With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 29, 2007 04:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 28/47
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Making plans for the future, an unexpected and revealing encounter, and preparing for a challenge.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27

Chapter 28

Sprawled over his lover, his head resting on Billy’s furry chest, Dom sighs at the sensation of small fingers sliding lazily up and down the shallow groove of his spine. They’re curled up in bed together, spent from a lengthy, passionate reunion, complete with hot, wet kisses and body-shuddering orgasms, and now Dom is utterly, blissfully content.



“I can hear you thinking.”

“Sorry,” Billy says quietly. “I was just looking at your flowers over there. They look nice, on the bureau.”

“Don’t change the subject. What are you thinking about?” Dom asks, turning his head and resting his chin on his hand as their eyes meet.

“The second of September,” Billy replies softly, fingers moving higher to stroke the nape of Dom’s neck. “Getting married two years to the day that we met.”

“Do you like it?”

Billy smiles warmly. “It’s perfect, Dommie.”

Tipping his head to one side, Dom arches a speculative eyebrow. “But?”

“It doesn’t leave much time for a honeymoon before you start uni again,” Billy explains with a weak shrug. “I was looking forward to that.”

“Oh. Right.” Gnawing on his lower lip, Dom thinks for a moment. “Well, how about something sooner then? The beginning of August, maybe? Or maybe you’d prefer the beginning of the summer.”

“No, it’s all right, love. I don’t want to change the day,” Billy soothes. “We’ll come up with a way to celebrate, even if it’s shorter than originally planned.”

“I thought maybe you’d want it sooner,” Dom tells him, eyes focused intently on Billy’s. “The date.”

“I had some concerns,” Billy admits reluctantly, his lips pursing briefly. “But not anymore.”


“Thank you, for sharing your journal with me,” Billy adds softly, giving Dom a gentle squeeze to bring their bodies closer together. “It was a part of you that I’ve never seen before.”

Dom blushes, averting his expressive eyes. “I just wanted a way to look back and remember,” he whispers. “It’s not-”

“It was wonderful,” Billy interjects, cutting of Dom’s self deprecating words. “As I was reading, I could hear your voice in my head. It was like you were talking to me through those pages. Telling me a story.”

“That’s more than I could’ve hoped for.”

“I do have one question though,” Billy adds. “You said in the letter that you wrote about every first we’ve shared.”


“Is that all you write about?” Billy asks awkwardly. “I mean, you seem to write in your journal almost every single day-”

“Bills,” Dom interrupts. “When I started that notebook, I had no plans to keep a daily journal.”


“At that point, I wasn’t sure how long we were going to last. I couldn’t let myself hope that it was going to be forever,” Dom admits, dipping his head for a moment. “I wanted to have something that I could take with me, and that would only be happy things. I wanted to have a clear memory of all the ways you made me feel loved.”

“I think I get it,” Billy says softly, nodding in encouragement for Dom to continue.

“It was Dr. Tyler who suggested that a journal could be helpful in letting out the emotions I was trying to deal with and keeping track of things. The good days, the bad days. Things that triggered me, and how I dealt with them,” Dom tells him. “I started doing that, but I kept the firsts notebook separate. I still do.”

“Only happy things,” Billy quotes under his breath.

“These days, it’s rare to have an unhappy entry, but that firsts notebook represents us,” Dom continues tenderly. “It’s our journey, what we’ve shared together, and I don’t want anything to touch that.”

“I can understand why.”

“And this wasn’t a one time thing,” Dom adds. “I read the entries in that journal when I’m doubting myself, or I need to be reminded of how far I’ve come. I wanted you to read it, and want you to know where I keep it, so you can read it again as I add to it, if you want to. Two weeks, two months, or two years from now. Whenever.”

“That’s the first time you talked about us in the future,” Billy comments. “In a specific way, I mean.”

“I’m trying,” Dom whispers, looking deep into Billy’s eyes, his fingers splayed over Billy’s heart. “I don’t want to live my life in fear of losing the things I love, but it takes work.”

“I’m proud of you, Dommie,” Billy murmurs tenderly, smoothing back his tousled hair. “You’re so brave.”

“That’s because I know you’ll be there when I need help,” Dom replies, shifting so their lips can meet in a soft kiss. “You’re always there for me.”

“Always,” Billy agrees.

Laying his head back down, Dom rubs his cheek against Billy’s furry chest and sighs with contentment.

