I'm going to begin this with a ramble, and probably continue that way, and then there are going to be a lot of exclamation points and me saying "Yes!" a lot, because...Yes! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!
I'm thrilled that you picked this story, because it's one of the ones I worry most about people not truly getting what I intended. Ironically enough, the only story I have ever seriously considered doing a commentary on is the sequel to this fic, because I felt like it never became fully articulated the way this one (I hope) was. You, at least, have picked up on all of the little semi-subtle things I was hoping would come across in this, so I feel pretty good about that. *G*
Okay, on to the commentary.
The idea of Ryan going into heat and being driven by his hormones is really intriguing because in all other aspects of his life, especially at this point, when he's in his late teens, he's so controlled, but now he loses all of his restraint.Exactly. Ryan, of all of them, is the one that I see as being least able to
( ... )
It makes sense, is the thing, that they wouldn't mention this, because neither of them is thinking about Brendon.
Yes. So much yes. Spencer's main concern is Ryan, and not just because it's his best friend, but also because Ryan's the one losing control of himself and falling apart. Brendon still has his faculties, and has given consent. At this point in Spencer's mind, Brendon's on his own. Ryan is just selfish sometimes, but particularly when something this huge is happening to him. I forgive him (they all do) the self-centeredness.
And I almost feel like, in a way, even if he was thinking clearly, he would just sort of... expect Bendon to say yes.
And Brendon isn't going to say no, because that's not what Brendon does.
YES! (I did warn you.)
Brendon's not a fragile flower, after all.No, totally. There was one point in this - right after he confess to Spencer that he was bleeding - that I felt like I was pushing him too far into fragile flower territory, and had to keep on eye on that and bring some of his bounce back.
( ... )
And that last brings up an interesting question: what counts as stupid for Spencer?
Ooh, can I offer an opinion? I can't remember exactly what it was I was thinking Spencer wanted to do when I wrote this, but I suspect it was something along the lines of shaking. Holding on tightly, and performing a somewhat violent action, but one with an undercurrent of desperation because it really means he cares. And after that first touch, with Brendon's eyes wide and the two of them standing close and Spencer's fingers curled into Brendon's shirt, it could easily have spiraled.
It's just a small moment, but I'm really glad that Spencer has this moment to himself. I think he really needs it.
Yes!!! Confession: This is the point in the story at which I took a step back and thought, 'I'm losing it.' I'd lost that first burst of momentum, and the story was getting bogged down by angst and negativity and drama. So I thought what I really needed was a time-out from that. What my narrator needed was a time-out from that. And hey, I lived in College
( ... )
Here, we get a bit more of a sense of what's going on in Brendon's world. We never explicitly make our way into Brendon's head and his and Ryan's relationship during this fic, which I think makes the little glimpses we see through Spencer all the more powerful.
Oh thank goodness. That's exactly what I was hoping to show, since all the audience gets to see is the public glimpses of the two of them, everything that's outside of the sex, and Spencer's speculation about more. What happens in that bedroom is something I wanted people to imagine, but not explicitly know.
He's letting Brendon in by admitting that he thinks Ryan is being a dick.
Yes! He's criticizing Ryan. To someone else. It's a big deal. Oh, your commentary makes me so happy.
I love that awkwardly. They're still teenage boys, after all.Yes! Exactly! Spencer does not spend a lot of time hugging people and rubbing their backs and telling them everything will be okay! That's not how he and Ryan work, and he's completely out of his depth when presented with the need to
( ... )
Comments 6
I'm going to begin this with a ramble, and probably continue that way, and then there are going to be a lot of exclamation points and me saying "Yes!" a lot, because...Yes! YOU UNDERSTAND ME!
I'm thrilled that you picked this story, because it's one of the ones I worry most about people not truly getting what I intended. Ironically enough, the only story I have ever seriously considered doing a commentary on is the sequel to this fic, because I felt like it never became fully articulated the way this one (I hope) was. You, at least, have picked up on all of the little semi-subtle things I was hoping would come across in this, so I feel pretty good about that. *G*
Okay, on to the commentary.
The idea of Ryan going into heat and being driven by his hormones is really intriguing because in all other aspects of his life, especially at this point, when he's in his late teens, he's so controlled, but now he loses all of his restraint.Exactly. Ryan, of all of them, is the one that I see as being least able to ( ... )
Yes. So much yes. Spencer's main concern is Ryan, and not just because it's his best friend, but also because Ryan's the one losing control of himself and falling apart. Brendon still has his faculties, and has given consent. At this point in Spencer's mind, Brendon's on his own. Ryan is just selfish sometimes, but particularly when something this huge is happening to him. I forgive him (they all do) the self-centeredness.
And I almost feel like, in a way, even if he was thinking clearly, he would just sort of... expect Bendon to say yes.
And Brendon isn't going to say no, because that's not what Brendon does.
YES! (I did warn you.)
Brendon's not a fragile flower, after all.No, totally. There was one point in this - right after he confess to Spencer that he was bleeding - that I felt like I was pushing him too far into fragile flower territory, and had to keep on eye on that and bring some of his bounce back. ( ... )
Ooh, can I offer an opinion? I can't remember exactly what it was I was thinking Spencer wanted to do when I wrote this, but I suspect it was something along the lines of shaking. Holding on tightly, and performing a somewhat violent action, but one with an undercurrent of desperation because it really means he cares. And after that first touch, with Brendon's eyes wide and the two of them standing close and Spencer's fingers curled into Brendon's shirt, it could easily have spiraled.
It's just a small moment, but I'm really glad that Spencer has this moment to himself. I think he really needs it.
Yes!!! Confession: This is the point in the story at which I took a step back and thought, 'I'm losing it.' I'd lost that first burst of momentum, and the story was getting bogged down by angst and negativity and drama. So I thought what I really needed was a time-out from that. What my narrator needed was a time-out from that. And hey, I lived in College ( ... )
Oh thank goodness. That's exactly what I was hoping to show, since all the audience gets to see is the public glimpses of the two of them, everything that's outside of the sex, and Spencer's speculation about more. What happens in that bedroom is something I wanted people to imagine, but not explicitly know.
He's letting Brendon in by admitting that he thinks Ryan is being a dick.
Yes! He's criticizing Ryan. To someone else. It's a big deal. Oh, your commentary makes me so happy.
I love that awkwardly. They're still teenage boys, after all.Yes! Exactly! Spencer does not spend a lot of time hugging people and rubbing their backs and telling them everything will be okay! That's not how he and Ryan work, and he's completely out of his depth when presented with the need to ( ... )
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