let's hear it for dull

Apr 28, 2011 17:19

Saw the midwife again today and everything's truckin' truckin'.

Currently 80% effaced and .5cm dilated. The Passenger is head down and currently in a sort of three-quarters position, between profile (facing my right side) and face-in (face-in is the ideal). The midwife says that once active labor begins the contractions will pull her into a face-in position, so that's very good. No back labor!

She's not too big or too small, between 7 and 7.5 lbs, probably won't gain more than a few more ounces before she's born. 7.5 lbs is the "average" weight of a newborn.

As for mommy's weight, I gave into temptation and actually stepped on the scale. I'm not going to mention the actual number, but it appears like my total pregnancy gain is about 35 pounds. My OB-GYN way back when told me to ignore the "overweight" BMI recommendation of 15-25 pounds gain since I was just barely BMI overweight and because I'm so tall, and to gain the "normal weight" amount of 25-35 pounds instead, so it looks like I've done that. I was afraid to weigh myself because I know I'm retaining so much water and I thought the number would be super high and depress me, so the fact that it's "only" 35 pounds is reassuring.

So all in all it's a really boring pregnancy! Testing positive for strep is the only thing that has "gone wrong" at all the entire pregnancy. To keep me humble I guess. Let the boringness continue!

I have now arranged three little outfits for her. This is important, obviously.

The pink one on the right is going to be the "first" outfit. It's classic Pooh illustration of Pooh and Piglet and it says "blooming is what flowers do best" and "flowery days are special days" on it. :3

The pink hat has little tails on it, which I just think are super-adorable. The other two hats have little ducks on them, and the blue onesie says "so sweet" on it, since I know it's not a very good picture.

I'm waiting for the phone company to show up and set up our home phone line but I have a suspicion that they aren't going to come, since it's already after 17:00. We'll see. I forgot to ask The Husband if we actually have a phone yet.

We weren't going to have a landline but my mom begged and offered to pay for it, so we're going along with it. She doesn't trust cell phones for home emergencies and she does have something of a point.

the passenger

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