Part 2!

Nov 28, 2004 10:50

Crossposted to thosedamnims

I'm a lil late, but neither of these entries are for the squeamish.

La Doctress: according to those that i know of that did it
La Doctress: you can't Tari
Jael118: u actually KNOW people who did this shit?
La Doctress: you better be ready to marry that mofo
NataForYa: lmaooooooooo @ tari
All Sta 00: LOL Tari, u know?
NataForYa: really though
Jael118: lol i wouldnt never do that shit ever then
NataForYa: he'll be like on the craft "i love you but i don't know why but i do"
All Sta 00: lol hmph
Jael118: until they come up with something to reverse it once i get sick of his ass
NataForYa: i'd do it to T.I. :-X
La Doctress: an associate of mine and a friend of Q's supposedly did it
All Sta 00: :-\ TI ain't worthy
All Sta 00: one hit wonder mofo
All Sta 00: :-X
NataForYa: "but i love you tari...i love you so much i'll eat ya period" oops
NataForYa: :xo
La Doctress: when they broke up he went stalker on her ass
Jael118: ti got three hits damnit!
All Sta 00: LOL Eb!
NataForYa: i think it was on a tv movie!
La Doctress: allegedly yeah
All Sta 00: that's what she gets!
La Doctress: i never asked her myself
NataForYa: he got three hits?
NataForYa: i would have
NataForYa: like u nasty ho..did u do that?
NataForYa: don't eat at her house eb
La Doctress: but i have no reason to think Q would lie about that
NataForYa: lol
La Doctress: LOL
All Sta 00: Eb, you need to identify this person and report her... :-X
La Doctress: she don't want ME to love her!!
La Doctress: and i think she learned her lesson
All Sta 00: so that she doesn't enter the food industry
Jael118: lol @ linda talkin bout calling the police
NataForYa: an instant lesbian
NataForYa: "i wanna lick ya coochie but i don't know why but i do"
La Doctress: that is not a crime!!!
NataForYa: linda is a snitch!
La Doctress: where is the law agains puttin period on food!?!?!
All Sta 00: she damn near did anyway ;-x
NataForYa: it's a moral crime but not a police crime
All Sta 00: that's contamination!
NataForYa: period is good for u
La Doctress: *dead*
NataForYa: lol
All Sta 00: u dunno what type of bacteria and ish mofos have
NataForYa: lawddddd
Jael118: he gon end up with a yeast infection of the mouth
La Doctress: he is alive so her shit was cool
NataForYa: it don't come out in ur period blood..i don't think
La Doctress: he's alive and stalkin!!
All Sta 00: LOL just foaming...
Jael118: was his tongue white though
All Sta 00: and itchin
NataForYa: only thing u passing is an egg..maybe the egg will plant itself in his neck or something
Jael118: lol
La Doctress: LMAO!@Ray!

Jael118: ima do it yall
La Doctress: LOL
NataForYa: lmao
Musikmanmike: lol, hey
Jael118: and see what happen
All Sta 00: now, we have to stop talking about periods :|
La Doctress: do it Tari!!!!!!!
All Sta 00: :-X
La Doctress: YES!
NataForYa: you gonna be on 60 mins is what's gonna happen
Jael118: lol sike nah
All Sta 00: LOL Tari, u already got g!
La Doctress: Scientific experiment!!!
Musikmanmike: nah, you dont have to
La Doctress: this shit is research!
Jael118: ill try it on some random mufucka
Jael118: ooooh ill put it in th eketchup at wendys
La Doctress: rut roh
All Sta 00: LOLLLLLL
La Doctress: *DEAD*
Musikmanmike: lol, right when i was bout to ask what y'all was talkin bout too...
Musikmanmike: think i jus figured it out
All Sta 00: mofos won't even know who to fall in love with
Jael118: lol that will be the true test then
Jael118: ill just sit back in the corner and watch and see what happen
All Sta 00: "Why this ketchup got a metallic taste?"

NataForYa: my boyfriend won't hump me on my period..he's like get off my dick with your period ass
Musikmanmike: LOL
NataForYa: my friend's boyfriend calls her crabby patties..LOL
Jael118: LOL
NataForYa: when she's on her period
La Doctress: LOL!!!!!!!!!
All Sta 00: LOLLLL
Musikmanmike: lol, these dudes is wrong...
NataForYa: "i dont' want no crabby patties" lol
La Doctress: it's not that bad
Musikmanmike: lol!
All Sta 00: LOL!!!

La Doctress: that seasonale shit sound good
La Doctress: 4 a year?
Jael118: im tryna get that for real
La Doctress: but the side effects be scarin me
La Doctress: "may cause bleedin out yo ears and shit"
NataForYa: lmao
Musikmanmike: LOL
Jael118: i tried to switch to it but it was like 100-somethign bucks
All Sta 00: 4 a year ... but what if u get it for the whole month? lol
NataForYa: exactly!
La Doctress: nah playa i'll take my monthlies
Jael118: lol u dont

Jael118: i wish u could take a vaccuum on the first day
Jael118: and just suck all that shit out and be done
All Sta 00: LOL u know?
La Doctress: lol!!!@Tari

Jael118: having it on new years eve should be illegal
NataForYa: okay i thought so..i took them back when i realized they weren't name brane
NataForYa: brand*
La Doctress: i never had it on nye
NataForYa: that should be illegal tari
La Doctress: that would fuck with my drunkness
All Sta 00: me neither
Jael118: i was supposed to last year
Jael118: but i skipped that shit lol
Musikmanmike: lol
La Doctress: havin to change pads in the club bathroom and shit
All Sta 00: LOL @ she skipped it
All Sta 00: "I choose not to have it this month. PASS!"
NataForYa: i was suppose to go to a party last year too but i was like my cramps is kicking and i couldn't wear no jeans..i said screw that
Jael118: lol i looked at my pack and at the calendar and said nah homie
La Doctress: lol!

Musikmanmike: O:-)
La Doctress: =/
Musikmanmike: lol, im jus playin about the whole preference thing. but serious, i know a few people who like the taste of it tho
La Doctress: *snatches off that halo*
Musikmanmike: LOL!
Musikmanmike: im sayin, those were the exact words tho!
Jael118: lol
La Doctress: "i like the taste of it"?
Jael118: in small quantities i can see someone saying that
Musikmanmike: well, actually she said "i just like the taste of it"
Musikmanmike: i mean, not like she took a keg or nothin
Musikmanmike: dang
Musikmanmike: lol
La Doctress: LOL@a keg

Musikmanmike: matter fact, i knew of this girl who's ex had once told her somethin along the lines of "this dont taste like chicken". lol, and it was her first time gettin ate out too. think it scarred her for a while..
La Doctress: aaaawwww
Jael118: aww damn
La Doctress: asshole
Musikmanmike: yea, they broke up tho, and i believe she gettin treated much better these days..
La Doctress: don't go down there then
La Doctress: shit! complainin.
Musikmanmike: thas ma point about the whole thing
Musikmanmike: it's worse to do it and hate it than to not do it at all
La Doctress: i dunno.........
Musikmanmike: lol!!
Jael118: i wouldnt want no dude who wasnt feeling it to do it anyways
La Doctress: "they gotta learn they gotta learn"
Jael118: lol


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