Femme Ten on a budget

Nov 26, 2012 22:02

Hi, this is my first time posting here. I googled "doctor who cosplay" and came up with this. Thought you guys might be able to help me. :)

I'm hoping to cosplay as Femme Ten for a geek gathering I'm attending in January. Problem is, I really can't afford to spend a ton of money on a costume, and I haven't got a clue where to get something resembling a brown pinstriped suit that doesn't cost a fortune. My budget is probably $100 at the absolute maximum for the entire costume. I looked on the "budget costuming" tag here, but the stuff I found there was still over that limit.

I'd prefer to stick with Ten's brown suit for my costume, since I really don't like the blue. I'm not super picky about screen-accuracy, though - as long as I look recognizably like Ten, I'll be happy. I'm also okay with foregoing the coat and the tie if I need to (since he doesn't always wear the former and the latter might not be necessary for a femme version).

Any suggestions?

Less important side note: I also need to figure out what to do with my hair. It's the right color, but slightly above shoulder length, wavy, and fine. I don't think it'd stand up to the spiky treatment. Any Femme Ten hairstyling tips?

budget costuming, doctor: ten, femme

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