With A Little Help From My Friends

Jul 26, 2007 01:00

Title: With A Little Help From My Friends - 25
Author: dylan_dufresne
Pairing: BB/DM
Rating: Hard R, I think.
Summary: The right spot, trusting a friend, and opening the door to a new direction.
Feedback: Would be greatly appreciated as it’s my drug of choice. Many thanks to my beta, frojane.
Special Thanks: To loki_girl for the exquisite banner that she has created, and to tarnishedhalo for loaning me her inspirational manip for the centerpiece. I am so thankful and appreciative of you both, and your generosity.
Disclaimer: Not at all true in reality. This is my imagination at work.
A/N: This chapter was worth writing twice, or at least, I hope it is.
Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24

Chapter 25

Turning to examine his reflection in the mirror, specifically, his left bicep, Dom’s brow furrows in thought, his head tilting to one side. Nervous, unsure, and needing a second opinion, he shifts his eyes to look at Billy, who is sitting on a stool next to the empty tattoo chair, watching him intently.

“What do you think?” Dom asks, gnawing on his lower lip. “Is it-”

“Do you like it there?” Billy interrupts. “It’s your body, Dommie. You have to choose.”

“It’s easier to remove the stencil in the first five minutes,” the tattoo artist supplies. “I’ve got three copies if you want to try it somewhere else.”

Rising from the stool, Billy walks over to Dom and slowly slides his arms around his lover’s bare waist, resting his chin lightly on Dom’s left shoulder.

“Is there anything I can do?” he asks gently. “If you want to wait a little longer, that’s all right. This doesn’t have to happen today, love.”

“Kiss me there?” Dom requests, then leans into Billy’s warmth and strength. “Please?”

Giving Dom a comforting squeeze, Billy dips his head and presses his bow-shaped lips to the curve of warm, bare skin. When he pulls back, he discovers Dom watching them in the mirror, his eyes dark and expression unmistakably intimate.

“Yeah,” Dom whispers, nodding in confirmation. “That’s the spot.”

Palms meeting and fingers lacing together, the couple make their way back over to the tattoo chair, Billy at Dom’s right side. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Dom leans back and gets comfortable while Billy slides his stool closer, his knee touching the side of Dom’s leg.

“I know those words from somewhere,” the tattoo artist comments as he moves his tray of equipment closer, the smell of antiseptic sharp in the air. “A song, I think.”

“Yeah,” Dom replies absently, keeping his eyes on Billy and his soothing, reassuring gaze. “The Beatles.”

“Big fan, yeah?”

“Something like that,” Dom answers with a smile when Billy lifts his slender fingers in order to press a string of kisses to his knuckles.

There is a slight intake of breath when the instrument makes first contact with Dom’s bare skin, but if there is any discomfort, he doesn’t complain. Concentrating on his breathing, like during his morning yoga routine, Dom takes slow, steady breaths, his eyes never leaving Billy’s, their fingers entwined. The conversation they had about the body art, and the meaning behind the words, flow between them, Billy quietly offering his support to Dom’s decision. So caught up in warm green eyes and a gentle, caressing touch, Dom is surprised when an alcohol-soaked cloth is drawn across his now heated skin, cleaning away the debris and revealing a completed tattoo, in two crisp lines across his left bicep.

Living is easy
with eyes closed

When Dom is invited to take a closer look in the mirror, Billy is at his side, and the older man doesn’t have to ask if Dom is happy with results, as it’s written all over his face.

“It looks lovely, Dommie,” Billy murmurs, and then kisses his cheek.

Small fingers stroke the nape of Dom’s neck as the tattoo artist finishes up and gives Dom detailed written instructions on how to care for the tattoo as it heals, including suggestions of what cream to use to keep it hydrated. After the bill is settled, including a healthy tip for the excellent work, Dom is guided out of the shop, Billy’s arm wrapped protectively around his narrow waist. During the drive home, Dom is confused when Billy tells him that he needs to stop at the chemist’s, only to break out in a smile when Billy reappears a few minutes later with a carrier bag and a large bottle of the recommended cream.

“I was going to go buy some as soon as we got home,” Dom says softly, accepting the gift.

“I know that,” Billy replies with a smile, leaning over to bring their lips together for a lingering kiss. “Call it my contribution to ensure that it heals well and looks good for many years to come. I’m going to be kissing it, after all.”

“Thank you.”

“And if you have any hard-to-reach spots that need lotion, I’d be more than willing to offer my services,” Billy adds suggestively.

“Absolutely,” Dom replies huskily before tugging Billy close for another kiss.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

On a rainy afternoon in late January, Dom ducks into a doorway and rings the bell, nervously shifting from one foot to the other and waiting for someone to come to the door. He shivers at the damp chill in the air and burrows further into his warm winter jacket, thankful for the thick layer to protect him from the elements. While gazing out at the downpour, Dom can't help but remember the innumerable times that he had no choice but to endure the wet and cold, while he waited for a customer to approach him. That was before he met Billy, and was introduced to his new life. The cold, lonely existence he had seems so long ago now, so far away. In this moment, it almost feels like it happened to someone else.

