With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 29, 2007 03:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 27/47
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: PG-14, maybe.
Summary: A change in plans, and unexpected gift, leading to a very important decision.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: Small warning of angst.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26

Chapter 27

In what feels like a blink of an eye, the day of the convention in London is upon them, and after breakfast, Billy reluctantly carries his suitcase out from the bedroom to the foyer.

“It’s not too late,” he tells Dom wistfully, their fingers lacing together. “You can still change your mind and come with me.”

“Don’t tempt me,” Dom replies, the longingly clear in his expression. “You know I would if I could.”

“I know.”

“It’s just a few days, Bills.”

Billy sighs. “I know.”

“You better get going,” Dom tells him after glancing at the clock. “I need to leave early to catch my bus.”

“Before I go, I want to give you something,” Billy says, walking into the kitchen and opening the fridge.

When Billy returns to where Dom is waiting for him, he’s carrying half a dozen, pale lavender roses in a small vase.

Dom’s eyes widen with surprise. “When did-”

“These represent the three days I’ll be away from you,” Billy says gently, offering the bouquet to his stunned lover. “One for each day and each night that we’ll be apart. You can look at them and know that I’m thinking of you. Missing you.”

“Bills, they’re lovely,” Dom breathes, dipping his head to inhale the delicate scent. “I’ve never seen flowers this color before.”

“They’re sterling roses,” Billy explains. “Thornless.”

“Thank you. I love them. I really do.”

Carefully setting the vase on the small foyer table beside him, Dom then curls into Billy’s waiting arms for a tight hug and a lingering kiss.

“I’ll call you tonight,” Billy promises when they part.

“Drive carefully,” Dom requests.


Even though Dom hates to let Billy go, he forces a smile, waving and blowing a kiss as the older man drives away. With a heavy sigh, he heads back upstairs to make his lunch and gather the books he needs for his classes, but when he opens the fridge, he breaks out into a genuine smile. Attached to his already packed lunch is a note from Billy.

Miss you already.


The three words make his heart pang, and Dom carefully tucks the note inside his lunch kit where he can look at it again later. Glancing at the clock, Dom realizes he needs to run or he’ll be late, and he’s on the bus when he discovers another note, this one tucked into the pocket of his coat. To know that Billy has made such an effort to cheer him up while they are forced to be apart keeps a smile on Dom’s face for the rest of the day, as well as his own plans that Billy will soon be discovering.

Dom returns home just after two o’clock that afternoon, and is surprised to discover Mark pacing the length of the shop, looking rather stressed and lacking in his usual good mood. At first Dom thinks that perhaps the shop has been busy and he was overwhelmed, but when he notices the other man checking his mobile and gnawing on his lower him, he decides to inquire further.

“What’s going on?”

“Oh, it’s nothing,” Mark replies quickly. “I’m fine.”

“You’re full of it,” Dom says matter of factly. “Something is obviously on your mind. A blind man could see it.”

“Emily’s dad was taken to hospital this morning,” Mark finally says after a long moment. “She’s there now, with her Mum, and she’s scared and I don’t know how to help her when I’m here and-”

“Get your coat,” Dom instructs. “You can call her from the train station and tell her that you’re on your way.”

“Dom, I promised Billy-”

“Don’t worry about the shop,” Dom interrupts. “I’ll take care of it.”

“But Billy’s counting on me to make sure everything runs smoothly. I told him that I could-”

“Shut it. You covered my shifts on more than a few occasions. Let me return the favor,” Dom requests. “I’ll take care of things here. You go be with Emily. She needs you.”

Releasing the tense breath he’s been holding, Mark finally relents with a shaky nod, and heads for the office to gather his things, Dom following a short distance behind.

“I’ll call to let you know how things are going,” Mark promises as he winds his wool scarf around his neck. “Em didn’t know if they were going to keep him overnight or what. They were running tests and-”

“If you get a chance,” Dom says soothingly, giving Mark’s shoulder a gentle squeeze. “And give my love to Emily, yeah?”

“I will. Thanks again.”

