insult, meet injury.

Jan 27, 2014 21:37

So my last real post was the 14th (that post on the 19th was actually supposed to go into baby_names but I didn't realize it hadn't until just now, whoops. Wondered why I got no comments.) So in the two weeks since then... it's been pretty much the same thing. People get sick. They're getting better! HAHA JUST KIDDING NO THEY AREN'T.

Mostly it's been Pip and Gordon, with a few guest appearances by Mim and her still AWOL first tooth. I've tended to be looping along on a "feeling super--overdoing it--crash--ouch" cycle.

(from the guilty pleasure "This Week in GIFs")

Kind of like this all the time. Especially getting hit by the ball at the end.

Even the kid I do daycare for has caught the bad luck bug, and had to get picked up early by his dad today because of illness.

Overall though things are holding up ok. I have a volunteer opportunity that I am really excited about. It's at a local community centre (we're in Canada so I legally have to spell it that way, or some Mounties will come and ask me politely to change it, and I just can't deal with that). If I get in, I do a series of training sessions, during which they will provide childminding and lunch. Once trained, the idea is to act as a sort of roving resource liaison, connecting people in the community, and also helping bridge cultural gaps. They approached me because I was doing impromptu interpretation between non-English speakers and non-Mandarin speakers. So this would help me do better at that and get my name out for groups that might need my particular talents.

Even if I don't get into this particular program, they have other volunteer opportunities that will accommodate the kiddos, so I'm very optimistic. I really want to give of my time, especially since I think my time will go further than my money.

Anyway I should hear back from the coordinator tomorrow so I'm a bit anxious about that. I really hope I get in. (You have to be nominated and they only take so many people per geographic area.)

joye tries not to be horrible, next stop dutch elm disease

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