Finally, the door behind him swings open and Dom turns, smiling when he's quickly beckoned inside.

"Get in here before you're completely soaked," Viggo urges as he looks up at the grey sky and grimaces. "It's miserable out there today."


Welcoming the rush of inviting warmth from within and eager to escape the cold, Dom quickly closes the door behind him in a small effort of conservation. When he turns around, he takes a closer look at the doctor, and Dom can't help but be surprised at the doctor’s appearance. Where Viggo was never a suit and tie type while caring for his patients at the clinic, this is the first time Dom has seen him dressed so casually. Clad in a faded, paint-splattered grey t-shirt and loose fitting blue jeans that are completely worn through at the knees with ragged cuffs, Viggo's relaxed look is completed by bare feet. Suddenly self-conscious, Dom tries to smooth down his hair since it was repeatedly mussed by gusts of wind, and the action causes Viggo to smile.

"You look fine, Dom. We're not going to start until you're ready, I promise."

"Oh, right." Smiling weakly, Dom swallows hard and tries to push down the wave of nervousness rising up inside him.

"Find the place okay?"

"Yeah, you gave good directions," Dom replies, looking around the unfamiliar space as he follows the older man down a long hallway, bypassing several other rooms, including a rather spacious kitchen.

They finally emerge into a larger room with tall narrows windows, where a variety of furniture is scattered around, and a long, cluttered table stretches out against one wall. Leaving Dom to look around, Viggo returns to his previous position and busies himself with a camera that he picks up from the table, finishing the task he'd been focused on when the knock at the door has required him to pause.

"So, where do you want me?" Dom asks anxiously, leaning his backpack against the wall and shrugging out of his coat.

Glancing over his shoulder, Viggo catches the tense look in the younger man's eyes.

"Dom, relax. There's no hurry," he says gently, turning and then walking over to him. "We've got lots of time."

"I just don't want to take up too much of your day off," Dom explains quickly. “I know you don’t get many of them.”

“This isn’t an imposition, Dom,” Viggo adds, attempting to reassure the younger man. “I promise.”

"You say that, but on the way over here, I couldn’t help wondering if maybe I’m being insensitive, asking you to do this,” Dom confesses uneasily. “I mean, considering the history you have with Billy. Am I being cruel by asking you to help me?”

“If you’d had asked someone else, Dom, I think I would’ve been a bit hurt,” Viggo replies, his tone serious, but sincere. “What you’ve told me about what you’re hoping to create, requires some trust between the people involved. You and I are friends, and I’d like to hope that I would be the person you’d come to. I want to do this.”

“All right,” the younger man says, relenting. “Lets get this done, so you can get back to whatever you have planned for today.”

"Actually, I'd rather it take twice as long as expected, than to rush it and have it not be good for you," Viggo interrupts firmly. "So why don't you take a few minutes, get ready, and then you can look around. I've got things to work on, so don't worry about me. Find a place that works for you, and let me know when you'd like to start. Take your time. I mean it."

"Okay," Dom replies shyly, finally starting to relax. "Thanks."

"You're very welcome," the older man says as he gently squeezes Dom's shoulder. "Bathroom is down the hall if you want to check your hair."

"Yeah, I do," Dom admits, his cheeks pinking.

Dom disappears into the loo with his backpack while Viggo moves around the room, turning on a few lights and checking the settings on his camera. He's back at the table, perched on a stool and examining a proof sheet over a light box when Dom returns, leaving his backpack by the doorway with his jacket, where it won't be in the way. For several minutes, Dom wanders, trying to visualize what he wants, until he finally decides on a location.

"Okay," he calls to Viggo. "I think I'm ready."

When the older man turns around, he doesn't speak for a long moment, as he takes in the vision of Dom, stretched out on the couch and nestled comfortably into a pile of jewel-toned, velvety pillows. To Viggo's surprise, Dom's blonde hair has been tousled about into an intoxicating, sensual mess, he's changed into a blue shirt that brings out his expressive eyes. Collar open at his slender throat and hem untucked, Dom is now wearing low slung jeans that are ever so slightly too long, his shirt unbuttoned at the bottom to reveal a tantalizing glimpse of his navel, and his feet are bare.

Unnerved by Viggo’s reaction, Dom asks, "Do I look okay?"

"You look great, Dom," Viggo comments as he walks over, a camera cradled in his hands. "The eyeliner is a nice touch."

Ducking his head for a moment, Dom blushes. "Billy loves it."

"I can see why."

"So, how does this work?" Dom asks, glancing down at himself. "Do you tell me how to sit or whatever? Do I need to move?"

"Do you want this to be formal?" Viggo inquires wisely as he lifts the camera strap over his head and settles it against the back of his neck. "When you asked me to help you with this project, I thought you had something else in mind."