Ushering the other man out the door, Dom takes a few moments to quiet his mind and send some positive thoughts to Emily and her family, and then gets to work in the shop. Between customers, he successfully attempts to complete some of his reading for school, and is thankful that he opted to come home, rather than spend the afternoon at the library. Mark calls just after half five to tell him that Emily’s dad has been admitted to the hospital, as his doctor’s believe he has suffered a stroke. Again, he thanks Dom for insisting that he leave, because Emily is having a very difficult time, and was greatly relieved when he arrived at the hospital to offer his support.

Even though he’s glad to be able to help out in an emergency, Dom is relieved to see six o’clock arrive, so he can lock the doors and head upstairs for something to eat, not to mention, have some peace and quiet. While his dinner is warming in the microwave, Dom calls a couple of classmates that he’s befriended, and arranges for them to take notes for the classes that he’ll miss tomorrow, and then leaves messages for the professors of those classes as well, informing them of his absence. While he knows that Billy would tell him just to close the shop until he gets back, Dom feels confident that he can manage for a day or so, and make up the work after Billy returns home. Considering all that Billy has done for him, it’s a small sacrifice.

The flat seems so empty and lonely without Billy’s warm presence, and when Dom can’t bear to sit at the kitchen table to eat alone, he quickly decides that the bedroom will be a much more inviting location to dine. Plate in one hand and glass in the other, he nudges open the bedroom door, surprised to find it closed, and after turning on the light with his elbow, his gaze lands on the bed. A photo that Dom took of Billy in London rests on his lover’s pillow, and there is a small, folded piece of paper beside it. Intrigued, Dom slides the glass and plate onto the night stand for safekeeping, and then he stretches out across the bed to bring the two items closer.

For a moment, Dom gazes fondly at the photo and then turns his attention to the accompanying note, written in Billy’s small, neat print.

You’re never far from my thoughts, and you’re always in my heart.

Blinking away the excess moisture filling his eyes, Dom pulls the picture and note to his chest for a moment, over his heart, and upon deciding that he wants to keep the memento close, he opens the top drawer of his night stand and tucks the items into the pages of his journal. The urge to call Billy is strong, but Dom resists, afraid that he’ll give away the surprises he’s arranged for his lover while he’s in London. Instead, Dom eats his dinner before it gets cold, and sprawls out on the bed to finish his homework, the faint aroma of Billy’s after shave serving as some comfort.

Glancing at his watch from time to time, Dom can’t help but wonder when Billy will call, as he promised this morning. While part of Dom feels that he should tell Billy about what happened in the book shop today, he knows that it will cause unnecessary stress. Finally, after much deliberation, Dom decides that the details can come out later, when he can show Billy how he managed just fine, and he’ll deal with the consequences then.

Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Dom resumes working on his homework, fingers tapping out a staccato rhythm on the keyboard of his laptop. The paper he’s writing isn’t due for another week, but the work is helping to distract him from the fact that Billy hasn’t called yet. Dom tells himself that it’s still early in the evening, that he knows from first hand experience that the convention requires a lot of time, and Billy will call as soon as he can.

After all, he promised.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Using his body weight to push open the hotel room door, Billy stifles a yawn as he almost stumbles inside, arms full of brochures and order forms, utterly and completely exhausted. From the moment he arrived, he’s been on the move. Truth be told, Billy should’ve traveled to London yesterday, but he couldn’t bear the idea of spending an additional night away from his lover. As a result, his first day has been very long and arduous.

Emptying the armload of material onto the table by the window, Billy heels off his shoes before tumbling face-first onto the bed, exhaling a heavy sigh of relief and exhaustion. Right now, Billy would love to have a cup of tea before settling in for the night, but considering how tired he is, he can’t be arsed to go down to the restaurant. Forcing himself to grab a sandwich late in the afternoon was enough of a challenge. Tea will have to wait until tomorrow morning. Billy rolls onto his back and scrubs his hands over his face before sitting up and shifting on the mattress until his head is resting on the pillow. Once he’s comfortable, Billy digs out his mobile, and presses the speed dial number for home.

