Crossposted to
thosedamnimsFYI it's a group chat and it's incomplete 'cause posting the whole thing would be rather cruel. So sometimes it's slightly hard to follow and some things seem out of context, but I'm sure you'll get the idea.
All Sta 00: Eb, these lil heffas were tryna tell me I'm in love with Ed
All Sta 00: talkin about he's on my desktop LOL
La Doctress: lol!!!!!!
All Sta 00: my screensaver and ish lol!
La Doctress: welll..... is he? =x
All Sta 00: LOL NO!
La Doctress: LOL
NataForYa: no were trying to tell her about how to get him
All Sta 00: he will be coming to my house one day... wouldn't that be some scary ish/
NataForYa: said she had a buddy icon of him
NataForYa: lol
All Sta 00: LOL no I don't!
NataForYa: LMAO
La Doctress: LOL!!!!!!
NataForYa: she's trying to resize it for lj
NataForYa: :ox
La Doctress: *dead!!!*
All Sta 00: lying ass!
La Doctress: find out he's a section of your BP page
All Sta 00: LOL!!
NataForYa: don't trip off that heffa linda..go light them candles heffa :ox
La Doctress: they call me mellow yellow
All Sta 00: Eb!
All Sta 00: that's another thing
Jael118: hi rosette
All Sta 00: these heffas said I do a daily ritual where I light candles around his pic
NataForYa: lmao @ my nephew watching lifetime
La Doctress: lol@Tari's late ass
NataForYa: :ox
La Doctress: LOL!!!@a shrine!!
Jael118: u ignorant maybe i read slow
La Doctress: wellll........? =x
La Doctress: LOL
NataForYa: i told her to stand on one leg butt naked and bark like a small dog like in coming to america
BeautifulBluBird: lol
NataForYa: he'll come to her
All Sta 00: LOL Eb! >:o
NataForYa: lol
All Sta 00: u see, Eddie Murphy didn't like that girl
La Doctress: put your period in his food =x!!!
All Sta 00: why u think it's gonna work on me
NataForYa: EWW
NataForYa: lmao
Jael118: LOL
BeautifulBluBird: omg lol
NataForYa: let me not eat nothing that heffa makes
La Doctress: lmao
All Sta 00: LOLLLLL
BeautifulBluBird: lol be a surprise in every meal
La Doctress: i don't want YOU to fall in love with me heffa!!
NataForYa: "here's some pink mashed potatoes"
Jael118: hed get lots of iron
Jael118: be strong and shit
La Doctress: *dead!!!!!*
All Sta 00: LOLLLLLLLL ::dying::
All Sta 00: ::about to cry::
NataForYa: i like that slogan rosette.."surprise in every meal!!"
BeautifulBluBird: lol
BeautifulBluBird: i try lol
All Sta 00: LOL Tari ::late::
NataForYa: big ass blood clot steak :ox
All Sta 00: LOL @ lots of iron
BeautifulBluBird: omg
Jael118: ok now thats enough
NataForYa: lmao
BeautifulBluBird: get it extra rare
All Sta 00: "it's rare, Ed... it's rare"
All Sta 00: :-X
La Doctress: omg!
Jael118: yall are nasty
La Doctress: LOL
All Sta 00: that's EB!
NataForYa: that's some secret sweetie :-D
All Sta 00: it wasn't me
NataForYa: *not eating nothing eb makes*
La Doctress: it was a suggestion!!!
NataForYa: lol
La Doctress: lol
BeautifulBluBird: lol