“Do you need to do homework or anything?” Billy asks. “I didn’t give you much chance to say anything when I walked in the door.”

“I didn’t mind, and no, I don’t,” Dom replies. “I’m not planning on moving from this bed for the rest of the night.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Billy murmurs. “Very glad.”

“So tell me about the convention,” Dom requests. “You didn’t say much about it on the phone.”

“There’s not much to say,” Billy says. “And I’d much rather talk about you.”

“Just talk?” Dom teases, unable to resist. “Nothing else?”

Billy raises his eyebrows. “Again?”

“When was the last time I turned down the opportunity to be with you?” Dom inquires, looking up with wide, innocent eyes. “Besides, I didn’t say sex, specifically. I’d like to think it’s perfectly clear that I love being with you, no matter what we’re doing.”

“Aye, it is,” Billy agrees. “It’s just been a long few days.”

“Then let’s stay like this to talk, and when you get tired, we’ll go to sleep.”

Smiling at Dom’s suggestion, Billy nods. “That sounds good.”

Dom isn’t surprised when Billy’s eyelids start to grow heavy a short while later, when he’s talking about a particularly colorful vendor who apparently made a lasting impression. The couple spoon together after Dom rolls onto his other side, his long fingers gently stroking the back of Billy’s small hand, and within minutes, Billy’s whistling snore is filling the quiet, his breath warm against the back of Dom’s neck. Shifting carefully so he doesn’t disturb his lover’s rest, Dom sets the alarm clock and switches off the lamp before snuggling into Billy’s welcoming embrace, and closes his eyes.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

In the morning, Billy wakes shortly before the alarm is scheduled to go off, only to discover Dom stretched out beside him, looking at the ceiling and smiling to himself.

“Dommeh?” he asks sleepily. “What are you doing?”



“I know how we can get married on September second and still have a honeymoon before I go back to uni,” Dom announces, his head rolling to the side so their eyes meet.

“Okay.” When Dom doesn’t immediately elaborate, Billy curls closer, his hand sliding across his lover’s flat belly, and fingertip toying with his navel. “Are you going to tell me or do I have to beg?”

“I was thinking about it, and I realized something,” Dom begins. “We were having sex when we barely knew each other, were living together before we loved each other, and we still made it. We’re here. Together.”

“Aye, we are,” Billy agrees, albeit cautiously.

“Doing things backwards is practically a tradition with us,” Dom continues. “Why not honor that?”

“What are you suggesting?”

“We go on our honeymoon first,” Dom finishes with a flourish. “We get everything ready for the big day, have our honeymoon, and when we get back, we take our vows.”

Dom’s exuberance over the idea is contagious, and Billy finds himself smiling as well.

“What do you think?” Dom asks hopefully. “I know it’s not the order that things are usually done, but-”

“When have we ever done anything the usual way?” Billy interrupts. “I love it, Dommie. It’s very us.”

“Okay then. It’s settled.”

“Now all we have to do is figure out where we want to go,” Billy muses aloud, stretching out on his back and lifting his arm to invite Dom to snuggle close as the younger man rolls towards him.

“Actually, I was hoping that you would take me to Glasgow,” Dom admits shyly. “You’ve been to Manchester, but I haven’t been to the place where you’re from, that made you who you are. The man I love.”

“Anything you want, Dommie,” Billy says gently, fingertips tracing the curve of Dom’s bare hip. “Anything at all.”

“But it’s your honeymoon, too,” Dom protests. “If there’s somewhere else you want to go-”

“Love, as long as I’m with you, I’m happy,” Billy explains when Dom trails off. “I’d be honored to take you to Glasgow. I haven’t been there in a few years, and I’ve missed it.”

“Then that’s where we’ll go.”

“Aye, it is.”

“Maggie will be happy about that.”

“Dom, I love my sister, but we’re not spending our honeymoon with her,” Billy protests. “She’s heard us shagging once already, that we know of. I don’t fancy having to look her in the eye at breakfast after you’ve had another screaming orgasm.”

“Are you forgetting that you’re the one causing said orgasm? And I’m not suggesting that we spend the entire time with her, Bills,” Dom points out and then soothes. “I thought we could have an afternoon visit and dinner together. Something like that.”

“Aye, that sounds nice,” Billy decides. “And part of one day out of a two week honeymoon isn’t too much to ask.”