“Hi Bills,” Dom murmurs in greeting, his soft tone flowing over Billy in gentle waves.

“How did you know it was me?” Billy inquires, a lazy smile curling up the corners of his mouth.

“I know you,” Dom says simply. “A man of his word.”

“So how was your day?”

“It was all right,” Dom replies absently. “I’d rather hear about you.”

“Busy,” Billy tells him. “I’m looking forward to spending quality time with my pillow.”

“Oh, okay.”

“But not before I talk to you for a while,” Billy adds, hearing the uncertainty in Dom’s voice. “I miss you, Dommie.”

“Miss you, too.”

Billy opens his mouth to speak, but pauses when there is a crisp knock at the door of his hotel room.

“Hold on a sec, Dommie,” Billy says as he rolls off the bed, groaning at his protesting muscles. “There’s someone at the door.”


Curious at who would be knocking on his door at ten o’clock at night, Billy checks the peephole first, and is surprised to discover a young female standing in the hall, who appears to be a hotel employee, judging by her uniform. Holding his mobile to his ear, Billy opens the door with his free hand.

“Good evening, Mr. Boyd,” the girl chirps, a cheerful smile lighting up her delicate features.

“Uh, good evening.”

“I have your tea,” she tells him, looking down at the tray she’s holding.

“There must be some mistake,” Billy replies. “I didn’t order-”

“Bills,” Dom interrupts. “Take the tea.”


“I ordered it for you.”


Almost dazed, Billy accepts the tray and steps back into the room, belatedly thanking the girl who’d delivered it as the door swings shut again.


“I thought you might like it, considering you probably had a pretty hard day,” Dom explains. “So drink up.”

“Thank you, Dommie,” Billy murmurs tenderly, sliding the tray onto the top of the bureau. “It’s exactly what I wanted.”


Billy takes a few moments to prepare his cup of tea, sending up a prayer of thanks to whoever placed the tea bag in the pot so it’s now steeped and ready to be served. Milk is added to the cup, and then honey, Billy stirring slowly when he asks, “Are you in bed, Dommie?”

“Laying on it, but not actually in it,” Dom replies. “Why?”

Forgetting that Dom can’t see him, Billy shrugs. “Just wondering.”

“Do you want me to be?” Dom teases, his voice low and seductive. “I can, you know.”

“Not tonight, love,” Billy almost begs, cradling the cup of tea in one hand and walking over to the bed. “I just don’t have the energy for phone sex. Truthfully, I’m about to fall over.”


Stretching out on the mattress once again, Billy sighs and then takes a sip of the fragrant tea, smiling as the soothing liquid flows down his throat.

“But,” he adds, “I would like it if you’d reach under your pillow.”

The odd request peaks Dom’s curiosity, and he rolls over on his stomach, tugging down the green coverlet with his free hand, and when his long fingers find an envelope, Dom smiles.

“Did you leave me another present?” he asks with a laugh. “I found the notes you left with my lunch and in my coat.”

“A present?” Billy repeats, considering the description. “Sort of.”

“Can I see what it is?” Dom asks, peering at the item and wondering what might be inside.

“Aye. Open the envelope,” Billy instructs.

“Okay. Hold on.”

Shifting so he’s sitting cross-legged on the bed, Dom wedges the cordless phone between his ear and his shoulder as he breaks the seal on the large white envelope. Peering inside, Dom arches an eyebrow when his gaze lands on several smaller envelopes.

“Okay, it’s open.”

“Empty it out,” Billy says. “Onto the bed.”

When Dom does so, he discovers that each envelope has a day of the week written on it.

“There’s one for each day,” Billy explains when Dom is silent. “I thought you might like to read them right before you go to bed. They’re just some thoughts I have, about you and me, things I want you to know.”


“Of course, if you want to read them all tonight, I can’t really stop you-”

“I won’t do that,” Dom vows. “I’ll read one each night, and it’ll be the last thing I do before I go to sleep.”

“All right, then.”

Dom’s voice is soft and intimate as he says, “Thank you, Bills.”

“You haven’t read them yet,” Billy protests, heat warming his cheeks.

