not so jolly not so holiday

Dec 06, 2013 23:30

Mary-Alice isn't very happy these past couple days, I'm not sure why. Especially in regard to sleeping. She doesn't just cry, she screams, with this horrible velociraptor attack/banshee/death rattle combo. It's very rough going around here.

What helps:
--being vertical
--moving with her
--(sometimes) laying her on her side/holding her on her side

I don't think it's GERD or ear infection because neither fits precisely but I don't know what's going on. Doesn't seem to be gas either. No fever or stuffy nose or any sign of illness. Drool factory is back. The Husband thinks he feels a tooth coming, I'm not sure. Tylenol did not help.

Last night the only way I could get her to calm down was to actually bring her into bed, but that didn't help me get much sleep (I toss and turn while falling asleep, and I couldn't do that with her right there). Usually she's in a co-sleeper.

I'm feeling a bit depressed because Gordon is going back to full-time soon and I don't know how I'm going to function if this is how it goes. Please just be a tooth coming in, and if so, finish coming in now please.


We had a low-key St. Nicholas Day. Oranges and a candy cane in the shoes. We discussed St. Nicholas over breakfast.

Me: So then Nicholas threw a bag of gold in through the window.
Pippa: Ohhhh, that's a great idea!


It's very cold for Vancouver right now. Of course that's nothing like what the people are experiencing in southern Alberta now. Apparently right now in Calgary, exposed skin can get frostbite in less than 5 minutes because of the cold and wind. Yikes.

The cold here is just regular ol' cold, not "toes dropping off" cold. And the weather forecast keeps taunting us by calling for snow five days away. Then two days go by and the forecast gets changed so the snow is still five days away. SNOW TEASERS.

vancouver: one who vancouves, it's a jolly holiday with mary-alice

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