Some boys...

Jan 09, 2003 18:48

Who's racist and sexist and performed in Montreal last night?

Well, probably among lots of others, the Rolling Stones sure as hell are. Among the glowing, drooling stories that I've seen on the group lately, in anticipation of their concert, I've not seen a single critical word written about them. Really, though, they would deserve it as much as anyone else in rock.

Anyway, today I stumbled across some of their lyrics. Here are some choice ones from 'Brown Sugar':

I bet your mama was a tent show queen
And all her boyfriends were sweet sixteen
I'm no school boy but I know what I like
You should have heard me just around midnight

Ah, brown sugar how come you taste so good?
Ah, brown sugar just like a young girl should
I said yeah, yeah, yeah, wooo!
How come you... How come you taste so good?
I said yeah, yeah, yeah, whew
Just like a black girl should
I said yeah, yeah, yeah, wooo!

Am I missing something? Who the hell is 28-year old Mick Jagger (when the song was released) to talk about what young girls and black girls do or should taste like? Seriously, can you imagine a 28-year old white male releasing a song like this today? He'd be labelled a pedophile, no? So why do we put up with it when it's the Rolling Stones, and the song is 30 years old? *Sigh* Maybe I'm just naive.

I've been a sort of passing fan of theirs for a very long time. My dad bought tickets to see them in Toronto when I was nine, and when it turned out that he had to work and couldn't go, he gave the tickets to my mom and I. I took a day off of school, and went to the concert. If my mom had really paid any attention to some of the Stones lyrics, I'm sure she wouldn't have brought me.

rottenfruit has tried to convince me in the past that the boys are evil, but the stuff that she showed me to support her claim just came from such radicals that I couldn't take it seriously. I tried to, really, I did, but it just wasn't happening.

Here are some more lyrics from 'Some Girls':
White girls they're pretty funny
Sometimes they drive me mad
Black girls just wanna get fucked all night
I just don't have that much jam

Chinese girls are so gentle
They're really such a tease
You never know quite what they're cookin'
Inside those silky sleeves

Racist, maybe? Am I overreacting, or is this sick? I can't believe I never heard this stuff in there before.

I wish I'd discovered all of this just a couple of weeks ago. I might've been able to turn it into a comment piece for the Gazette, or something.

I'll do without their music, now.

sexism, racism, rolling stones

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