“They came from you,” Dom tells him. “That means I’ll love them.”

“Wish you were here,” Billy muses softly. “Bed seems awfully big without you.”

“If it helps, I’ll be there for the next one in July,” Dom replies gently. “Unless of course, Mark’s found a job by then and you need someone to run the shop.”

“What?” Billy asks, his brow furrowing.

“He graduates uni in a few months, Bills,” Dom points out. “He’ll have his degree and will probably try to get a job closer to Emily, if he’s not looking already. That’s my guess, anyway.”

“You’re right,” Billy says, disheartened and resigned to another trip away from Dom, and also realizing that he’ll need to hire someone new to work in the shop. “I totally forgot that about that.”

“It’s okay, Bills,” Dom soothes. “It’s getting late and you’re tired. We can talk about it another time. It’s months away.”

“Aye,” Billy agrees.

“I should let you go so you can get some sleep.”

“I suppose,” Billy reluctantly agrees. “I still need to unpack.”

“If you can manage to take a shower, you’ll probably sleep better,” Dom suggests. “You’ll be warm and clean.”

“But I won’t smell you anymore,” Billy adds sadly. “All day I had your cologne on my shirt. On my skin.”

“Check your luggage, Bills,” Dom tells him, his voice tender, almost caressing his lover through the phone line. “I packed something to help you sleep.”

“Thank you, love.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’ll call you tomorrow,” Billy promises. “Earlier. Around seven?”

“I’ll look forward to it,” Dom tells him. “Sleep well, Bills.”

“You, too.”

“Love you.”

“Love you more,” Billy adds, smiling at his lover’s soft laugh. “G’night Dommie.”

“’Night Bills.”

Reluctantly ending the call, Billy sets his mobile and cup of tea on the night stand before getting to his feet and walking over to his suitcase. With a grunt, he heaves the awkward bulk onto the bed and opens it, only to smile tiredly and wish that Dom was with him. Spread out over his carefully folded clothing is Dom’s black Beatles t-shirt, and when Billy brings it to his face, the scent of papaya washes over him, soothing away some of the stress of the day.

Grabbing a clean pair of boxers, Billy disappears into the loo for a quick shower, and when he returns to his suitcase, he tugs Dom’s t-shirt over his head, settling it against his body. It’s only when he’s petting the soft cotton that Billy notices something tucked into the storage pouch at the back of his suitcase. Curious, he sits on the edge of the bed and pulls the item out to investigate, and is surprised when he discovers that it’s a notebook with an envelope on top, the two items held together with a rubber band. The envelope has his name written on it, while the notebook is one that he recognizes as what Dom uses for his journal, and keeps in the top drawer of his night stand. Other than knowing that it exists, Billy knows nothing of what it contains, accepting that the journal is for Dom’s private thoughts, and is not for his eyes.

Leaving the notebook for the moment, Billy focuses on the envelope on top, and slips his finger under the flap to break the seal. He withdraws the single page, and focuses on the words, curious as to what Dom has done.


I know sometimes I’m not very good at expressing myself when
it comes to you and me, and I want to do something about it.
It bothers me that you wonder if I’m wavering about us getting
married, because that couldn’t be further from the truth. I
know what I want. I want you. I find myself trying to come up
with the words to express it, but I’m never satisfied with what
comes out.

I’ve decided to try a new approach. Attached to this letter is
a journal that I’ve been keeping since we became us. I started
it a few days after we made love for the first time, because I
didn’t want to lose the memories of that incredible experience.
I wanted to keep every detail close to my heart, and since I
couldn’t trust my brain to remember it all, I wrote it down.
Written in this journal you will find every first we’ve shared,
how those amazing experiences have helped shape me into the
man I am today, and give you an inside look at the immense
love I have for you.

I hope that by reading my thoughts about how we’ve grown
together over the last year, it will ease your concerns. I
also hope it will show you that while I may be taking it slower
than you expected, every single day I grow closer to you. I
guess it all comes down to the fact that you’re the first man
who ever loved me, and I plan on you being the last.