“Two weeks?” Dom repeats.

“Would you prefer three?” Billy teases, giving the younger man a firm squeeze as he waggles his eyebrows suggestively. “That’s a lot of shagging time. Could be exhausting.”

“I thought we’d have a week, at the most,” Dom admits, a blush coloring his cheeks. “You’ve got the book shop and I know the summer is a busy-”

“Dommie, we’re only getting married once,” Billy interrupts. “We need to do this right, don’t we?”

“Yeah,” Dom says shyly.

“Now all we need to figure out is where the ceremony is going to be,” Billy says before kissing the tip of Dom’s nose. “As long as you’re comfortable letting me take care of the details for Glasgow.”

Smiling dreamily, Dom licks his lips. “After what you planned for us in London?”

“Is that a yes?” Billy prompts teasingly.

Wordlessly, Dom nods.

“So that just leaves the venue for the ceremony and what we want to say to each other,” Billy tells him. “Our vows.”

“Why not have it here?” Dom suggests. “There’s only going to be ten people.”

“It’s all right, Dommie. We can find a place that’s for a smaller group and-”

When Dom’s warm expression cools and he averts his gaze, Billy trails off, suddenly uncertain.


The younger man swallows before looking up to meet Billy’s concerned eyes.

“Yeah?” he replies, with forced casualness.

“Do you really want to have the ceremony here?” Billy asks softly, cupping Dom’s cheek and gazing deeply into his eyes.

Dom shrugs. “Whatever you want.”

“No, love. Talk to me. Please?”

Blinking rapidly for a few seconds, Dom shifts and then watches as Billy moves his small hand lower to lace their fingers together.

“If there’s some place that you want, I’m fine with that,” Dom says finally.

“That’s not what I asked, Dommie,” Billy presses, gently yet firmly. “You said you wanted to have it in the flat.” He looks away briefly to scan the room. “I just wondered why. Why here?”

“I didn’t mean the bedroom, specifically,” Dom explains quickly. “I just thought-”

“What, love?”

“The living room is where I learned to trust you, a day at a time,” Dom continues, his voice low and soft. “It’s where we fell in love, and most importantly, where you asked me to spend the rest of my life with you.”


“I thought promising forever to you there, in front of our family and friends would be special,” Dom finishes. “In a place that’s meaningful to both of us, not some impersonal room that we’ve never seen before.”

“I’m so sorry, Dommie,” Billy whispers, tone full of regret. “I assumed that your concern was about money, and that’s why you wanted to have it at the flat.”


“I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Bills, it’s not like I haven’t given you a reason to think that way,” Dom tells him, soothing gently. “Plenty of reasons, actually.”

“But not this time.”

“No.” Blinking slowly, Dom’s warm expression reappears. “I admit, at first I wondered about the money, but like you, I realized that this is only going to happen once. It needs to be right.”

“I love you, so much, Dommie, and I want to give you everything you’ve ever desired,” Billy murmurs, his voice cracking with emotion. “If this is what you want, I would be honored to fulfill your wish.”


Curling into Billy’s arms and bringing their mouths together for a hungry kiss, Dom’s lips part eagerly against Billy’s, tongues tangling wetly as he’s rolled onto his back, Billy nestled between his thighs.

“Mmmmm-Bills, wait.”

“What?” Billy pants, nipping tenderly at Dom’s scruffy jaw line. “You don’t want to?”

“You know I do,” Dom gasps in reply, his breath catching when their growing arousals press together. “But there’s one last thing we need to talk about.”

Lifting his mouth from the erratic pulse in Dom’s slender neck, Billy tips his head to one side. “What?”

“I need you to tell me where you got my ring,” Dom says, splaying his left hand across his bare chest, the platinum band sparkling in the faint rays of sunlight that are beginning to filter into the room.


“I assumed that you’d want to exchange rings,” Dom explains, gazing fondly at the band on his finger and then looking up into Billy’s warm green eyes. “And I know the one I want to give to you.”


“I look at my ring, and I hear the words you said to me that night,” Dom interrupts, holding Billy’s intense gaze. “I want that connection for you. I wear this ring with pride, and I want to see one just like it on your finger.”

“Oh, love-”

“If you don’t want to wear one, I under-”

“I do,” Billy says fervently, cutting off Dom’s words. “I want the whole world to know that I love you, Dominic Monaghan. That I want to be with you. Only you.”

