New season, more changes

Oct 05, 2004 13:00

The first freeze warning of the season was last night. I forgot to bring in the plants on my porch until this morning, but luckily I don't think they suffered any damage.

I have yet to change my summer clothes out for my winter clothes, so for the past two mornings I've been rooting around in the storage bins that hold my winter attire. I look at the clothes laying in the bins and they aren't my style anymore. They're mostly dark muted colors, and a lot of beige. I have started to wear brighter and lighter colors this spring and summer. Now, granted, I'm sure I will still enjoy throwing a colorful vest over top the beige turtlenecks, which is why I got them. But much of my winter wardrobe doesn't seem like me anymore. I'm going to need new clothes. Rich purple. Red. Orange. Emerald green.

Edit: Even my default icon is muted colors. I think I might need a new one, with rich, vibrant hues.

clothes, fall, seasons

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