I'm Off Again!

Aug 10, 2010 09:37

Tomorrow I’m off to Cincinnati!

Our plane leaves at 6am, which means we’re going to try and make it to the airport by 5am, which means I’m going to leave my house to catch the train at 4am, which means I’m going to have to get up around 2am. Ugh. Could be worse. My HLP lives at the very end of the light rail line, and trains don’t go all the way to the end that early in the morning, so she has to take a taxi from her house to a station closer in. If I were her, I’d just take the taxi all the way to the airport, but, hey, so long as she gets there.

I’m pretty much ready to go. Just a bit more cleaning around the house and a couple loads of laundry, for which I need to stop on the way home to buy laundry detergent. I’m also going to try and make it to the flag store before it closes in the hopes of getting Italian (for Fabio), Ukrainian (for Oleksandr / Alexandr), and Kazakhstanian (for Evgeny) flags. Maybe a Latvian one, as well. We’ll see.

I’m planning to be in bed by 10pm. 4 hours of sleep. That’s really the best I can hope for.

I'll be Twittering from Cincinatti again this year, if you want to follow my flailing and squeeing.  You can find me at http://twitter.com/GoddessEclectic.

Have a good couple of weeks!

twitter, tms cincinnati

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