in which Pippa and I have our first period drama bonding experience

Jan 13, 2014 22:49

BBC iPlayer, if you don't pay the $9/mo for unlimited access, rotates a number of episodes and movies for cheapskates to watch free and to hopefully entice them into subscribing. I've found some good stuff that way (like that there's a Charlie and Lola tv series) and some bizarre stuff (Rastamouse... just... Rastamouse).

Anyway, they usually have some period drama on there. Pippa came out early from her nap while I was watching Under the Greenwood Tree doing dinner prep, so we finished watching it together.

I don't know why she was so into it, as it's basically a love quadrangle about a young Victorian schoolmistress named Fancy Day (yes really) who has to choose between


day laborer Dick Dewey, who falls in love with Miss Day at first sight and then just stands under her window gazing up in the wonderment of his love while snow literally collects on his coat and hat


Parson Maybold, sophisticated music lover and himbo



who is rich but kind of old and plain looking so basically he's just there for us to feel sorry for. oops spoiler?

Because of hero #1 being a manual laborer there's a lot more opportunities for him to have his shirt open or off, including a scene where the heroine comes upon him in a river that seems more than a little inspired by the mega-hit pond scene of the 1995 Pride and Prejudice:

Didn't know they had chest waxing in Victorian times.

Also unlike the super restrained P&P there's quite a bit of kissing here before the end scene, as well as scene of blatant, scandalous forearm flaunting and wash water sharing.

During the kissy face bit I was like "Pippa, are you actually interested in this?" and she was like "...not really" lol. I think she liked the dresses, the scenery and the music. She really likes watching things like nature documentaries for I think the same reason. Lush natural beauty, with bonus human handcrafted loveliness. A winning combination.

Anyway 8/10 would watch again.


It's amazing how much and how quickly you forget. I seem, vaguely, to remember that Pippa went through a screaming phase around this time, but I'm not sure, and I don't seem to have it noted down anywhere. So, for my future reference: Mary-Alice is totally screaming a lot around here. This kid is LOUD. She doesn't even need to put her mouth right in your ear for it to hurt if she's really worked up.

I think there's a tooth about to pop. We're about a week away from the age her sister popped her first tooth. Hopefully those two will come out and she'll be less likely to go from peacefully sleeping to "YOU ARE TORTURING ME. TORTURING. ME." screaming in thirty seconds.

fandom and squeeage, it's a jolly holiday with mary-alice

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