set set that mom on the ground

Jan 14, 2014 23:23

It was a day where I was dealing with one super energetic toddler, one whiny and clingy and sick toddler, and one screamy and teething and sick baby.

Then my husband got home and instead of the expected relief (except for the daycare toddler going home) I had a toothache husband on my hands. Which is basically just a third child.

And nobody could get to sleep.

And when they finally did go to sleep I felt that I was just starting to catch the cold and cough that 2/3 had.

So I did the only insane thing, which is to put "Crown on the Ground" on headphones and completely rock out.

I rocked so hard I lost my ponytail. I rocked so hard I lost my glasses.I don't remember them falling off. I can't find them (although I'm hampered by not having glasses--I'm touch typing). They may have been vaporized by the intensity of my dance moves.

Incidentally I rediscovered that those foam puzzle mats make half decent sound-muffling dancing surfaces.

Completely overwhelmed but at least I momentarily felt good.

joye tries not to be horrible, next stop dutch elm disease

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