"I want it to be something that Billy will like," Dom replies softly. "There are pictures of the two of us, taken in London, but one of me, taken just for him, is something Billy doesn't have. After how incredible he's been to me, I want him to have something that nobody else does."

"Okay," Viggo says when Dom takes a breath to compose himself "So, don't think about what looks right, or what other people are going to think. Don't even concern yourself with what I'll think. Keep Bill in your mind, and focus on him."


“See, you’re already starting to relax,” Viggo tells him, a smile turning up the corners of his mouth. “Bill’s in your heart. That’s all you need to make this work.”

“Billy,” Dom says quietly, his eyes soft and dreamy, his heart skipping a beat at the idea of Billy looking at him, kissing him, touching him, and finally making love with him.

“Talking about him might help,” Viggo suggests, raising the camera up to his face until he can look through the viewfinder and then adjusts the focus. “What do you love about Bill?”


“He pets my hair and kisses my neck,” Dom replies, smiling at the countless times he’s been touched that way, either out of comfort or desire. “I love his hands.”


“What else?” Viggo asks quietly.

“His voice,” Dom says, sinking down into the pillows and tipping his head to one side in thought, long fingers splayed across his belly. “The night he asked me to move in with him, I heard him singing in the kitchen as he made dinner for us. I’d never heard anything so beautiful in my whole life.”


“What else?”

“This could take hours,” Dom warns, looking up at Viggo, his eyes dark and soft, and achingly vulnerable.

“I’m not worried about that,” Viggo replies with a smile as he shifts position and crouching down for a different angle. “I’ve got all day.”


“So, what else do you love about Bill?”

A blush of arousal spreads across Dom’s cheeks as countless, intimate thoughts wash over him in warm waves.

“The way he touches me,” Dom murmurs. “How he reaches for me, even when he’s asleep.”

Over an hour and several rolls of film later, Viggo finally proclaims that they’re done, and while he busies himself at the camera table, Dom heads back to the loo to change his clothes. Distantly, Viggo hears the taps running, and when Dom appears at his side, his cheeks are pink and the eyeliner is no longer present.

“Don’t want Billy to suspect anything,” Dom explains.

“I understand, and I really can’t blame Bill for being fond of it,” Viggo comments. “It looks great on you.”

“Thank you.”

Turning his attention to the rolls of film on the table, Viggo, adds, “I’ll develop these and have some proof sheets for you to look at in a couple of days. When you’ve narrowed it down to a smaller list, I’ll print those up bigger, and we’ll go from there. Does that work for you?”

“Oh, you don’t have to rush,” Dom says quickly. “There’s no hurry for them. Beside, I wouldn’t want to get in the way of your evenings with Orli. I know I hate it when Billy and I can’t spend that time together.”

“It’s all right, Dom. As a matter of fact, Or has been urging me to spend more time with my photography,” Viggo explains. “I told him I was going to be taking pictures today, and he was really happy about it. You’re not getting in the way of anything.”

“Oh. Okay.”

“I’ll call you when they’re ready,” Viggo promises. “I’ll leave a message on your mobile instead of calling the shop so Billy won’t worry or suspect anything.

“Sounds perfect.”

“Okay, good.”

“I better get going,” Dom says, moving over to the wall and slipping on his jacket. “I need to stop by the library to research a paper, and I promised Billy that I’d be home for dinner tonight.”

“All right. Nice to see you.”

“Hey Vig?”

“Yeah?” Turning around to give the younger man his full attention, Viggo can’t help but smile at the grateful expression on his face.

“Thank you for doing this,” Dom says sincerely. “It went better than I hoped, and that was because you made it easy.”

Viggo’s smile grows warmer, and he dips his head for a moment. “I’m very glad to hear that. Thank you.”


“I’ll talk to you soon,” Viggo says, waving before turning back to the table.

So caught up in looking at negatives and flipping through boxes of photographs, Viggo barely hears Dom leave, and he quickly loses track of time as he gets reacquainted with pictures long forgotten. Nearly an hour passes in silence before a pair of long arms slide around Viggo’s waist and a soft kiss is pressed to the side of his neck, causing him to flinch in surprise and drop the photos in his hands. As the pictures scatter on the table in front of him, Viggo quickly twists around, and then breaks out into a smile.

“Jesus, Or,” he says breathlessly, shifting so the younger man is settled into the space between his parted knees. “You scared me.”


“It’s all right. I just wasn’t expecting anyone after Dom left,” Viggo explains. “At least, not for a while.”

“How did it go?” Orlando asks, watching his lover’s eyes closely.

“Great,” Viggo tells him, the relief evident in his expression. “I think he’s going to be happy with what we got today.”

Orlando smiles and slides an arm around Viggo’s shoulders for an affectionate squeeze. “I’m sure he is. You’re very talented.”

Viggo chuckles. “You’re biased.”

“Possibly, but that doesn’t mean I’m not right,” the younger man fires back. “Don’t forget, I’ve seen you in action.”

“Whatever you say.”

“Ah. You’ve decided to save time later and agree with me now. A wise man you are,” Orlando proclaims with a grin.