“I do,” Dom whispers, his eyes glittering. “I like to hear you say those words.”

“You don’t have to buy the exact same ring, Dommie,” Billy adds. “I’ll love whatever you choose.”

“I have chosen,” Dom says with a smile. “A platinum band that matches mine, because it’s the most beautiful ring I’ve ever seen.”

Gazing into Dom’s eyes for a long, quiet moment, Billy then lowers his head to bring their mouths together for deep, body-shuddering kiss, that doesn't end until Dom is limp and pliant beneath him.

“Wow,” Dom moans breathlessly, licking his lips and tasting Billy’s passion there. “Is that a yes?”

“Aye, it is,” Billy says hoarsely, rubbing their noses together as he smiles. “When you want to go buy the ring, I’ll be ready.”

“You know, Bills, you’re awfully agreeable this morning,” Dom comments thoughtfully. “I thought you might resist a wee bit more to me spending money, and was looking forward to, shall we say, convincing you.”

“Oh?” Billy replies, arching an eyebrow at the naughty sparkle in Dom’s eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

“I thought I’d threaten to withhold privileges until you gave in,” Dom confesses, unable to suppress a giggle.

“You wouldn’t dare,” Billy growls playfully.

“Oh wouldn’t I?” Dom teases, squirming and laughing when Billy’s small fingers attack his ticklish ribs. “Billy!”

Bucking and writhing in an attempt to dislodge Billy’s tormenting hands, Dom gasps when he feels Billy’s erection nudging at the cleft between his cheeks. Clutches at Billy’s biceps, he arches up into his lover’s touch, only to groan in protest when the alarm clock on the night stand begins to beep insistently.

“Noooo,” he whimpers, sucking in deep breaths when Billy stops tickling him.

“Time to get up,” Billy murmurs reluctantly, reaching over to press the SNOOZE button, quieting the noise.

“No,” Dom repeats, pulling Billy down on top of him. “Don’t go.”

“Dommie, you have to go to class,” Billy insists gently, pressing a brief but tender kiss to his cheek and then a lingering one to his mouth. “You’ve already missed two days.”

“So I’ll be late,” Dom adds hopefully. “We can be quick.”

“I’ll make it up to you tonight, love,” Billy vows. “And this weekend.”

“Ring shopping?” Dom prompts, arching an eyebrow.

“I could never deny you anything, my Dommie,” Billy murmurs. “First thing Saturday morning.”


“Now, can I interest you in a shower?” Bill asks suggestively. “For two?”

Dom grins and tightens his arms around Billy’s waist to keep their bodies close. “Absolutely.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Nearly a month later, Dom is returning home after a particularly intense day at school, and is surprised when he guides the car into the parking spot behind the book shop and sees someone sitting on the back steps, apparently waiting for him. Dom gazes at the familiar face for a long moment, and then takes a deep breath before he steps out of the vehicle, slinging his back pack onto his shoulder as he walks over to his visitor.

“You’re the last person I expected to see here,” he comments, tucking the ring of keys into the front pocket of his blue jeans.

“Didn’t expect to find myself here,” Eric replies wryly. “Guess it’s surprises all around today.”

Unsure of how to proceed, Dom hesitates, glancing away as he shifts from one foot to the other. “So, uh-” When Dom looks up again, he notices Eric staring at him intently, specifically, at his left hand and the ring on his finger.

“You look good,” Eric says finally. “Happy.”

“I am,” Dom confirms, unable to stop a fond smile fluttering across his face.

“Good. How’s school?”

“Final examinations are in couple of weeks, so I’m starting to feel the pressure a bit,” Dom admits. “I’ll be glad when they’re over.”

“Yeah. Makes sense.”

“What brings you here?” Dom asks, moving to sit down on the steps beside Eric, and letting his back pack slide off his slender shoulder to rest beside him at his hip. “Something tells me that you didn’t drop by to talk about school or the weather.”

“No,” Eric replies. “I, uh, I need a favor.”


“Look, I know I was shite to you before, about Cory, when you were just trying to help-” Breaking off, Eric draws in a ragged breath. “It was wrong and I’m sorry.”

“Can’t say that I wouldn’t have reacted the same way if I was in your position,” Dom comments softly, slowly reaching over to lay his hand on the other man’s shoulder. “It’s all right.”

Exhaling quickly, Eric dips his head. “Thanks.”

