
Mar 11, 2014 19:34

mainly for me to continue off of these....some day.
my if u wanna drop anything in there ;)

krisoo; pg ✮
kris likes to think the only reason he comes to EXXXO is for the panty clad girls on poles and not the cute bartender who serves the drinks, but then again he doesn't like to think that hes a liar, so he sighs and accepts his fate on having a crush on some kid who looks like he still belongs in high school and not serving drinks at a strip club.

"hey kris," kyungsoo says, behind the bar as he sits in his usual spot.

"hi," kris waves and watches as he kyungsoo adjust his cute bow tie, walking closer.

"how was work?" kris wants to answer but kyungsoo's lips are doing that thing where they form words and its incredibly distracting.

"yo, kris" kyungsoo says snapping his fingers and kris finally comes out of his kyungsoo-daze "can you just ask me out and stop looking at me like you want to eat me," he mumbles cheeks pink.

kris flinches back, and then really flinches back, falling out of his chair but not before shouting a quick "go out with me!"

kaisoo; pg ✮
kyungsoo thinks half the reason jongin broke his arms (yes /arms/ plural, as in both) is so that kyungsoo could pamper him.

"why dont you eat it off the floor," he suggests looking at the burrito jongin had asked him to take out of his backpack for him. he glares at it.

"because i'm not a dog," jongin says, pouting "please hyung i've been craving a burrito all day."

kyungsoo sighs for the millionth time and glares at the puppy eyes jongin is making (he hates those puppy eyes they've made him do things....things he thought he'd never do).

"fine, come here."

jongin looks like he's about to clap his hands together in glee before he realizes he cant. he comes over and opens his mouth as kyungsoo picks up the burrito delicately, because he'd wearing his school uniform and doesn't want to get grease on it.

"alright here comes the plane," kyungsoo says as he launches the burrito forward stuffing it in jongin's mouth.

he showed no no mercy hoping to get this over with as soon as possible, but he probably should have thought this through a little better. jongin, after all has never been good with putting things in his mouth.

jongin coughs and spits out the food in his mouth "oh gross," kyungsoo whines when beans and god knows what else lands on his face and shirt.

"sorry," jongin mumbles.

he looks sadly at the burrito now on the floor then at him. kyungsoo feels bad, the kicked puppy look jongin is sporting can be cute but it's more effective than the dogs in those sad commercials. he groans and wipes the food off of his face then leans it to wipe jongin's, but gets an idea.

instead he pulls jongin's face in and peppers little kisses on his cheeks and goes as far as to lick some of the food off.

"hyung you're being gross," jongin mumbles, in the breathy tone kyungsoo loves.

he pulls back grinning at the flustered look on jongin's face "mm that burrito would have been pretty good," he says, licking at his own lips.

jongin flushes and stands up "i'm going to the bathroom."

chankai; pg ✮
chanyeol doesn't like pizza, but he does like kim jongin.

jongin is a junior at his school with his softest brown hair and sleepiest eyes he's ever seen. chanyeol likes to imagine running his fingers over that soft hair, sometimes wet from sweat because jongin's a dancer and does things with his body chanyeol doesn't think should be legal. he likes to imagine jongin waking up in the morning eyes puffy and half open, maybe his head will be a little sore from some hair pulling, he grins. jongin's lips are constantly chapped, which makes jongin lick them All The Time, and makes chanyeol knock into things, like doors and people.

we can all say chanyeol has a crush on jongin.

jongin had recently gotten a job in the towns mall. a small pizza place a lot of the high school kids frequent. since then chanyeol has found himself buying /a lot/ of pizza.

he cant help it, he thinks, jongin looks so cute in his orange work shirt and khaki pants. sometimes he wears a black apron (which means he's making pizza and he'll have flour on his face) and chanyeol almost squeals because he looks So Cute.

so chanyeol finds himself going once a week and buying a box of El Patrons pizza hoping he doesn't seem as creepy as he feels.

"the usual?" jongin asks, smiling at him. he's wearing his work cap and chanyeol itches to get his phone out and take a picture.

