
Jun 07, 2007 23:00

“No you’re not, seriously Doctor, you’re not.”

The older man looked at her with a pout of that of a child who had been told he couldn’t take his favourite toy to a friend’s house. “Why not Rose? We all know that there is no party without one.”

“Look, I don’t know what kind of parties you’ve been to but we don’t exactly carry fruit around in our pockets and bring them as gifts to parties.”

“That friend of your mothers did, had fruit in his dressing gown pockets remember, wouldn’t have kept the Earth safe the way I had without it.” He looked at her through his long lashes, “C’mon Rose, what’s it going to do? It’s not like a banana or two is going to start a war or anything now is it.”

She rubbed her neck slowly, “It’s a kid’s party, you’re supposed to give them toys or somethin’ like that, not fruit.”

“But it’s a good source of energy and it’s healthy.”

“You’re just being difficult because you don’t wanna go aren’t you. I told you that you don’t have to come with me, I’ll be a couple of hours and you can stay here and tinker, do what you do best.”

“Now come on Rose, both you and I know that if I leave you alone for more than five minutes you end up getting yourself into trouble and I couldn’t have that now could I?”

“More likely that you’d get yourself into trouble.”

The Doctor huffed at that and turned away for a moment before turning back to face Rose, “Right, then it’s settled, go to this party for a few hours and get seeing your mother out of the way at the same time, grab some milk and then off we go again.”

Rose tilted her head and watched him for a moment before she nodded slowly, “Alright then, if you’re sure.”

The Doctor nodded and watched as Rose made a move for the exit. At this moment he picked up the bunch of banana’s and slipped them into his pockets before heading out after her.

Some time later he was stood eating cake at a party and chattering away to people he didn’t know. It was quite unusual really, this whole domestic thing but he was actually enjoying himself.

“Doctor,” Rose’s voice came from behind, “Doctor I want you to meet Jamie, it’s his party.”

The Doctor turned to look at a small boy who was wearing glasses and looking up at him in awe.

“Hello there.”

Jamie just stared at him, “Right, well, this is going wonderful isn’t it. How old are you?”


“Did you get anything nice?”

Still nothing.

“Clowns, do you like clowns, funny people aren’t they.”

Nope, not a word.

“Right, well…” He glanced at Rose and then back down at the boy, “Oh, I have something for you.” Reaching into his pockets he pulled out the bunch of banana’s, “Happy birthday Jamie.”

The look on Rose’s face was priceless, “Oh Doctor, you didn’t. I told you not to…”

Jamie broke from her hand and took the banana’s from the Doctor’s hand and suddenly burst out into song,

“Bananas of the World
Peel banana, peel peel banana,
Peel banana, peel peel banana,
Shake banana, shake shake banana,
Shake banana, shake shake banana
Go Banana, go go banana,
Go Banana, go go banana
Inky winky, foxy woxy

While he sang he peeled one and promptly began to eat it once he had finished.

Rose looked rather dumb struck, the Doctor looked rather pleased with himself.

Later that night, while the Doctor was tinkering around the console room you could hear him singing under his breath,

“Bananas of the World
Peel banana, peel peel banana,
Peel banana, peel peel banana,
Shake banana, shake shake banana,
Shake banana, shake shake banana
Go Banana, go go banana,
Go Banana, go go banana
Inky winky, foxy woxy

It was a rather catching song.

Rose Tyler
Doctor Who
663 Words

jamie's party, banana's, muse playground, doctor

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