Feeling Eric start to tense up, Dom pulls away to give him space. “So what’s this favor?”

“I need a loan,” Eric says under his breath, looking at the ground between his feet. “I don’t have enough to pay my rent, and I can’t go back to my place without it. I’ve been late two months in a row. If I don’t have it tonight, I’m out.”

All too familiar with the fear of losing what little he’d managed to scrounge together for some safety from the elements, Dom’s belly twists at the wobble that Eric can’t hide in his voice. He’s thinner than when Dom saw him last, and there are new lines etched in his face. While they are only a year apart in age, the difference in their everyday lives has had a pronounced effect on both of them.

The love and care bestowed upon him over the last eighteen months has softened Dom, given him strength, a sparkle from within and a warm presence. Unfortunately, the complete opposite is true for Eric. Fear and despair rules his daily life, his every move, and that has worn him down, physically and emotionally. Dom knows what it must’ve taken for Eric to swallow his pride, and come to him for money. He remembers how hard he fought Billy’s help, when he could barely function, his abused body screaming in agony.

“How much do you need?” he asks softly, reaching into the back pocket of his blue jeans for his wallet.

Shuddering visibly, Eric averts his eyes and bites down on his lower lip.

“Just like that?” he whispers hoarsely when he can speak. “I could be lying to you, feeding you a line.”

“I know,” Dom replies, slowly nodding his head. “But you’re my friend, and I choose to believe that you wouldn’t do that.”


“How much do you need?” Dom repeats, scanning the contents of his billfold. It still catches him by surprise from time to time, when he opens his wallet and finds money there. While it used to sadden him, now Dom chooses to consider those moments a gift, to remind him of what he’s overcome, so he never takes it for granted.

When Eric finally tells him the amount required in order to maintain a roof over his head, Dom fights to hide his reaction. It’s less than what he spends on coffee for a whole week, when he purchases it between classes at a small café on campus. Nodding, Dom swiftly hands over the necessary bills, and watches out of the corner of his eye as Eric tucks it away.

“Thank you,” Eric says quietly. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I can. A few days or so.”

“Maybe we could have a cup of coffee?” Dom suggests gently. “Catch up.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Twisting around, Dom reaches into his back pack, and a moment later, produces a notebook and a pen. After jotting something down, he rips the sheet of paper out of the book and hands it to Eric.

“My mobile number,” he explains. “You can leave a message if I’m in class.”

“Thanks.” Accepting the proffered number, Eric tucks it into a different pocket, and then rests his elbows on his knees as he laces his fingers together. “I, uh, I should probably-”

“Yeah,” Dom interjects. “I understand.”

“I’ll call,” Eric tells him.

“Anytime,” Dom says softly. “And if there’s anything I can do-”

“I said I’d call,” Eric spits out, his tone suddenly harsh. “When I have the money.”

“Fuck, Eric, I’m not worried about that,” Dom fires back. “I don’t care if you ever pay me back. I’m more concerned about you.”

“Nobody asked you to be.”

“I know.”

Fighting back the crushing waves of emotions threatening to overwhelm him, Eric pushes himself up off the landing and rises to his feet. Taking several steps, he pauses, and then turns on his heel to face Dom.

“I can’t afford to believe like you,” he chokes out. “I’m not naïve. Nobody is going to show up one day and rescue me. This is it. This is my life.”

“It doesn’t have to be,” Dom whispers, looking up at Eric and pleading with his eyes. “I can help.”

“I think it’s too late for that,” Eric replies sadly, shaking his head from side to side. “But I’m glad you got out. Really, I am.” Looking up at the darkening sky, he frowns. “It’s getting late. I need to get going.”

“Think about it?” Dom requests, valiantly trying to hide the desperation in his voice. “Please?”

Jerkily, Eric nods, and then without another word, he turns and leaves, making his way down the alley towards the street he calls home. With a heavy heart, Dom watches him go, wishing he could’ve done more.

Long minutes pass as he alternates looking at the dirt and pebbles beneath his feet, and the stars above. When the back door of the book shop opens behind him, Dom doesn’t react, and a moment later, small fingers gently slide through his hair in an attempt at comfort.

“Bad day?” Billy asks gently as he sinks down to sit beside Dom, looking over at him with concern. He’s surprised when Dom leans into him, laying his dark blonde head on Billy’s shoulder and welcoming the arm that slips around his waist. “Dommie?”