“Uh, Or, not that I’m complaining, but what are you doing here?” Viggo inquires, trying to look at his lover’s wristwatch. “Did I lose track of time again?”

“No, you didn’t,” Orlando tells him, smiling when he’s gently guided down to sit on Viggo’s right thigh, Viggo’s fingers lacing together and coming to rest low on his hip. “Late lunch today.”

“Do you need to get back right away? I can make something for us,” Viggo offers hopefully. “I think there’s some of that Cajun chicken you liked in the fridge.”

“I told Jenny I wouldn’t be back for at least an hour,” Orlando reveals as he snuggles closer, humming his pleasure when Viggo’s fingers slide through his silky curls. “She can take care of things.”

“So is that a yes to lunch?” Viggo asks huskily, watching Orlando’s eyes darken with passion while his other hand pets the firm muscles of Orlando’s flat stomach.

“Can we eat in bed?” Orlando asks, his eyes twinkling with suggestion.

“I’m sure that can be arranged,” Viggo replies, and then pulls their bodies closer as their lips meet in a hungry kiss.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

After closing the shop and enjoying a tasty meal, Billy insists on taking care of the clean up, even gently chastising Dom a wee bit for not switching nights with him, once he discovers the stack of textbooks sitting on the desk in the guest room. It’s clear to Billy that Dom will be spending the remainder of the evening studying, perhaps even well into the night, glasses perched on his squashed up nose, fingers tapping out endless paragraphs on his laptop. The first semester of uni was challenging for Dom, but he did remarkably well, and now that he’s into the second, his work load has increased. Thankful that Dom knows he doesn’t resent being left to entertain himself, Billy finishes loading the dishwasher, wipes the counters and tosses the sponge into the sink before switching off the light as he leaves the kitchen.

Deciding that he doesn’t have the energy to focus on a book tonight, Billy opts to let the television pass the hours, until it’s time for him to crawl off to bed and wait for Dom to join him. Like Dom, he’s come to need the presence of his sweet lover in order to rest peacefully, and welcomes the moments that they can be close, arms and legs entwined, Dom snuggled into his warmth. Until that happens, Billy will be patient. Stretching out on the couch, toes wiggling as he settles his head on a pillow, Billy reaches over to the coffee table and scoops up the remote, directing it at the television as he presses the power button.

When the volume in the room remains low, Billy frowns and presses the button again, looking across the room, trying to remember the last time he changed the batteries in the small device. A second later, he realizes that may not be the problem, when he notices a bright yellow square attached to the middle of the darkened screen. It’s a post-it note, and there’s something written on it in black Sharpie.

Dropping the remote and rolling off the couch, Billy quickly walks across the room, pulling the note closer so he can read the handwritten words, in Dom’s unmistakable scrawl.

Turn me on instead?

Immediately, Billy’s heart skips a beat, desire flooding his entire body, and he wastes no time leaving the living room and moving down the hall. He briefly slows and then bypasses the guest room when he finds it dark and deserted, and when Billy finally arrives at the doorway of the master bedroom, he looks inside and is unable to speak. The vision before him is breathtaking as well as highly arousing, as evidenced by the growing bulge in his trousers.

Sprawled on his stomach in the middle of the bed, Dom is naked, save for a white dress shirt that Billy recognizes as one of his, the hem just barely covering the sensual curve of his arse, leaving his long legs bare and exposed. The collar of the shirt is open, showcasing the tantalizing line of Dom’s throat, and the vision is made complete by the provocative smile turning up the corners of his crooked mouth.

“I was starting to wonder if you were ever going to find me,” Dom teases seductively, his tongue slipping out to wet his pouty lower lip. “Though I might have to take care of myself tonight.”

“You’re lucky I decided to watch the telly and not read,” Billy fires back, a lusty grin lighting up his face. “I wouldn’t have wanted to miss this, Dommie.”

“I put a note in the book you left on the coffee table, too,” Dom admits, looking up at Billy from beneath long eyelashes. “Just in case.”

“Speaking of books,” Billy says regretfully moving further into the room and sinking down to sit on the mattress beside the younger man. “I believe you have some homework to finish.”

“Nope. It’s all done,” Dom announces happily. “I did my reading in the library during lunch so we could spend tonight together.”

“But your books-”

“A diversion, so you wouldn’t suspect that I was planning anything,” Dom explains demurely, head tilting to one side. “Am I in trouble now?”

“Not at all,” Billy replies huskily, gazing hungrily at his scantily clad lover, and desperately wanting to see more, and touch as well.

“So, I, uh, I was out shopping the other day and I bought you a present,” Dom reveals, lifting a hand off the coverlet and revealing a small bottle of red liquid hidden beneath his palm.

“You did?” Billy asks mildly, accepting the item when it’s offered it to him and examining the label very closely. The gesture is all for Dom’s benefit, as it’s completely unnecessary because Billy recognized it as a bottle of lubricant almost immediately.