"ye-yeah." chanyeol stutters, licking his lips nervously.

"you know you didn't strike me as the pizza type." jongin says, putting in the information in the cash register.

chanyeols eyebrows raise, oh. "what do i strike you as?" he leans forward a smirk teasing his lips. he cant help it, he's curious and a bit full of himself, and jongin just basically said he's been thinking about him, he can't not smirk.

"some health nut," jongin says, closing the register and the doors to chanyeols dreams. chanyeol feels himself deflate and he leans back, frowning. "since you're basketball captain and all."

chanyeol looks up to jongin smiling at him. "you don't have to buy so much pizza if you want to talk to me."

he splutters.

"heres my number," chanyeol thinks he hears angels singing as jongin scribbles some numbers onto his receipt "text me."

"yeah, yeah, i will! most definitely be texting you soon, yeah." he closes his mouth less he embarrass himself longer. he grabs his pizza and waves walking out of the store.

krisoo; pg13 ✮
kyungsoo licks and sucks his way up yifans neck "you taste so good," he says, in that breathless tone that has yifan grinding his dick against kyungsoo's ass cheeks.

"so, so good," kyungsoo continues, nipping at his collarbones until hes not nipping anymore, hes biting, and its starting to hurt.

"kyungsoo," yifan groans, nudging him off a bit "too hard." but kyungsoo isn't paying attention, kyungsoo is biting down harder, leaving bloody marks behind and pulling at taut skin.

"kyungsoo!" yifan yells as kyungsoo takes the skin from his neck in between his teeth and /pulls/, pulls so hard its coming off and yifan is screaming in pain.

he pushes kyungsoo off, blooding running down his neck. kyungsoos on the ground eyes crazed, lips red with blood, his blood.

"yifan im hungry."

kaisoo; pg13 ✮
kyungsoo hates being stuck in a rut. being a manga artist isn't all its hyped up to be. you got deadlines every other week, and pressure from all sides. being stuck in a rut while being a manga artist is not something he needs right now.

kyungsoo liked when he was just a small time artist who sold a good amount of books with a sizable fan base. he knew he should have stayed away from yaoi, knew the trouble that came with it. yaoi was The Craze, and his manga went viral after it was referenced in an anime, which led to a lot of things but the scariest of them all.....prepubescent girls.

he stares at the blank piece of paper, trying to figure out how to open up this scene. he hated, positively loathed sex scenes. not only because he hadn't gotten any in more than 5 months but because he sucked at drawing dick.

he knows, //knows//, how could someone, much less someone who went to an art school be so bad at drawing dick? 5 year olds can do it for gods sake, but its something kyungsoos just never been good at. he sighs and looks at the clock, 9:00pm, he'd might as well head home else he'd be stuck with all the creeps on the train.

he has his sketch pad out, sitting towards the back so no one can call him immature for drawing a whole bunch of penises on the paper. hes sketching a quick makeout scene. his main character Kris is unbuckling Chanyeols pants getting ready to go down on him, and he thinks yes, yes! finally hes going to get this, but he's wrong. the dick ends up looking like a cucumber and he rips the page out angrily cursing dicks all over the world.

he's mumbling to himself about 'stupid dicks' when someone taps him on the shoulder. he looks up, eyes widening when he sees the boy standing over him.

"having trouble there?" amazing jawline says.

kyungsoo cant bother with being embarrassed, he's tired and maybe a little sexually frustrated from watching so much porn at work so he can get inspired by The Perfect Dick.

"you could say that."

"i think i can help with that," amazing jawline with very nice lips says, unfurling his sketch.

kyungsoo gives him a disbelieving look, crossing his arms, raising his eyebrow "and how is that?"

"well i think it'd be better if i showed you."

amazing jawline unbuckles his belt, and pulls his pants down giving kyungsoo full frontal view to the most beautiful dick hes ever seen.

"i..can work with that" he says, reaching out to take hold of jawlines hand and shaking it "im kyungsoo."


"we'll be seeing a lot of each other'" kyungsoo says, cooing at jongin's dick.

pg, pg13, krisoo, chankai, kaisoo

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