“Eric was here,” Dom says finally, his voice unmistakably vulnerable. “He seems so hopeless, so convinced that there’s nobody who cares, that this is all he’ll ever be.”

“I’m sorry,” Billy whispers tenderly in reply. “What can I do?”

“You’re doing it,” Dom tells him, a ghost of a smile flashing across his face. “Just being here.”


“Was I like that?” Dom inquires after a stretch of comfortable silence. “So . . . defeated?”

“Aye, you were,” Billy admits with a sigh. “But not anymore. I haven’t seen that Dom in a long time.”

“I think I know what I want to do,” Dom announces, sitting up straight again and looking over to meet Billy’s gentle gaze. “I mean study, at uni.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve been where Eric is, and I want to change that for him, but I don’t know how the system works. I want to know what is out there to help him, and others, to get away from that life,” Dom explains. “There’s no way I couldn’t have done this on my own. I had you, Vig, my Mum and Dad-”

“You want to try to help others who are in his situation,” Billy supplies when Dom trails off. “Fight for them. Make a difference in their lives.”

“When I’ve had the time, I’ve been volunteering at a drop-in center not far from my old flat,” Dom reveals. “But there has to be more that can be done.” Gnawing on his lower lip, he waits for Billy’s reaction to the news, since he never told Billy where he was during those hours.

“I think that’s wonderful, Dommie,” Billy says warmly, gathering him close and pressing a kiss to his hair. “It sounds like you might’ve found your passion.”

“Yeah. I think so,” Dom agrees, wrapping his arms around Billy’s waist and snuggling in the embrace.

“Are you ready to come inside?” Billy asks, stroking Dom’s slender back in gentle caresses. “It’s getting dark out here.”

“Yeah,” Dom replies, withdrawing and giving Billy a grateful smile when their eyes meet. “Thank you for sitting with me, and listening.”

“I’m glad I was here,” Billy tells him. “And thank you for letting me be here for you.”

Rising to their feet, the couple are hand in hand as they move inside and up the stairs to their flat. While Billy walks into the kitchen to check on dinner, Dom drops off his bag in the guest room, and after thinking for a moment, makes a quick call on his mobile. He’s tucking the sleek phone into the pocket of his blue jeans when he joins Billy in the kitchen, and it doesn’t escape his attention that Billy witnesses the movement.

“Left a message with my advisor,” Dom tells him, seeing the question in his eyes. “To find out what I need to do next, now that I’ve decided what I want to make my focus next year.”


“Lasagna smells terrific,” Dom comments, sniffing at the rich aroma hanging in the air. “How long until it’s ready?”

Arching an eyebrow, Billy consults his watch. “Well, I was a little late getting it into the oven this afternoon, so about twenty minutes or so. Maybe twenty-five.”

Closing the distance between them, Dom tips his head to one side in order to press a feathery kiss to the sensitive spot on Billy’s neck, just below his earlobe.

“Could I interest you in an activity to pass the time?” he murmurs hotly, grinning at Billy’s gasp of surprise.

“What did you have in mind?” Billy replies breathily, his pulse suddenly racing.

“I thought we might play a game,” Dom says teasingly, dragging his fingers across Billy’s lower back as he rocks his hips forward in a sensuous rhythm.

Billy swallows. “A game?”

“I’m wondering just how much bare skin we can kiss, without using our hands to remove each others clothes,” Dom explains, watching Billy’s increasingly smoldering gaze at the suggestion. “Interested?”

“Can I go first?” Billy asks, his small hands clutching at the sweet curve of Dom’s arse and rubbing their noses together briefly.

Dom smiles, his eyes sparkling. “If you insist.”

“I do.”

“Mmm, there’s those words again,” Dom murmurs.

Wrapping his long arms around Billy’s shoulders, Dom doesn’t resist as he’s guided out of the kitchen and into the living room, gentle kisses being trailed down his neck. Their bodies are pressed together tightly as they sink down onto the couch, and as they lose themselves in each other, the rest of the world fades away.

Billy is tugging Dom’s blue jeans down over his hips, having already nudged Dom’s t-shirt up to his armpits, sucked his nipples into hard, rosy peaks and swirled his pointy tongue around his sensitive navel, when the oven timer buzzes.

“Time’s up,” Dom whimpers, his throbbing erecting straining at the heavy material just barely covering his nudity.