I love you, Bills. Always.


Jaw dropping open in shock, Billy carefully sets Dom’s letter to the side and stares at the cover of the journal for endless minutes, unable to move. He’s overwhelmed by the trust that Dom has just bestowed upon him, in sharing something so intensely personal. Touched by the gesture, Billy lovingly strokes the front cover and then picks up the letter to read it again.

Finally, Billy realizes that it’s getting late, and he has another very long day ahead of him tomorrow. He really needs to get some sleep. After placing the letter and journal on the night stand, Billy quickly empties his suitcase, hangs up his clothes, and then shuts off all the lights, the lamp next to the bed being the one exception. Billy pulls back the coverlet and sheet and settles on the mattress before bringing his cup of tea closer to take one final sip. The empty cup is returned to the night stand, and then Billy picks up the journal, unable to resist it, despite his exhaustion.

Taking a deep breath, he opens the cover and begins reading the first entry, detailing that first night, when Dom confessed his feelings for Billy, and the events that eventually lead to them making love. The innocence, joy and wonder in Dom’s descriptions of the emotions and sensations that he experienced that night cause Billy’s eyes to glisten, as the words touch him deeply, all the way to his soul.

Even though he hates to admit it, even to himself, Billy was beginning to wonder if perhaps he’d proposed too soon, and feared that Dom couldn’t bring himself to tell Billy that he has doubts. The fact that Dom is sharing his most intimate thoughts all but smother Billy’s concerns, and sinking down into the pillow, he drinks in the words spread out over numerous pages, describing every moment of that first encounter, until he comes to the end and forces himself to close the journal. There is so much more to read, but it will have to wait until tomorrow night.

Placing the journal on the night stand, Billy switches off the light and burrows under the coverlet, Dom’s tender words flowing through his mind. As Dom’s scent envelops Billy, he closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep, knowing that he’ll have pleasant dreams.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

In the morning, Billy is showered, shaved and buttoning his shirt when there is a knock at the door. Recalling what happened the night before, when a cup of tea was delivered to him, Billy smiles as he walks over to answer it. This time, a young man is waiting, holding a tray similar to the one Billy received last night, but there are more items on it.

“Good morning, Mr. Boyd,” he says with a cheerful smile. “I have your breakfast.”

“But I didn’t order-”

“Courtesy of Mr. Monaghan,” the young man adds quickly. “To ensure that you have a good start to your day.”

Touched by what his lover has done, since he can’t be there in person, Billy’s heart flutters, and he smiles. “I see.”

Billy starts to reach into his trouser pocket to pull out his wallet for a tip, but the attendant shakes his head.

“Everything has been taken care of, Mr. Boyd,” he explains. “Including the gratuity.”

“All right then,” Billy says as he accepts the tray. “Thank you.”

“You’re quite welcome, sir. Enjoy.”

After a quick nod, the young man leaves, and Billy turns, letting the door close behind him as he carries the tray over to the bureau. When he lifts the lid, he breaks out into a smile at the sight of a bowl of porridge, as well as a cup of tea with milk and honey. Once again, Billy is moved by Dom’s thoughtfulness, doing all he can to express his love, even when he can’t be there to do it in person.

Scooping up his mobile from the night stand, Billy calls home, but when the answering machine picks up, he looks at his watch and realizes that Dom is probably already on his way to school. Hanging up, he then calls Dom’s mobile, hoping that the younger man remembered to take it off the charger this morning. It wouldn’t be the first time that Dom’s forgotten the phone at home. The line rings several times, and Billy is losing hope, but then thankfully the call is answered.

“Hello?” Dom asks, his voice muffled, the phone line crackling heavily.

“Good morning, my love,” Billy says warmly.

“Hello?” Dom repeats. “Bills, is that you?”

“Aye, it’s me.”

“I can hardly-”

Abruptly, the line goes dead, and after hanging up, Billy dials again. This time, however, the call goes directly to voicemail, and Billy is forced to leave a message.

“Dommie love, that was me, calling you,” Billy says tenderly. “I wanted to say thank you for breakfast, and that it was such a sweet surprise. I love you, and I hope you have a good day. Talk to you tonight, love.”

