I Want the Weasley Twins as My Astral-Plane BFFs!

Oct 09, 2010 18:10

This time tomorrow, I will be in Orlando.  Possibly at one of the Universal clubs getting drunk, or maybe getting ready to go to bed (possibly while drunk) because we plan to be up hella early on Monday to make the most of our first day at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  If I were any more excited about this, I would cease to be able to function.  As there are things that need to get done before I go, that would be a bad thing.




Seriously damaging my ability to function is "Mark Reads Harry Potter".  Has everyone even remotely interested in Harry Potter read this?  If you have not, do it now.  Basically, it's a hilariously funny guy named Mark who earlier this year decided to read the Harry Potter books for the first time, one chapter at a time, writing reviews of each individual chapter as he went.  He goes into the books knowing almost nothing about the Harry Potter universe, and it's a lot of fun experiencing the books through his point of view, because one thing you can never recapture is the novelty of the first time you read something amazing.  I was aware of his blog shortly after he started, but didn't keep up as he read.  Since I just finished re-reading all the books, I thought I'd go back and read through some more of his reviews, and I'm completely hooked.  I only wished I'd followed along with him when I re-read them.

Just now, I reached his review of "Chapter 17 - Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs", the climactic chapter of Prisoner of Azkaban.  After taking a few minutes to collect myself from the flailing, gasping, drooling puddle of glee that it rendered me into, I decided I needed to make sure that everyone I've ever met has read this.  Please do go read it now.  (If you haven't read the book recently and don't have it memorized word for word, you might want to at least skim the chapter first to follow what's going on.)

harry potter

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