“Two more minutes,” Billy growls in reply through clenched teeth, yanking firmly and then releasing the denim when Dom’s proud arousal is freed from its confines. “I’ve played the game. I want my prize.”

Before Dom can say another word, Billy’s strong hands are gripping his bare hips, and his cherubic mouth is descending on his leaking erection. Helplessly thrashing about beneath Billy as he bobs his head quickly, sucking eagerly in an erotic rhythm, Dom mewls with pleasure until passion overwhelms him, and he comes hard, watching through half-lidded eyes as Billy swallows his release.

“Bills,” Dom pants. “C’mere.”

Opening his arms, Dom invites Billy into his embrace, and sighs when they snuggle together, Billy tucking his blonde head under his chin. Ragged breathing fills the quiet as their heart beats begins to slow and their bodies cool.

“Thank you,” Dom murmurs softly, rubbing his cheek against Billy’s chest.

Smiling, Billy presses a kiss to the top of Dom’s head. “Thank you for suggesting it.”

“But next time I get to go first,” Dom adds.

“If you insist,” Billy replies, grinning.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

As Exam Week approaches, Billy notices Dom spending more and more time studying, quite regularly not crawling into their bed until midnight, as quietly as possible so as to not disturb him. Billy wisely remains quiet about the schedule Dom has set for himself, offering his support by entertaining himself while Dom is hard at work, and ensuring that he doesn’t forget to take breaks to eat. The most difficult is when Dom declines to take a Sunday afternoon off to go to the movies, but Billy tells himself that this is just temporary, and as soon as Dom’s finished uni for the year, they’ll have plenty of time together.

It’s nearing ten o’clock on Sunday night a week later, the day before exams are scheduled to begin, when Billy is surprised to see Dom emerge from the guest room and shuffle into the living room.

“Hey,” Billy offers as a greeting, closing the book he’s been reading and giving Dom his full attention. “Taking a break?”

“No, I’m done,” Dom replies wearily. “If I don’t know this stuff by now, I’m not going to. I need to stop. Give my brain a break.”

Nodding in agreement, Billy says, “Sounds like a good plan.”

“I think I’m going to take a hot shower and then go to bed,” Dom adds, raising his arms above his head and stretching lithely. “Need a good night’s sleep so I’m at my best tomorrow.”

“All right then. Enjoy.”

Letting his hands drop loosely to his sides, Dom gazes intently at Billy for a long moment, not speaking. Finally, Billy shifts uncomfortably under the scrutiny and clears his throat.


“Thank you,” Dom says softly. “I know I’ve had my focus elsewhere lately, and you’ve been so good about it.”

“I understand how important uni is to you, and I’m proud of how well you’ve done,” Billy replies gently. “You’re very dedicated.”

“I’ll make it up to you,” Dom vows. “This weekend?”

“I was going to say you don’t have to,” Billy tells him, “But I’m not about to say no to a date with my Dommie.”

Smiling fondly, Dom leans down long enough to brush a kiss across Billy’s lips, and then he straightens up. “Don’t stay up too late,” he cautions, his fingertips sliding across Billy’s shoulder as he turns to leave.

“I won’t,” Billy replies, drinking in the sight of his lover as he slowly walks away.

Entering the loo, Dom wastes no time in stripping off his t-shirt, socks and blue jeans, leaving them in a heap on the floor as he leans into the shower and twists on the taps. Dom’s long fingers flicker beneath the spray while he adjusts the temperature, and once he’s satisfied, he eases back the clear shower curtain enough so he can slip inside the small enclosure that is already filling with steam. For endless, luxurious minutes, Dom revels in the warm, wet heat, relieved when his tense muscles slowly begin to relax. It’s imperative that he finds a way to shut off his brain tonight, so he’ll be rested and focused for tomorrow. He can’t afford to let thoughts of Eric and the fact that he hasn’t called distract him. Additionally, he’s grateful that Billy’s been so understanding, but at the same time, Dom misses the time they usually spend together. The thought that soon he’ll be able to focus on Billy and their impending nuptials is what soothes him when he starts to worry, no matter how irrational the idea.