“It’s raspberry flavored,” Dom adds softly. “Like that cheesecake.”

“Is it now? That’s something we haven’t tried before.”

“Another first,” Dom adds quietly.

Eyes dark with arousal, Dom watches Billy lean down, bringing their mouths closer, letting out a breathy sigh when their lips meet in a feathery kiss.

“I believe that’s my shirt you’re wearing,” Billy murmurs when they part, his breath warm against Dom’s cheek.

“It is,” Dom confirms, nodding slowly. “I hope you don’t mind. I saw it in the closet and it looked . . . comfortable.”

“I think you look rather fetching, actually,” Billy tells him, reaching over and sliding his fingers through his lover’s silky hair. “I like seeing you in my shirt.”


“There’s only one thing that would be better,” Billy muses aloud, a smile teasing at the corners of his cherubic lips as his hand slides down to the nape of Dom’s neck.

“What’s that?” Dom wonders, his brow furrowing.

Gently tugging at the starched white collar until the soft skin of Dom’s bare shoulder comes into view, Billy kisses the warm flesh.

“Seeing you out of my shirt,” Billy replies hoarsely, and then captures Dom’s rosy mouth in an eager, passionate kiss.

Whimpering and clutching at Billy’s bicep, Dom doesn’t resist when he’s guided up off the bed and onto his knees, straddling the older man, arms winding around Billy automatically. While one strong arm holds him securely at his waist, Dom’s neck and chest are covered in soft kisses and gentle caresses while Billy’s free hand tugs the dress shirt down to Dom’s elbows, exposing his torso to Billy’s hungry gaze.

“Bills-” he gasps, arching his back and crying out breathlessly when sharp teeth nip at the sensitive bud of a nipple. “Oh God.”

Before Dom knows what’s happening, Billy reclines to lie flat on the bed and a moment later, they roll over until he’s on his back, Billy nestled between his parted thighs. At Dom’s breathless urging, Billy brings their mouths back together, and without the younger man’s knowledge, he opens the small present and pours some of the liquid onto his small fingers. Billy is gently sucking at the tendon in Dom’s neck when the warmed, flavored lubricant is smoothed over his throbbing erection, eliciting a wanton cry of pleasure.

Heels digging into the mattress and rocking his hips, Dom writhes uncontrollably, desperate for more of his lover’s touch, and at the same time, realizes that tonight isn’t going as planned. The offer is there, in his mind, to reverse their positions in this moment and bestow this gift upon Billy instead as he had intended, but his mouth refuses to work, completely overwhelmed by the ecstasy of his lover’s erotic and sensuous touch. Billy’s pointy tongue traces the firm muscles of Dom’s abdomen, and when Billy’s sweet mouth moves lower and envelops his arousal, Dom spasms wildly, his weak protest utterly lost. In a rhythm that shreds Dom’s control at a stunning rate, Billy strokes the tiny bundle of nerves inside him and lovingly worships his leaking erection until Dom’s moaning and thrashing about on the mattress, and then release is pulsing over Billy’s tongue.

Lapping at the softening flesh until every last drop is swallowed down, Billy slowly makes his way up Dom’s lithe, sated body, gentle kisses pressed to the damp skin, and hands caressing endlessly. With eyes half-lidded and drowsy from the intense orgasm still rippling through his limbs, Dom can only watch, welcoming his lover into his arms, and smiling as their mouths come together. Lips part immediately, and Dom sighs at the mixture of raspberry and himself on his lover’s pointy tongue as his heart begins to return to normal. It’s when they pause for much needed oxygen that Dom notices that he’s naked, the long-sleeved shirt pushed down to his elbows, while Billy is still fully dressed.

“Off,” he murmurs softly, awkwardly pawing at Billy’s clothing, his movements limited by the material covering his arms. “Please. Need you.”

Acquiescing to his lover’s breathless request, Billy braces his weight on one elbow and starts to unbutton his shirt with the other hand, and grins when Dom starts to work on his belt and trousers. A minute later, the lovers are skin to skin, Dom’s long legs wrapping around Billy’s waist as he wrestles his way free of the shirt, and then bringing their bodies together fully. Dom isn’t satisfied with their position until Billy rocks his pelvis forward to gently breach him, and they are intimately joined, mouths mere inches apart.

“Bills,” Dom murmurs, his long fingers dancing across Billy’s lower back in feathery caresses. “Make love to me.”

“It would be my pleasure, Dommeh,” Billy replies tenderly before bringing their mouths together once again.

For several minutes, Billy gently thrusts into his lover, building the heat and friction slowly, to draw out the pleasure for as long as possible. Thanks to having the stunning visual of Dom climaxing beneath him a short while ago, it doesn’t take very long until Billy feels his own orgasm rising up, Dom’s lips at his throat pushing him over the edge. Cradling Billy to his body, Dom’s long arms wrap around him protectively, and he draws his fingers through mussed ginger hair as the older man slowly comes back to himself.

