I opened my email this morning it was so good to see all the notifications there. Sometimes it just the simple things that can lift your spirits! I am a "simple things" kind of girl.
Here's a simple picture from Star Fish Co. This Gull seems to be standing right on the water as he goes after something. It's amazing sometimes how birds are so skilled at skimming the water at the exact right degree!