Reluctantly ending the call, Billy glances at his watch and realizes that he needs to get going, as the convention will be starting up again very soon. He clears off the table by the window, piling the paperwork on the other chair, and then sits down to enjoy his breakfast, not wanting Dom’s gift to go to waste. Once the bowl is empty and tea swallowed down, Billy finishes getting ready, carefully tucks Dom’s journal into the top drawer of the night stand so it’s safely out of sight, and then leaves his food trays outside his hotel room door before he heads downstairs for another busy day. Thanks to Dom, he’s inspired to work extra hard in the hopes that he’ll be able to finish early and have more time with Dom tonight. Even more importantly, it could mean he can return home sooner than expected.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

By four o’clock, Dom has developed a healthy new respect for the incredible job Billy does in the book shop, day after day, as he’s about ready to collapse. The fact that it’s two long hours until closing doesn’t help matters either. To Dom’s surprise, it’s been a very busy day, the first customer arriving just as he was unlocking the front door, and there’s always been someone in the shop since. Lunch was a sandwich that he hastily grabbed the occasional bite of, when things were quiet enough that he could duck into the office. Half an hour later, a classmate arrives with one of his homework assignments for the day, and Dom can’t help but cringe internally a wee bit, knowing that his day will not end at six o’clock. He has hours of work ahead of him.

Knowing that he’s far too tired to cook, Dom gives in and calls for takeaway, eternally grateful when it arrives just as he’s locking up the book shop for the night. Upstairs in the guest room, he transcribes the meticulous notes taken for him in the lecture than he missed, pausing for bites of Thai, then turns to his textbooks, and is so focused on his reading that he almost doesn’t hear the phone ring. Pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, Dom grabs a forkful of Pad Thai with one hand and answers the cordless receiver with the other.


“Hey love,” Billy murmurs.

“Bills,” Dom sighs.

“Did you get my message?”

“I did,” Dom confirms after chewing and swallowing the mouthful of noodles. “Not sure why we got cut off this morning. Must’ve been a bad connection or something.”

“I can’t believe you arranged for my breakfast. It was a wonderful surprise, Dommie. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome,” Dom says, his cheeks pinking. “I’m glad you liked it.”

“Made me wish you were here, especially after I read your note last night,” Billy adds. “The one with your journal of firsts.”

“You found it,” Dom says softly, suddenly nervous. With all that had happened with Mark and Emily, he’d almost forgotten about the special package he’d hidden in Billy’s luggage.

“I did,” Billy replies. “I read some last night before I went to bed.”


“I’m going to read more tonight, too,” Billy adds. “I don’t have the words, Dommie, for what you’ve given me, by sharing this.”

“I wanted to,” Dom tells him, his voice soft and intimate. “It’s my memories of us, how we got to where we are today, and I thought it was the best way to show how I really feel.”

“It’s incredible, love,” Billy murmurs tenderly. “I wish you were here so I could show you how much it means to me.”

“You’ll be home soon.”

“Aye, I will,” Billy agrees. “And I can’t wait.”

Needing to change the subject, because his eyes are growing suspiciously moist, Dom asks, “So how was your day?”

“Busy, but productive. Had meetings with three distributors, and got a couple of order forms filled out in the restaurant while I was waiting for my dinner,” Billy replies, clearly pleased with his accomplishments. “How was school?”

“Oh, it was fine,” Dom says absently. “The usual.”

“I meant to call Mark to check in, but I never got around to it,” Billy laments. “Maybe tomorrow.”

“I talked to him,” Dom offers, choosing his words carefully. “The shop was fine today. No problems.”

“I should’ve known better. Of course you’d look in and make sure everything was all right,” Billy says fondly. “Thank you, Dommie.”


“You sound tired, love,” Billy says gently. “Completely knackered, actually.”

“I am. Busy day. Lots of homework and reading to do,” Dom admits. “I’ll be fine, though.”

“Did you have some dinner?”

“Thai. It’s sitting on the desk in front of me,” Dom assures him.