As much as he hates to stop the water pouring over his shoulders, Dom finally reaches over and twists off the taps, throwing the room into silence. After wiping away the droplets of water clinging to his face, he steps out of the shower and grabs a towel, wrapping it around his narrow hips. A niggling thought that he should clean up his dirty clothes is halted and a new question formed when Dom looks down and realizes that the items he’d peeled away are no longer sitting on the floor, and a quick investigation reveals that they’re now in the laundry hamper in the corner. Frowning for a moment, Dom plays back his actions when he walked into the loo, wondering if perhaps he’d been so distracted that he forgot, and then shakes his head. Apparently all his studying has resulted in his mind playing tricks on him.

A second towel is used to dry his hair, chest and back, and after flipping it over the rod to dry, Dom makes his way into the bedroom. He’s only taken three steps when he stops short, eyes widening with surprise. The lights have been turned low, a few scented candles lit, resulting in a soothing aroma and yellow glow warming the walls, and the coverlet has been folded down, inviting him into the softness. Dom gazes around the room and smiles when he locates Billy, standing in the doorway from the hall.

“What is this?” he asks softly.

“I thought you might need to relax a bit, so you get a good night’s sleep,” Billy replies, his voice low and intimate. “Lie down.”

“Bills, I’m really tired-”

Fighting back a grin, Billy holds up a bottle of massage oil he’d concealed in his hand. “I wasn’t suggesting sex, Dommie. I thought you might enjoy a back rub.”

The mere idea of his lover’s small, gentle hands sliding over his bare skin, rubbing and stroking the tension away causes Dom’s eyes to darken, and he finds himself walking over to the bed as he nods in agreement. Meeting Dom at the edge of the mattress, Billy sets the bottle of oil down on the night stand before sliding his arms around the younger man’s waist, drawing their bodies closer. Their mouths come together naturally, and a warm, lingering kiss is shared while Billy loosens the towel covering Dom’s lower half. A quiet thump is heard as the material falls to the floor, and Billy reluctantly ends the kiss, gently guiding Dom to stretch out on his belly.

“Get comfortable,” he instructs.

While Dom is getting settled, Billy removes his trousers, shirt and socks, but leaves his boxers on. He then picks up the bottle of massage oil from the night stand and swings a leg over Dom’s prone form, straddling the younger man.

“You’re still dressed,” Dom comments quietly, the disappointment clear in his tone. “I want to feel you.”

“Love, if I don’t keep these shorts on, I’m going to want to do a wee bit more than rub you,” Billy explains suggestively, leaning over and placing a soft kiss to the nape of Dom’s neck. “We’ll have plenty of time after you’re finished writing your exams.”


“Aye, I promise.”


With his weight resting on his knees and balanced over Dom’s bare thighs, Billy gets to work, opening the bottle of oil and pouring a small amount into his hand, rubbing it between his palms to warm it. When Billy’s satisfied, he places his hands on the middle of Dom’s narrow back, and begins to stroke in a soothing, sensuous rhythm.

“Is that sandalwood?” Dom asks quietly, drawing a slow, deep breath into his lungs.

“Aye. I remember you mentioning once that you liked the scent,” Billy murmurs in reply.

“I do,” Dom tells him. “It’s lovely.”

Guided by the soft murmurs of pleasure that fall from Dom’s slack mouth, Billy strokes, rubs and soothes his lover from the nape of his slender neck to the base of his spine. Up and down, from left to right and back again, Billy works slowly and methodically, wanting to give every last inch of Dom’s body the attention it deserves. Eventually, he feels the muscles begin to relax, releasing the tension and giving Dom much needed and welcomed relief. The last few weeks have been rather stressful, and Billy can feel every last moment of it ease away, as he watches Dom dissolve into a puddle of pleasure.

Even when Dom is limp and pliant beneath him, Billy continues the massage, his slippery hands gliding over smooth, bare skin, encouraging Dom to surrender to the arms of sleep that are beckoning to him. It’s only when Dom’s breathing becomes deep and even that Billy begins to lighten his touch, wanting to ease away slowly so he doesn’t waken his sleeping lover with a sudden change.

Thankful that he set the alarm clock while Dom was in the shower, Billy ever so carefully shifts his position, moving to his side of the bed, and then slides off the mattress. The candles are quickly extinguished before Billy slips back into bed, drawing the coverlet up to Dom’s shoulders so he stays warm and comfortable through the night. Satisfied that Dom is taken care of, Billy lays his head down and closes his eyes, happy that he’s done what he can to help ensure that Dom does his best tomorrow.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 29
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