“You weren’t supposed to do that,” Dom says softly, trailing kisses along Billy’s scruffy jaw line. “I was going to take care of you tonight.”

“There’s still some lube left,” Billy soothes, shifting up onto his elbows and petting Dom’s tousled hair. “You can next time.”

Head rolling to the left, Dom searches with his eyes and when he locates the object of discussion, he lets go of Billy long enough to scoop it up to get a closer look.


“We can buy more, Dommie,” Billy adds, moving his hips in a slow circle, causing Dom’s breath to catch. “I promise.”

“Actually, I already did,” Dom admits with a fierce blush, letting the small bottle slip through his fingers and fall to the mattress.

“You did?”


“Other flavors?”

“Maybe,” Dom replies evasively, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

Dipping his head, Billy sucks at the lobe of Dom’s ear until he’s vibrating with pleasure, his breath ragged, and then Billy abruptly releases him, eliciting a cry of protest.

“What did you buy?” Billy asks, low and seductively teasing, causing the younger man to shiver visibly.

“A variety pack,” Dom gasps, arching up into his lover’s touch. “Five different flavors. Raspberry, peach, strawberry, honey, and mint.”

“Mmmm,” Billy hums appreciatively, sliding his tongue along Dom’s collarbone to the hollow of his throat. “I’ve said if before, and I’ll say it again, Dommie. You always have the best ideas.”

Dom laughs until Billy captures his mouth in another kiss, and sighing happily, he allows himself to be swept away.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Both Dom and Billy are relieved when Friday night arrives, as it means that they can sleep in a wee bit the next morning, and Dom has two whole days where he doesn’t need to attend any classes. Even knowing that, Dom awakens earlier than expected, wanting to stretch and clear his mind so he can fully enjoy the weekend. Ever so carefully, he slips out of bed so he doesn’t disturb his lover’s peaceful rest, and for a moment, he gazes down at Billy, a fond smile turning up the corners of his mouth. Then Dom reaches into a drawer of the bureau, pulls out a pair of stretchy pants and draws them up his bare legs, covering his lower half.

Moving a short distance away from the bed to ensure he has enough room, the younger man takes a few minutes, drawing in and releasing deep, even breaths, and then begins his morning yoga routine. Dom focuses intently on his breathing and the stretch of his muscles, letting his eyes close, forgetting everything around him, and releasing the stress of the week. Shifting from one position to the next so smoothly that it almost seems effortless, he feels the energy flow through him, and when he’s finally finished, he bends himself in half, hugging his knees to his chest, creating an intense stretch from his shoulders to his heels.

Taking one last deep breath, Dom releases his arms, and slowly curls up into a standing position as he exhales, a contented smile gracing his features, his skin damp from exertion. When he opens his eyes, he realizes that Billy’s whistling snore has ceased, and he’s now being watched by the sleepy, half-lidded gaze of his lover.

“I’m sorry,” Dom says quietly. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”

“You didn’t,” Billy rasps in reply, his voice still thick with sleep. “I woke up on my own and when I opened my eyes, I got to see just how wonderfully flexible you are.”

Dom can’t help but laugh at the suggestion in his lover’s expression as he closes the distance between them. “Are you flirting with me?”

“Aye, I am,” Billy tells him with a seductive smile, holding out his hand, inviting Dom to take it. “I’m hoping that you’ll come back to bed for a while, especially since I’ve been inspired by the view.”

“Oh Bills, I’d love to,” Dom says regretfully, stretching out on the mattress next to Billy and leaning over to kiss the tip of his small nose. “But I need a shower.”

“No,” Billy protests, sliding his arm around Dom’s narrow waist and drawing him closer. “Stay for a bit. We can shower together. Save time.”

Chuckling under his breath, Dom raises an eyebrow in disbelief. “Are you suggesting that it’ll be faster if we shower together?”

“And environmentally conscious,” Billy adds emphatically. “We’d save water, and I could wash your back.”

“Do you not remember the last time we took a shower together?” Dom asks, his eyes locked on the sensuous curve of Billy’s upper lip and his pulse quickening.

“Aye, I do.”

“If I’m going to get to work on time, I have no choice but to say no,” Dom reluctantly insists, starting to pull away. “But it is a very tempting offer.”

Brow furrowing in thought, Billy reflexively tightens his hold. “Dom-”

“Bills, I need to be downstairs by ten,” Dom interrupts. “It’s already after nine.”

“No, this isn’t about sex, Dommie. I promise,” Billy says quickly. “C’mere. I want to talk to you about something.”

Wary of any conversation that begins with those words, Dom slowly rolls back to his previous position, waiting for Billy to begin.

“I don’t think you should work in the shop today,” Billy announces. “In fact, I’m insisting that you take the day off.”


“You are banned from the shop today, in a work capacity.”

“Why?” Dom asks, unable to hide the hurt in his eyes. “What did I do?”

“Oh no, love. You did nothing wrong,” Billy replies quickly in an effort to soothe, rubbing Dom’s bicep rapidly. “Absolutely nothing.”