“But are you eating it?” Billy presses.

“Yes,” Dom says with a laugh. “The Gang Gai is all gone, most of the Pad Thai, and I’ve even had a few bites of the Nua Kem.”

“You ordered all that just for you?” Billy asks in surprise. “Or did Mark stay for dinner?”

“No, he’s not here. I didn’t have much time for lunch, and by the time dinner rolled around, I was hungry,” Dom replies. “You keep telling me I’m too thin-”

“Dommie, I haven’t said that in months.”

“I know. I just want you to be prepared when you come home and find that there’s a wee bit more of me to hold, thanks to all this comfort eating,” Dom explains, a hint of teasing in his voice.

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Billy fires back. “You know I love to hold you.”

“Yeah, I do.”

“I wish I was holding you right now,” Billy adds, his tone warm and tender. “Wearing your t-shirt to bed helps, but there’s nothing like the real thing.”

“I know that,” Dom replies, leaning back in his chair and resting a hand over his heart. “I woke up on your side of the bed this morning, my head on your pillow.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment, Dommie,” Billy says gently. “I don’t sleep as well when you’re not beside me.”

“Me too.”

“I should let you go, since you’ve got so much work to do,” Billy says reluctantly. “I don’t want you up too late. You need your rest.”

“It’s all right, Bills. I’ll be fine.”

“Dommie, I’m doing this for purely selfish reasons.”


“I want you well rested for when I get home,” Billy purrs suggestively, the desire clear in his tone. “Something tells me that neither of us is going to get much sleep that night.”

“You say that like it’s a bad thing,” Dom retorts, quoting Billy’s words. “I’m looking forward to it.”

“And on that note, I’m going to say goodnight. I have work to do, and a journal to read as a bedtime story,” Billy says. “Don’t stay up too late, Dommie. Please?”

“I won’t,” Dom promises. “G’night, Bills.”

“Sleep well.”


Ending the call, Dom places the cordless receiver on the desk, sighs quietly, and then gets back to work. In order to keep his promise to Billy and get to bed at a decent hour, he needs to focus.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The next morning, Billy is once again greeted with a room service breakfast, fueling his desire to get home to his Dommie as soon as humanly possible. Billy gets right to work upon arriving at the convention booths, crossing vendors off his list as he moves through the throngs of people. He’s pleased when he manages to take care of some business with a distributor over lunch, thanks to a chance meeting while waiting for a table at the restaurant, and trimming his afternoon schedule significantly.

Meanwhile, back at the book shop, Dom gears himself up for another day away from uni, relieved when Mark calls to tell him that Emily’s dad is doing a wee bit better, resulting in his condition being upgraded to serious, but stable. Business is brisk, and during a rare lull, Dom is reminded of what he and Billy talked about, regarding finding his passion. This experience, while unplanned, has driven the point home. While Dom loves to work with Billy, and enjoys the books, he lacks the intense devotion to the volumes surrounding him. Exploring the possibilities outside of these walls is the best thing he can do for himself. If he doesn’t, there will come a day that he resents them, and possibly Billy. That is something that Dom never wants to happen.

A delivery of backordered books interrupts Dom’s musings, and he spends the next several hours taking care of customers and shifting inventory on the shelves to make room for the new product. It’s after five o’clock by the time Dom has everything checked off the inventory sheet and arranged to his satisfaction, and hopes that Billy likes what he has done. For the first time all day, the shop is quiet and empty, and Dom takes the opportunity to straighten up and dust, so the shop will look good for when Billy comes home tomorrow. It’s important that Dom take care of the shop as best he can, especially since he knows how much Billy loves it.

Dom is standing on his tiptoes to dust the top shelf of a bookcase with a soft cloth when the back door opens, much to his surprise, and he barely has time to turn around before his eyes widen with shock.


