General update

Feb 06, 2009 14:19

There's not much to update. My back's doing much better. I've been seeing my chiropractor for 4 weeks now. Next week I graduate to "rehab" status, and she'll give me some actual strengthening exercises! Woohoo!

Since I haven't been able to cook my lunches on the weekend (due to marathon cooking sessions being stressful for my back), I have had to eat out at lunch every day this week. Now I have zits, I suspect from stealth dairy products in the food. :( I discovered that one of my normal lunch sandwiches, the VegOut bagel from Einstein Bagels, normally has cream cheese on one side and hummus on the other. For some reason I thought it only had hummus on it. I discovered this when the sandwich maker asked me if it was okay for him to put garden vegetable cream cheese on one side of the sandwich, so I suspect they are open to putting hummus on both sides.

But I am looking forward getting back on my whole-grain, no dairy diet. I lost 4 pounds on it (over three weeks), but more importantly my eczema and acne cleared up and I felt great.

Work-wise, I finally figured out how to successfully merge photos into a Word document. It's a total hack, which I found through an online search. Even then I had to tweak those instructions to fit my purpose. So that accomplishment feels good.

The temperatures are supposed to rise to above freezing this weekend, which should melt the thick sheets of ice that still remain in parking lots and some sidewalks. Everyone here is very much ready for this change.

food, work, cooking, winter, allergies

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