don't it make my brown eyes blue

Apr 27, 2011 20:18

I've decided not to do Divine Mercy cupcakes this time--as cute an idea as it is, there are two main drawbacks.

The first drawback is that I am losing at freezer tetris. Since I was making holiday food, I was following holiday recipes which serve 8, and we're only 2.5. This has resulted in a ton of leftovers. Even my leftover-using recipes are resulting in leftovers (I have a tub of leftover lamb soup in the fridge now, for example). I really don't want to waste food, and so far I haven't let anything go bad, but it's kind of exhausting to juggle right now. I feel like I need to use up things that I already have rather than buy new ingredients.

The second drawback is that if I did go ahead and do 36 cupcakes, you just know that I would end up going into labor and be unable to go, and then there I am with a new baby and 36 cupcakes. As far as problems go, TOO MANY CUPCAKES isn't that bad, I know, but I'm just picturing myself inviting people over and being like "Please come have some cupcakes! Also, we have a baby now."

So what I have decided to do as my offering is a loaf of bread cut into appetizer-sized pieces, and a spread. We have all kinds of salmon in the freezer and pantry--smoked, fillets, pan-dressed, canned--so a salmon spread would be a good way to use some of that up. I'd probably use either the smoked or the fillets poached, and I incline towards the latter, simply because it seems silly to try to "stretch" something good like smoked salmon. I'd much rather save the smoked salmon for a smaller party where it can be enjoyed straight. Although I have to LOL at how many recipes on Allrecipes etc suggest adding a drop of liquid smoke for the smoked salmon taste without the cost. Sneaky!


I've sort of fenced myself in, mood-wise, regarding going into labor. I flip back and forth between worrying that it will take me too long to go into labor, and worrying that I'll go into labor before I want to. The silly thing is that I want her to be born in May. So on the one hand I don't want to go into labor just yet. But on the other hand, once it is May, I'd like her to be born relatively soon.

So neither signs of progression nor lack of signs satisfy me. If I go a day without having noticeable Braxton-Hicks contractions, I worry that she's going to be weeks late. And if I have a day when I have a bunch of them and they're really uncomfortable, I worry she's going to come that day!

Something more fun to ponder is baby's initial and eventual eye and hair colors.

Eye color in particular is one of those things that you study in high school as a supposedly straightforward example of some principle (in this case, genetic dominance/recession) and then later find out aren't that simple at all.

My eyes are hazel/amber, like this:

Yeah I have Twilight vegetarian vampire eyes. Thanks so much Stephenie Meyer.

The Husband's eyes are blue-grey, like this:

Both of our eyes look very different depending on the light, outfit, etc.

My dad has brown eyes, darker than mine, more of a typical brown. My mom has green eyes (kind of an olive green). My brother has blue eyes (fairly straight blue). I have hazel eyes. So... I don't know what you do with that data, lol. From what I understand, brown/blue and green/not-green are separate factors. So we infer that my father was brown + blue and no "green" factor, and my mother was blue + blue and the "green" factor. So I got brown from my father, blue from my mother, and green, whereas my brother got blue from both and didn't get the green? Or something?

So I'll be contributing brown + blue + green and The Husband will be contributing blue + blue + not-green, so... our children could basically have any eye color? Maybe?

Clearly we need to have a ton of kids so that our sample pool is large enough to draw conclusions from... ;)

I was platinum blond when I was little (really!) and my hair started to darken when I was about five, and it just keeps getting darker and darker and darker, to the point that I expect at some point it will appear black to the casual observer. All throughout, my hair has been warm-toned.

The Husband's hair color looks basically the same in baby pictures as it does now, and has always been cool-toned brown.

So my guess is that the baby will eventually have brown hair, it just remains to be seen if her hair will start out that way or not.

Then again, my mom apparently had a dream where she was a redhead with green eyes, so... there's that. LOL.


I didn't watch the Penguins game because I got too excited watching the Canucks game and didn't want to subject myself to a heartbreaker in real time, and that turns out to be for the best. Next year! On the bright side, perhaps this will mean a marked decrease in "update: no updates on Crosby" "news".

joye: domestic entrepreneur, pittsburgh n'at, the passenger

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