solidarity forever, for the union throws a good party

Dec 02, 2013 22:39

The Husband's schedule got changed so I had to get my SIL to watch Pippa while I took Mary-Alice to baby touch. [Potty stuff behind a spoiler cut as usual.]I may or may not have freaked out the other mothers when Mary-Alice would not stop fussing and was in a dry diaper, so I said I was going to take her to the bathroom, and came back with her in the same diaper, because she used the toilet. Unlike Pippa at this age, Mary-Alice signals, and for a baby, holds it an impressively long time. She is super fastidious, and does not like to be in a wet or dirty diaper. We still have to change her at night because otherwise she won't sleep.

I had bad luck with the bus getting home so I bought some pizza at the pizza place that was right there to thank my SIL for watching Pippa at such short notice, but my SIL had to run so she just took two small slices with her (grandma cut squares), so I had seven small slices for me (Pippa ate two and I saved one for Gordon)... I think it counts as health food though because four slices were the Vancouver flatbread, which is enormous pieces of cold smoked salmon and salad greens on flatbread with a light dressing, yum. Gimme those omega-3s please.

Also the guy who owns the pizza place is an actual Italian from Italy and was speaking Italian with a customer when I was in there. And he called Mary-Alice a bella bambina and when I left he said "Ciao bella!" These things make pizza buying a more pleasant experience.

We had to wake Pippa up halfway through her nap to go to Burnaby for the union children's Christmas party. We never went before and it's an impressive shindig. They rent out space from the Burnaby Village Museum, so we can ride the carousel, and they had a short musical show and a short magic show (I had a mild scare when it appeared for a moment that Pippa was going to freak out if she didn't get an Elmo balloon, but she calmed down and got over it). Each kid got a gift, some candy, and a juice box. A gel drawing tablet was the gift for the under 3 set, so we got two, one for Pippa and one for Mary-Alice. It's a pretty sweet gift! I'm thinking it will be a great toy to play with for when naptime gives way to simply quiet time.

Coming home was a bit rough as we hadn't had a normal dinner (only a snack... and candy), Pippa only had half a nap, and it was a pretty long trip. Mary-Alice wouldn't stop crying for a while, not sure why. I told Gordon that this was awesome and wonderful but that next year we're #1 packing a dinner with us (I saw more experienced families doing this) and #2 taking a taxi home. We didn't actually get to see Santa or do a lot of other things because we got there so late (because Gordon was working) and had to leave so early. Spending $30 on a taxi once or twice a year is not the worst thing in the world.

the pipster, elimination communication, it's a jolly holiday with mary-alice

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