“Then why-”

“C’mere,” Billy requests gently, drawing his lover into his arms and cuddling him close. “Let me explain.”

“Why don’t you want me to work in the shop?” Dom asks when his head is settled on his pillow and he’s looking up at Billy in confusion.

“Dommie, it’s not that I don’t enjoy having you work in the shop,” Billy begins tenderly. “I love seeing you, spending time with you, kissing you, ducking into the office to make out with you.”

“Then why-”

“Dom, I love you. So much,” Billy continues, his eyes pleading as he strokes Dom’s narrow back in gentle caresses. “I’m so proud of you for all that you’ve accomplished that sometimes it feels like I could just burst. Going back to school to earn your A levels, and then getting into uni. You’re amazing.”

“But?” Dom says suspiciously.

“You’ve been so busy, doing so many things,” the older man points out. “When’s the last time you took a day off, and did something, just for you?”

Dom’s brow furrows. “What?”

“Since you and I became an us, you haven’t spent a day on your own, except for when I was in London, and then you stayed here in the flat, waiting by the phone.”

“Bills, I don’t feel trapped here,” Dom protests, his body tense. “I love working in the shop and being with you. I’ve never been happier. Never.”

“I know that, love. I know. But I think you need to find something for yourself. Something that has nothing to do with me,” Billy explains.

“I don’t understand.”

“Dommie, what do you do that’s just for you? That’s fun. That fills you with joy?” Billy asks. “Something that doesn’t involve us making love.”

“I like going to uni, my classes,” Dom offers weakly. “That’s-”

“For most people, Dom, that’s a full-time job,” Billy interjects. “It’s work, not really fun, even if you’re enjoying the learning. On top of that, you’re working in the shop, and going to see Dr. Tyler-”

“I’m fine, Bills. Really.”

Realizing that he’s not getting anywhere, Billy tries to change tactics. “Dommie, let me try to explain it a different way,” he requests.


“Let’s look at my life. For years, after I finished uni, I worked in a job that I didn’t like. It was a way to pay the bills and survive day to day life, but I was kidding myself. It wasn’t a life,” Billy tells him, saddened at the memories of the time that he wasted. “Then, one day, I decided I wanted more. I wanted to live, not just exist. I started working three jobs, saving as much as I possibly could. It took me a few years and a lot of sacrifice, but I scraped the money together for the shop. It was the biggest risk I’d ever taken, but I had to go for it.”

“You’ve done a great job,” Dom says, trying to smile. “The shop is wonderful.”

“Thank you,” Billy replies warmly, giving Dom a careful smile. “See, the book shop was my dream, what lights me up inside. I love books, plain and simple.”

“You love it, and I love it, too,” Dom adds, looking at Billy hopefully.

“Dommie, I love that you’re so supportive of me, and that you want me to be successful, but this isn’t your love,” Billy corrects gently, tightening his hold ever so slightly. “That’s what I’m trying to make you see.”

Finally, realization begins to sink in for Dom, what Billy has been pointing out and helping him to figure out.

“With the exception of Sunday, I go downstairs, and for eight hours each day, I help people find new books, or replace old ones, or help them find something they didn’t even know they were looking for,” Billy continues, the tips of his fingers sliding up and down the shallow groove of Dom’s spine. “And I love it. It’s my passion in life. Because I love it, I do the not so fun things that goes with it, the part that feels like work. I do the filing and pay the invoices, and keep track of the inventory on the computer. I do all that, the best I can, so I can keep helping people with books.”

“Yeah,” Dom says softly, nodding in agreement.

“Can you honestly say that you love the shop like that?” Billy asks gently. “That you want that, day after day after day? For the rest of your life?”

“No,” Dom admits, shaking his head. “I don’t.”

“Can you see that I want you to have a passion like that?” Billy adds, pleading with his eyes. “It doesn’t mean that you love me less, or don’t support me. It means that you have things in your life that are just yours. You choose it, and the only thing that matters is that you’re passionate about it. If books were your passion, I’d be welcoming you with open arms, I swear to you, Dommie, but that’s just not the case.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“Your world became so small when you moved in, because you needed to be protected and taken care of. Over the last year, you’ve slowly been taking the steps to open it up again,” Bill says, gazing deeply into Dom’s wide eyes. “You’re a wee bit like a baby bird that fell out of the nest too early. You needed time to heal, be cared for and get strong again. Now you are, and it’s time open your wings and fly.” When he finishes his sentence, Billy can’t help but reflect on what he’s just said, and fiercely blushes at the flowery words. “Ah, shite. I’m sorry. I promise that sounded a lot better in my head,” he adds lamely.

“Actually, I kinda like the image,” Dom admits, causing Billy to stare in shock.


“I get it now, Bills,” Dom says, a genuine smile lighting up his face. “It’s not me pulling away from you. It’s just another step to finding that contentment and strength within myself, so I won’t ever go back to how I was before. I deserve something that’s just for me. It makes me a bit more independent, stronger, and able to bring something new to the relationship. Not less, but really more of me for you to love.”

