Justifiable homicide

Jun 09, 2007 21:09

“Help her.”

“Everything has its time and everything dies.”

No matter what she had done, Rose wanted the Doctor to help Cassandra, it was a very human thing to want to do, it was a very Rose thing to want as well. But as the piece of skin that was Cassandra began to creak and split in the heat of the space station all Rose could do was watch.

Those words rang in her head as she stood watching the ‘last’ human crack before them, everything has its time and everything dies. Yes, everything did die, but not like this. It couldn’t happen like this. Then, before their eyes, the ‘last’ human exploded and all they did was watch, the Doctor unblinking, Rose turning away a little at the sight.

The Doctor said it had to happen.


“Get out of the way.”

The gun is pointed at the Dalek but Rose stands between it and the Doctor, turning she sees a desperate fear in the Doctor’s eyes. And there was Rose, stood between the Doctor and the one thing he hated, the one thing he feared more than anything in this universe.

“Rose, get out of the way, now!”

“No! 'Cause I won't let you do this!” As the gun was pointed at her Rose wondered who was the more dangerous of the two, the Doctor or the Dalek who had possibly killed hundreds of people.

“That thing killed hundreds of people.”

“It's not the one pointing the gun at me.” At that moment in time the Doctor was the dangerous one, the look in his eyes, the gun he held in his hands, the way he looked at me, the anger inside of him burning so brightly. The Doctor, saver of many lives and planets, my Doctor, so desperate to destroy the Dalek, to wipe it out of existence for ever, a creature who wanted to kill and conquer once and now all it wanted was sunlight.

“Why do we survive?”

The question repeated in her mind, why did it survive, how could it now, sick and mutating, looking to Rose like a drone to a leader.

“I shall not be like you. Order my destruction! Obey! Obey! Obey!”

“Do it.” Rose ran to the Doctor’s side as the Dalek took its own life, it too it’s life at her command.


“Tell them to fire.” A feeble smile in the Doctor’s direction as she hears Alex telling Torchwood to fire at will.

They jump as green beams shoot up and into the sky, the four of them look at up as the beams meet in the belly of the Sycorax ship, destroying it in moments.

Angry the Doctor moved towards Harriet Jones, the woman responsible for destroying the ship that had been leaving Earth’s orbit.

“That was murder.”

“That was defence. It's adapted from alien technology. A ship that fell to Earth ten years ago.”

“But they were leaving.”

“You said yourself, Doctor. They'd go back to the stars and tell others about the Earth. I'm sorry, Doctor, but you're not here all the time. You come and go. It happened today - Mr. Llewellyn and the Major. They were murdered. They died right in front of me while you were sleeping. In which case - we have to defend ourselves.”


It wasn’t defence, it was murder. The Doctor was right; she had no right doing what she did. All of them dead because of her, every single one of them murdered at her command. Very few times on my travels with the Doctor did he actually ‘murdered’ the bad ‘guy’; in fact I don’t think he ever really did, at least not unless it was a last resort. I don’t think you could ever really say that any kind of murder was justifiable. What kind of person are you who thinks there is? You’re just a killer yourself, no better than any villain; in fact, I think it makes you a lesser person not to find a way not to murder them.

677 wordsm inc quotes from 'The end of the world,' 'Dalek' and 'The Christman Invasion'

dalek, doctor, rotm, justifiable homicide, christman invasion, end of the world

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