Tomorrow will mark the day I have been on this earth for 70 years! When I say those words and especially that number, it's like I can't equate it to me. Of course some days I do feel tired and old and my joints ache, but certainly not that old.
Well, I'm not going to say it, or think it anymore. I am young at heart, young in mind and spirit, a pleasant and happy person who wants to do good and be good, see the good in everyone and all situations. Besides, my mantra has been for many years..."I am not my body!" No, I am not, I am what is inside-- my heart and mind and soul.
I'm not going to complain ever about being in my 70s, and I will be proud and lucky to have lived this long. And I am thankful everyday for all that I have and all I can still do.
The buds . . .
A week or so ago I posted a picture I took of a real anole and his clay friend who sits on a table under the oak tree. He's been back every morning and joins me soon after I sit down with my coffee to watch the world wake up. This was yesterday . . .