“Exactly,” Billy confirms, the relief evident in his expression. “So take today off. Spend it doing something that you love to do. If you’re not sure what your passion is, then you need to discover it.”

“Today?” Dom asks dubiously.

“I don’t want you to pressure yourself, love,” Billy replies. “Just be open to the possibility, and who knows what will happen.”

“I think I can do that,” Dom decides, pursing his lips in thought.

“Good. Now c’mere.”

Before Dom can react, Billy has rolled them over so Dom is sprawled over him, small hands cupping his hips. In a playful gesture, Billy nudges at Dom’s cheek with his nose, and then their mouths are meeting in a soft, lazy kiss.

“Bills,” Dom murmurs against Billy’s lips. “We need to get up.”

“I know,” Billy replies with a heavy sigh. “I just needed a kiss from my Dommie.”


One last, lingering kiss is shared, and then Billy’s hold relaxes so Dom is free to slip away.

“To be continued later?” Dom teases, waggling his eyebrows.

“I love every minute we can spend together, Dommie,” Billy replies fondly, giving Dom’s slender body an affectionate squeeze. “So yes, definitely.”

“I need a shower,” Dom says as he withdraws and gets to his feet. “Unless you want to go first.”

“No, you go ahead,” Billy tells him. “I’ll put the kettle on. Need some tea.”

“Bills?” Dom says, pausing in the doorway to the loo.


Smiling, Dom waits until their eyes meet and they share a fond look. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome, love.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

By ten o’clock, Dom is showered, fed and dressed, and he makes his way downstairs to find Billy, giving him a kiss, followed a request that he call his mobile if the shop gets too busy for him to handle. Nodding, Billy tells him to enjoy his day off, and watches with a smile as Dom slips out the front door, the bell jingling behind him. Thankful that he has a warm winter jacket, Dom begins his day off by taking a leisurely walk in the park, and then takes the opportunity to window shop, as he hasn’t had the chance to do so in quite a while. Later, he ends up at a table by the window in a café with cup of coffee and a newspaper. It’s the same café where he and Billy ran into each other, more than a year ago now, and where desperation drove him to the loo with a customer.

For several minutes, Dom is uneasy, wondering if perhaps he’ll be recognized, but as time passes, he starts to relax, and then begins flipping through the newspaper, hoping for inspiration. Nearly an hour passes, amid a second cup of coffee and a blueberry muffin, and it’s with a heavy heart that Dom admits defeat, rises from his chair and steps out into the winter day, leaving the lunch rush behind. Wandering aimlessly, Dom finds himself thinking about that day in the café with Billy, how nice it was to just sit and talk, like the night they met in the pub.

When Dom finally looks up to see where he is, it’s with some surprise that he realizes he’s back in his old neighborhood. Since that awful day with Eric, he’s avoided coming here, although the memories of his years spent here inevitably slip back into his thoughts on a regular basis. At first, Dom had tried to bury them deep, and force them away, but that only lead to nightmares and crushing waves of guilt. With Dr. Tyler’s help, he’s come to accept them as a part of his past, and release the shame associated with that time. It’s a difficult process, but one that Dom is slowly winning, due in no small part to the care and love that Billy so generously lavishes on him.

Dom is only one street over from his old flat when he notices a small sign hung beside the door of a run down building, one that he thought was vacant and deserted. Curious, he ventures closer, and is surprised to discover that it’s a shelter. He remembers all too well the times that rent day was looming, and he was desperate to have enough money to ensure a roof over his head, even a lousy one. Back then, there was no shelter for him to go to, at least, not that he was aware of.

Unable to stop himself, Dom pushes open the door and walks inside to investigate, unzipping his jacket and loosening his scarf as he looks around. Several sagging couches and a few chairs are scattered around the room, and there is a collection of mismatched mugs on a table by the far wall, with a half-empty coffee pot and an electric kettle next to them. Dom can’t help but notice a weathered looking woman sitting on one of the couches, a cup of steaming liquid cradled in her trembling hands, and Dom deduces by her appearance that she is likely homeless.

At the opposite end of the room, a boy younger than himself is crouched down, picking through a cardboard box of donated clothing, and Dom’s heart sinks. Years of experience tells Dom how the boy earns his money. It’s in the defeated slump of his shoulders, his flat, lifeless expression, and the careful way he moves, as though even breathing is painful. Dom’s glances down a short hallway, and sees a room with stacks of blankets, sleeping bags and pillows. In a corner, not far from the front door, there is a small office with the door ajar, and before he knows what’s happening, Dom has walked over to it and is peering inside as he gently knocks. A pair of kind eyes looks up at him, along with a friendly smile.

“Can I help you? the woman asks, laying down the pen in her hand and giving Dom her full attention.

Dom releases the breath he wasn’t aware he’s been holding, and tentatively returns the smile.

“Actually,” he says, “I was about to ask you the same question.”

~ * ~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Chapter 26
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