(no subject)

Apr 29, 2005 15:10

ugh! the world drives me nuts! everyone is so dull and have no mind of their own! they take only what everyone tells them and repeats them like freaking parots. is that what our world has come to? have we become a bunch of colorful birds that can copy? thats why i have friends like racheal. she has and she enjoys using it. i can have an intelectual conversation with her and be able to learn something. (well sometimes i can have a intelectual conversation with racheal, it depends on her mood. he he) and then when someone is different they get pissed of at them because they have no clue what to do with something different! i can't dance randomly in the halls anymore because people think it's to weird and start attacking me. and one more thing! the fact that everyone can't seem to keep to their own lives! i will not put a halo over myself. i am guilty of this as well. but i mean if someone is talking you shouldn't be bothering them. but it gets worse. because then you've got all of the gossip mongers who need to know who did what to who and who is dating who. it makes me sick. here we stand at the brink of the rest of our lives and the popular girl has to know exactly who i'm dating and why. i do not think that i have gone on a date with someone without having someone at my school know about and ask about it. (your lucky no one knows you E.P.!) i mean i get to school and someone i've never met comes up to me and asks about some girl i went out with two years ago. do these people have no other lives?! but i thank god that there exists people like racheal who are different. those who find themselves in mediocrity and work vehemently to become something else! thank you racheal for being so blessedly different!
live long prosper and may the force be with you
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