Do any of you hear voices when you read LJ? Like when I read coolfreshair's journal I hear her accent. And of course I hear the voices of those whose voices I know when I read their entries. But I've also created voices in my head for some of you. Like Nia and Timmy. I wonder if my voice for folks is totally off to how they really sound. Do any of y'all hear a voice for me when you read?
I've started this entry where I ask everyone on my FL a question, but I'm already losing interest in it, so I might chuck the idea and do a remake of
this list.
My cousin Cat called me talkin bout if I don't show up for x-mas dinner, she gon "beat my butt." LOL!
I'm noticing a larger amount of folks saying something along the lines of "I won't let no white, fat man take the credit for what I bought!" Which is funny to me 'cause I remember my mother once reprimanded a muslim woman for not "giving her children a christmas." lol! What would that be called? Religionism? Where you assume your religion is "right" and base everyone's actions off of that? Or would it just be called Americanism?
Anyway how do y'all feel about Santa? Eb, herself, personally, is not trippin either way. I have some great memories about santa and x-mas (or as Micha calls it "givemas" LOL!!). And those memories were heightened when I realized santa wasn't real. I realized my family went through so much to make those nights magical for me. I actually appreciate the effort they put into keeping up the illusion for me. But it's not necessary either. Eh.
Also anyone feel strongly about Thanksgiving? I know my brother, Eunique has had multiple thoughts about it. At one point he hated it and refused to participate, then recently he changed his mind (I think the food changed his mind FOR him). Again, I just don't care. I could chill at home watching March of the Wooden Soldiers and be fine.
Sarah Jessica Parker is NOT cute. Uma Thurman is NOT cute. It needs to be said! Penelope Cruz.......................................=( Call me a hater. "I'll be dat" -Reggie Noble
Lonnie Lynn IS cute. =D
Unspoken Heard is such a tight name for a group. Especially since they're underground.
Ever wonder if folks can really see you?
"You're the part of heart that is soul." That is an amazing line. He is slacking!!!
Ok I'm stalling to end this.