New Years Eve

Dec 31, 2008 21:19

I was supposed to be at a party tonight, eating Indian food and watching Bollywood movies. My body had other ideas. I was very tired when I got home from work and lay down for a nap at 6 pm. I woke to a surprise low blood sugar attack. Stumbled downstairs and found a banana and some walnuts to snack on. Rob worked until 7pm, at which time he blessedly nuked a piece of leftover lasagna for me, while we watched an episode of Firefly.

It is now 9, and I'm in bed, typing this on the iPod. I'm sacked. Exhausted, probably, from my mother's visit. I hope to be asleep long before midnight. I'm a bit disappointed to miss the party, but grateful to be able to rest.

Hope you all have the NYE you wish for.
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