Oct 11, 2004 11:22
i got a new tatoo that chris hasnt even seen or heard about yet. i had it done last thursday. i covered up my little smiling blue moon because iv always ben bothered by that one. the guy said hed do my lizard next, add one like three more that get smaller and smaller down the line so it kinda looks like that lizards are crawling up my hip, and h said hed fiz up my kitty heads on my boob at the same timefor $140 which is a decent deal. he did my lower back for $90, i think it was a good price, especially considering there was lettering in it.
any rate, i designed the whole thing, the only part he did different was he arched the letters and put a little whispy symbol at the end. but the letters i made up myself, none of the ones in the book quite did what i wanted them too. ill hafta get a picture of it and post it on here though.
ill tell you what, the last time i got that tatoo done, when i was going out with aj 3 years ago it didnt hurt nearly as bad, but i suppose if you feel things much etter with fms...but it was quite relaxing none-the-less and i didnt feel pain for a couple days after that. it was pretty funny. but i'm definitely going to get the rest done, i remember now why i always wanted to get more tattoos, so why not just improve the ones i have?
i need to get a hair cut. my hair is getting to th length that i cant do anything much with excet pull back into pigtails, sei-pigtails, this headband with hairclips attatched to it, and of course, putting a hankerchief over my head. but i still havet decied whtether i want to keep it short. ill give it another week or two.