An update on my plantar fasciitis, shoes and inserts

Dec 16, 2008 15:13

I never finished updating you all about my plantar fasciitis issues, did I? When last I left off the story, the long-awaited New Balance shoes I wanted had arrived, as had my custom fit orthotics. That was in early October. I have been back to the Foot Solutions store a couple of time since then for minor adjustments to the orthotics (which is something they encourage). My feet are much improved!

The orthotics are working out very well. The right foot is very comfortable. I have a tiny bit of discomfort in my left foot, which may mean that the orthotics could use another minor adjustment. I'll swing by Foot Solutions some Saturday when I have some time, and see if my salesman thinks they need to be adjusted again. Any adjustment would probably consist of shaving off a bit of the base of the orthotic to re-adjust the angle at which my foot sits.

The New Balance shoe that I bought at Foot Solutions ended up being a bit too narrow once the orthotic was in place. I was getting some nerve impingement in my left foot when I exercised, causing my middle or big toe to go numb. Not good. So I ordered another shoe through the New Balance website, one that is very similar to the shoe I already had, but a bit wider. That seems to have done the trick.

I'm now wearing the new shoe and orthotics all the time. My feet are happy and I'm able to exercise without pain or numbness. I look like a dork wearing athletic shoes to work, but it is better than being in constant foot pain. Once my finances can handle it, I plan to purchase a decent pair of dressier shoes for work that are wide and deep enough for the orthotics to fit into. But until then I'm okay with looking like a dork. I'm used to it--I grew up getting teased for wearing corrective shoes that looked like "boys shoes". At least New Balance are normal looking shoes, if not especially fashionista.

I am not pain-free, however. Rather than being severely pronated, or rolled inward, as my feet are without correction, the orthotics place my feet in a neutral position. This puts my body in a more correct posture. In the long run this will be much better for me, it is taking my muscles time to adjust. The first effect, which I felt within a few days of getting the orthotics, was hamstring tendinitis. My monthly massage helped that, but two weeks later muscles in my lumbar spine spasmed. A month after that, I strained a muscle in my mid back.

Each time, I have adjusted my yoga practice, iced, and massaged, and each time the muscles have been painful for a couple of weeks before finally healing. But I'm sensing a pattern. My spine seems to be adjusting to the new postural alignment, working up from bottom to top. Which is cool, but during this process I seem to need more than my usual monthly massage.

Today I finally gave in, and booked a massage at a local clinic. I hesitate to ask D., my usual therapist, as she has mostly retired from her practice (I'm her only client anymore). I left a message with a former student of hers that she recommended, but he never called me back. I don't know what's up with that.

My massage is Thursday, and I can't wait. I am tired of managing this pain. I wish I could afford weekly massages. I'll try to keep up bi-weekly massages until things settle down. I know I should also see a chiropractor. I'll see about making an appointment after the new year.

Overall, though, I am happy with the outcome. I am able to walk and exercise without foot pain or numbness. And I remain very hopeful that once my spine adjusts my posture and muscles will be healthier than before.

health, exercise, shoes, muscles, 2008 shoes

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