Getting through the storm with my mom was, um, well, "interesting."
She was nervous as hell almost the entire time and whenever the rain would lighten up even a little, she'd announce that those of us in Morehead City were done at that point. Considering the fact that the very active radar image was on TV more often than not, this was absurd. But so much else is, too, in her alternate reality and I stopped saying so after awhile.
Instead, I distracted her by emptying her large, walk-in kitchen pantry and cleaning it out quite thoroughly Sunday afternoon. Once that was done, I reorganized everything and now it'll be easier to keep track of what needs restocking or replacement. Not a glamorous job by any means, but it was better than sitting still and doing nothing, that's for sure.
Most of the media outlets that I've seen since Gabrielle moved on act as if she brought no rain whatsoever. At the DHoC, however, the torrential downpours seemed endless.
The street that my mom lives on flooded out in a big way and so did all of the major thoroughfares. Even Highway 70 was a victim of overwash, but this isn't horribly rare. I saw footage of a few smaller townships where it was even worse, but thanks to the extreme drought, the flooding had cleared up by midday yesterday when I got to come back to my townhouse. Granted, the minute I got home, there were a million things to do and eventually I collapsed into a useless lump, but that's neither here nor there at the moment.
For the sake of discussion, here are some selected rainfall totals based on stats from my favorite local weather guys:
New Bern 1.89"
Havelock 4.58"
Morehead City 7.43"
Keeping in mind that my place in Havelock is only a half-hour drive away from both of those other two locations, it's easy to see how limited the reach of this storm really was.
Now that this is over and done with, this will be the last time I use the Gabrielle and Xena icon that I made to "celebrate" the big event.
If anyone wants a copy, feel free to help yourself, but it will be replaced on my roster later this week. I don't have one of those nifty extensions on my userpic limit, so I need that space for other eye candy.
Changing gears, I wanted to at least mention fanfiction this morning.
I sincerely hope to work on editing the first two chapters of "Breaking All the Rules" this afternoon. Last night, I glanced at them in between laundry, cleaning, etc, and realized they'd make a nice posting run if put up together. It ends with a cliffhanger, though, so maybe it would just be cruel to post it before leaving town the day after tomorrow. Guess I'll wait and see since there's so much to do before going to visit my kids.
A special public announcement:
Way to go,
Why am I congratulating my bro? Well, he made his very first blood donation yesterday and that's more than worth celebrating!
{the llama tosses celebratory e-confetti and then vanishes hoping to actually accomplish something for a change today}