Durmstrang Boys are Hot

Oct 18, 2010 20:45

Back from Orlando!  The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was made of awesome.  Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey might just be my favorite ride ever.  (I do still hold a soft spot for the Indiana Jones ride at Disneyland, and the Haunted Mansion regardless of where it is.)  It was an incredible mix of ride and simulation, and it was easy to forget that you were even on a ride most times.  The best part might have been walking through Hogwarts beforehand.  My friend Robin has a low tolerance for rides, particularly those with simulation, but she still went through the line with me one last time before we left, just to take in Hogwarts.  We found something new every time we went through.  (Like Snape's office door, hidden behind the...well...I'll leave it for other people to find.)

The Hog's Head was another high point.  It was PERFECT.  We retreated there over and over again, enjoying the dark and quiet compared to the crowded park.  Butterbeer turns out to be a cross between cream soda and butterscotch.  Pumpkin juice smells of pumpkin pie but tastes of apple cider (in a good way).  The Three Broomsticks was pretty cool, too, in atmosphere if not menu.  The shops were fun and filled with things that I wanted desparately.  (Unfortunately, they were also filled with people, to the point where later in the day lines would form of people just waiting to go inside.

I did come home with a wand.  Snape's wand.  I looked at the "originals" and didn't find any that I liked.  Sirius's wand was beautiful, as was Hermione's, but it came down to the fact that I like Snape best.  Also, I have come to terms with that fact that I am Slytherin.  On our first day at Disney World, I wore my new green Slytherin shirt with pride.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go back to my non-stop Harry Potter movie marathon.

I miss the butterbeer.

geekery, harry potter

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