don't go breaking my heart

Feb 17, 2014 20:00

r; 5.9k; horror
warning: highlight to see character death

A/N written for sooheaven

Jongin doesn’t know why today feels different. It’s Monday, and nothing happens on Mondays. It’s just the start to another long week filled with schoolwork, homework, less sleep, more work, and all the things in between that Jongin would rather do without.
So, he thinks, if it’s just another Monday, why does it feel so different?

Jongin trails sluggishly into the lunchroom, regretting letting yet another weekend screw up his sleeping schedule. The thought of spending the next few hours trying to drone out the rambles of his teachers makes falling asleep then and there a much more inviting option. Food can help with that. Food helps with most things. He piles whatever he can onto his tray and searches around for familiarity.

Minseok, Yixing, and Sehun are at their usual spot, already helping themselves.

“Thanks for waiting guys,” Jongin says as he sits down.

Sehun rolls his eyes “Don’t act like you wouldn’t have started eating already,” Minseok nods and Sehun continues, “you were walking especially slow today, did you want us to starve.” Jongin throws a grape at him.

They eat in silence for a while, then Yixing brings up their groups choreography for dance club after school and soon they’re all putting their input about songs and moves. It’s nearing the end of lunch and Jongin wants to groan because he still has three more classes to go before school’s over. Jongin’s opens his mouth, about to suggest maybe he should skip his next three tedious classes in favour of starting their routine early, when the cafeteria doors swing open and he finds himself staring at the most bizarre hamburger print he’s ever seen on a sweater - no less, the sleeves.

The occupant looks much less fazed by his fashion choice than the people around him. He briskly makes his way past Jongin’s table and Jongin notices how his body is a lot smaller than his bold statements. He has untidy hair to match the thickness of his brows, both dark enough that they match the hue of his jeans. Despite the lost look in his eyes the boy - someone Jongin is very, very sure he has never seen before be - seems to walk like he knows exactly where his going.

He doesn’t realise his eyes are trailing him until Yixing’s finger pokes him out of it.

“New kid,” Yixing says between bites, “he’s in my second hour. Name’s Kyungsoo.” He gulps. “He seems kind of weird. Someone said they saw him and his mom move into those old apartment block by the Tempe Bridge - said they looked creepy.” Sehun uses the opportunity to do his best spooky impersonation which Minseok takes as a challenge.

Jongin nods, though he’s not paying any particular attention anymore.

Kyungsoo’s made his way over to the vending machine just as the bell sounds and Jongin gets up to gather his things. Sehun makes a few begrudging groans about physics that Jongin would normally chime in with if his mind wasn’t temporarily occupied. He looks back only to find that his said focus of interest is nowhere to be found. Yixing helps poke out the unconscious grimace on his face as they turn to leave.

“Kyungsoo.” Jongin muses. New kid.

He follows his friends out and walks to class.

Finally, Jongin plops down into his desk in the last class of the day, more than ready to doze off. The teacher walks in and starts talking about what they’re going to be doing in class today and Jongin is on the verge of closing his eyes when someone knocks on the door.

“Come in,” the professor says, and in walks Kyungsoo. Jongin sits up.

“Hello, sorry I’m late I got lost. I’m the new student,” he says softly. Jongin leans in to hear him talk better and he likes Kyungsoo’s voice, soft but sure. It’s low and appealing and he wants to hear more.

“Ah yes, please introduce yourself to the class Mr. Kyungsoo and you can take the seat behind Jongin. Jongin please raise your hand.” He does so, fighting down a grin. Maybe talking to Kyungsoo will be easier than he anticipated.

“Hello I’m Do Kyungsoo and I hope we can get along.” He says quickly, bowing, then walks over to Jongin’s row, not looking anyone in the eyes and takes his seat.

While the teacher continues to drone on about the days lesson, students chatter amongst each other and take turns looking at the new kid. Jongin sits, bouncing his leg and contemplates whether he should say hi once class is over.

Before he knows it class is over and Kyungsoo is already leaving the classroom. Jongin sighs, rubbing his neck. Tomorrow he will talk to him.

It continues for a while, Jongin wanting to say hi and getting nowhere because Kyungsoo seems to be incredibly elusive, never hanging around in the cafeteria, the library nor the gym (Jongin has checked them all) so the only time he has with him seems to be his last period.

