Tennis Trip ~ Nine days until I’m off to Cincinnati one more time! I finally got the extra tickets to the women’s tournament sold, and everything else is booked, reserved, or otherwise ready to go. I just need to clean my house, buy some snacks, and pack, and I could leave tomorrow. Okay, maybe not tomorrow…
Work ~ Absolutely swamped. Ridiculous. Short-staffed, but with no one providing any backup. Grr…argh.
Geekery ~ Went to Trek in the Park for the second weekend in a row. I took a different friend, one from work. We ended up running into a bunch of my other friends and all sat together. It was fun, but there were some awkward moments when my other friends accidently told my work friend some things about me that I’m sure she didn’t want to know. Oh well. The show was awesome. There were a ridiculous number of people there. Turns out there will be one last show, at the end of August, at the Bagdad Theater. It will coincide with a showing of Star Trek II - Wrath of Kahn. I will so be there.
Writing ~ Between being swamped at work and busy with other things, I have gotten no writing done in the past couple of weeks. Very frustrating.
Sewing ~ I have successfully completed two dresses, three skirts, two throw pillows and one prairie bonnet. I want to make at least one more sundress for Cincinnati, and tonight I’m going to try out a fun idea for a t-shirt skirt. If it works out, I might convert the idea into a dress.
Television ~ I finally tried watching True Blood, after having the IW pester me for over a year. Meh. I’m much more interested in Sons of Anarchy, which I recently discovered and completely obsessed with, and Being Human, which just start season two on BBC America. SOA hits all my “good men (with guns and tattoos) doing bad things” kinks, and Being Human is just brilliant.
Books ~ I’m on a non-fiction bent right now, and “Blind Descent” (about cave exploration) led me to “Forever on the Mountain” (about the 1967 on Mt. McKinley) and then back to “Deep Secrets” (about the exploration of the Lechuguilla Cave”. It’s safe to say I have a fascination with both caves and mountains. I would love to get into caving, but I really don’t know where to begin.
All in all, I'm happy. I'll be even happier this time two weeks from now.