Out of balance

Jan 01, 2009 11:37

The problem with having cooked and eaten so much lasagna* in the past week is eating all that pasta. White pasta, too (I usually cook with whole wheat pasta, but I wasn't sure how that would work with the recipes we used, which were made for white pasta).

I'm feeling out of balance. I usually eat brown rice about 3 nights a week, and often have brown rice and beans as a late afternoon snack at work. This week I think I have had brown rice once, and no beans at all. Last night's blood sugar crash was probably the culmination of the past week's light carb eating.

I'm strongly considering a two week cleansing diet eliminating any pasta (including whole wheat pasta) or bread from my diet for two weeks, and focus instead on eating lots of whole grains, beans, and vegetables, and fruit. No potatoes (simple carbs), butter, cheese, or whole eggs (egg whites would be okay). Some olive oil. I should be eating that way most of the time anyways. But it's so easy to eat out and not think about what I'm eating.

The only think I'll have to watch is making sure I get enough Omega 3 fatty acids with supplemented flax seed meal (which is actually pretty yummy) and a little olive oil to keep my joints healthy.

Starting next week, maybe?

*I can, however, now spell lasagna without spellcheck. :-P

health, food, cooking

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