“Jongin,” Minseok’s voice sounds annoyed.

“Huh, what?”

“I ask, for the third time by the way, if you wanted a ride after practice today?”

“Yeah, yeah thanks, sorry I’ve been distracted lately.”

Jongin can feel Sehun rolling his eyes from here. “What is it?” he looks at him.

“Well you're obviously being distracted by that creepy new kid.”

“His name is Kyungsoo and he’s not creepy. Where did people even get that idea?” Jongin snaps, instantly defensive.

Sehun explains about the kid who lives in Kyungsoo’s apartment building, how Kyungsoo is the only one that ever leaves the house even though his mom was with him the first time. How the lights are always turned on even till the late hours, and how sometimes the kid hears scratching noises against the door like someone is trying to get out.

Jongin ignores all this and tells Sehun everyone is being ridiculous, maybe Kyungsoo has a dog, maybe his mom works late at night and no one sees her come in because of that, maybe that’s why the lights are always on. That shuts him up.

“Kids at this school should stop making up rumors about someone they don’t even know and focus on better things,” Jongin hears himself say angrily. He looks up and his friends are all looking at him weirdly. “What,” he huffs.

Yixing pats his back, “We just haven’t seen you be this uh...passionate about someone. Have you even talked to him?”

Jongin deflates, all the fight going out of him, because no he hasn’t. Because he inexplicably shies away from Kyungsoo, as if he doesn’t want to make a bad impression.

“No,” he almost pouts, “but I want to.”

They all console him, except for Sehun who still looks put off, but Jongin ignores that and continues to eat until the bell rings.

Kyungsoo seemed to have a thing for sweaters, Jongin’s noticed. Today was no exception; he sauntered through the door in a simple black pullover that hung loosely over his arms. He seemed cautious; shoulders hunched as made his way to his usual seat.

Jongin tries not to think too much about it.

The class drags on and, for the initial part, Jongin thinks the day’ll progress as mundanely as any other.


Something rolls towards his heel and he feels a soft tap on his shoulder. He startles.

“Ah, sorry about that. I dropped my pencil under your chair,” Kyungsoo’s voice whispers behind him, Jongin feels his whole body involuntarily tingle in response to it; so unfairly smooth, breath tickling the hairs on his neck.

He retrieves the fallen pencil and turns back to hand it to a demure Kyungsoo. “Thank you,” the latter whispers.

Jongin smiles “No problem.”

Kyungsoo looks momentarily bewildered, like he’d just been caught off guard, but quickly nods. Jongin realises that this is an opportunity he really shouldn’t miss again.

“I’m Jongin.”

Kyungsoo looks at the outstretched hand before taking it lightly in his smaller one. “Do Kyungsoo, it’s nice to-”

“Mr. Kim and Mr. Do, if you’re both going to continue talking please do so outside of my class.” The teacher reprimands, causing both of them to jolt their attention back to the front. Satisfied, the teacher goes back to the board.

Jongin quickly turns around and smiles at Kyungsoo who only nods back.

It’s nice to meet you, too.

“Thanks for the ride!”

Jongin waves as Minseok and his mother round off the curb and disappear down the street. There’s a spring to his step as he rushes through his door, greets his parents and bounds up to his room.

Jongin ends up flopping onto his bed and throwing his face into his pillow to hide the unrelenting grin burning his cheeks.

Just remembering that short moment from today has his stomach doing backflips he never knew it could make. He may not have had the conversation that he wanted to have with Kyungsoo, but this was much better than nothing at all. Progress is key, and he likes to think this is only the beginning of someone more than mere introductions. The mere thought has him grinning even harder.

That night, when he closes his eyes, he sees inviting plush red lips and warm, welcoming eyes.

On the other side of town someone is making far too much noise.
“Shut the fuck up someone could hear you.”
Theres a thump, the force of a body hitting the floor.
It’s quiet again.

Weeks pass and the relationship between Jongin and Kyungsoo grows, enough that when the teacher asks them to partner up Jongin immediately turns to Kyungsoo who always has that shy small smile on his face.

“So want to eat lunch together tomorrow?” Jongin asks, nervously. He gathers his things up to make himself look busy but takes a chance and looks at Kyungsoo whose face looks almost comical. Eyes wide, mouth gaping.

“With you?”