Warm, bow-shaped lips cover Dom’s mouth in a hungry, passionate kiss, eliciting a moan of pleasure as Billy’s strong arms slide around Dom’s slender waist. Almost effortlessly, Dom is lifted off the floor a few inches before being carried over to the office, where the couple will have more privacy. Dom’s mind is spinning, his senses ravaged by the glorious kiss, but as Billy steps into the small room, Dom grabs the door frame. For an instant, Billy’s eyes meet Dom’s in confusion, and then he’s sinking down, his back resting against the door and Dom cradled in his lap, parted thighs on either side of his hips.

Long arms wrap around Billy’s shoulders, Dom giving himself over to the kiss completely, whimpering when Billy’s hands slide down his back to cup his arse. Lips part and tongues tangle wetly, mouths eagerly getting reacquainted, and hands explore every inch of one another that they can reach. It’s several long minutes later that they finally part for more than a ragged intake of breath, and Dom leans back a wee bit, head tilted to one side, pleased at the gently possessive way Billy is holding him.

“You’re about eighteen hours early,” he says breathlessly, lips rosy and swollen from their passionate kisses. “I wasn’t expecting to see you until lunchtime tomorrow.”

“I know. I couldn’t wait,” Billy says simply, his gaze roaming lustily over his lover’s face and body, having missed it more than he ever imagined.

Dom laughs. “That much is obvious, Bills. I didn’t even get a chance to say hello to you before your tongue was in my mouth.”

“I didn’t hear you complaining, and nobody’s stopping you from saying it now,” Billy points out pragmatically.

Nodding his head in agreement, Dom then smiles. “Hey Bills.”

“Hello Dommie.”

Lips come together again, this time slow and tender, with sensual laziness. After their mouths part, Billy trails hot, wet kisses down his lover’s throat while his fingers tug Dom’s shirt out of his waistband so he can touch bare skin. The erotic sensation is too much for Dom to bear in silence, and he mewls with pleasure, rocking his hips when Billy’s throbbing erection presses insistently against his.

“Bills,” he gasps weakly, the words difficult to form when he’s so aroused. “We can’t. The shop is open-”

“Mark can take care of anyone who comes in. We’re busy,” Billy replies hotly, lapping at the erratic pulse point on Dom’s neck with the tip of his pointy tongue. “I have plans for us. Ones that require privacy and a comfortable bed.”

“But Mark’s not here,” Dom supplies breathlessly, his hands betraying him and clutching at Billy’s biceps, urging him closer. “Emily’s dad is in hospital, so he took the train up to be with her.”

Looking up at Dom and halting his ministrations to Dom’s neck, Billy asks, “Is he all right?”

“Doctor’s figure he’s had a stroke,” Dom adds. “But Mark says he’s hanging in there.”

“Dom, when did this happen?” Billy inquires, a suspicious look forming.

“A couple of days ago,” Dom admits awkwardly, his eyes downcast. “I came home from class and Mark was a mess, pacing and worrying. I told him to go, and that I’d take care of things.”

“Did you go to school yesterday?”

“No,” Dom says softly.

Billy raises an eyebrow, clearly displeased. “Today?”

For a second time, Dom shakes his head. “No.”


“It’s okay. I had a classmate take notes,” Dom hastily explains, finally looking up to meet Billy’s gaze. “I’m staying caught up.”

“Your education is far more important,” Billy chides. “Why didn’t-”

“I wanted to help.”

Dom soft admission halts Billy’s impending lecture.

“I appreciate that, love. I really do,” he says quietly. “But-”

“It was an emergency, and I knew it was just for a couple of days,” Dom adds hopefully, noticing that his lover’s tone softening. “I knew it would help you.”

“And tomorrow?”

“I’ll be back at school,” Dom promises. “As long as I’m allowed out of bed.”

“Don’t tease me,” Billy growls playfully, sliding his hands up Dom’s back and gently pulling him closer for a brief, but thorough kiss.

“Bills?” Dom murmurs as he drags his fingers down his lover’s chest.


“There’s something I want to talk to you about.”

“And what’s that?” Billy inquires.

“I’ve been doing a lot of thinking while you were in London, and last night I came to a decision,” Dom reveals.

Billy swallows the wave of nervousness bubbling up in his throat. “About?”

“The date, for the ceremony.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 28
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