“Uh, yeah. I mean we don’t have to eat with my friends or anything we can go wherever you want.” He continues to watch as Kyungsoo bites his lips nervously, before he nods his head, just a bit, but it’s enough to have a large grin split Jongin’s face.

“Alright cool, I have to go for dance practice right now but where do you want to meet?”

“Is in front of the library okay?”

“Yes, yes it’s perfect I’ll see you tomorrow bye!” He smiles one more time and runs to practice.

He finds Kyungsoo standing warily by the doors. His shoulders are hunched, eyes on the floor as he pulls at the sleeves of his sweater. Jongin wonders why Kyungsoo always looks like he’s keeping a secret.


“Hi,” Kyungsoo smiles, making Jongin feel like throwing himself on the ground.

He’s come to realize that his crush on Kyungsoo might have gotten out of hand after the first week of talking to him but he doesn't care. He likes him, a lot, and he’s going to make Kyungsoo like him too.

“Come on,” Kyungsoo says motioning over to Jongin, “I know the perfect spot to eat.”

When Kyungsoo takes him up to the rooftop, Jongin is startled “Don’t you need keys to be up here?”

“Don’t tell anyone, but I stole the extra pair from the janitor.”

“Wow, never would have took you for someone who steals keys,” Jongin says playfully, but Kyungsoo’s face changes, serious.

“There’s a lot I’m capable of doing.”

A chill passes through, wind rustling the leaves and Kyungsoo laughs, “For example I’m a great cook and I made you something.”

Jongin feels himself blush at the thought of Kyungsoo cooking food for him and hopes the other doesn’t catch it.

Kyungsoo waves his hand over for Jongin to follow him and takes him over to the fence at the edge of the roof. The view is amazing.

“Wow,” he says, and Kyungsoo nods agreeing.

“I love coming up here, it’s calm.” he smiles softly over at Jongin then sits down taking out the food from his lunch bag.

“I hope you like sandwiches.”

Jongin bursts out laughing “I thought you said you were an amazing cook,”

Kyungsoo smiles. “I lied.”

It continues, their lunches, partnering up class, sometimes even stopping in the hallways to talk to each other.

Jongin is completely wrapped up in Kyungsoo. In his heart shaped smile, the way his eyes shine and scrunch up, the sound of his laugh. Kyungsoo emits a warmness Jongin wants to keep in a jar all for himself.

It’s at dance practice when Sehun confronts him.

“Don’t you think you’ve been spending too much time with Kyungsoo lately?”

Jongin wipes the sweat off of his face, “What?”

“You barely eat with us these days, we haven’t hung out in forever, the only time all three of us see you anymore is dance practice and you’re always distracted.” by Kyungsoo goes unsaid.

Jongin scoffs and rubs a towel over his sweaty neck and thinks about what Sehun is saying sure he’s been spending a lot of time with Kyungsoo but it’s because he likes him, can’t they see that?

Jongin has never been serious about his crushes, honestly he’s only ever had one boyfriend and that didn’t last too long so he knows maybe he’s putting too much attention on Kyungsoo right now but he doesn’t know what else to do.

He looks over at Sehun, his oldest friend and tells him exactly what he’s been thinking. In the end the blond still has that displeased look on his face but his lips turn upwards and he pats Jongin on the shoulder until Jongin brings him in for a hug.

“Did you hear,” a first year whispers to her friend “about that new kid who moved over by the bridge?”
The friend nods, “The one who's always wearing sweater right?”
“Mhm,” the first year hums, “well Park Chanyeol followed him during gym because he never changes with the other boys and.” The first year pauses taking a dramatic swig of her water bottle.
The friend stares eyes wide “And what!”
“Well no one really knows what happened but Chanyeol came out looking like he saw a ghost and he hasn’t spoken all day.”
The friend wraps her arms around herself, “Weird.”

“Hey, hyung,” Jongin says, walking over to Kyungsoo, who merely smiles over at him and continues to look at the trees.

They sit like that for a while ‘til Jongin gets the inkling that maybe something’s wrong. People were being extra whisper-y in the halls today. Being in high school one can’t ignore the gossip completely but he tries. He notices how Kyungsoo’s shoulders are more tense than usual.

“Did something happen today?” He can’t help but feel oddly protective. He wants to wrap Kyungsoo, tiny vanilla smelling Kyungsoo, in a hug and tell him it’s going to be okay. He knows people think Kyungsoo is weird but that’s only because they don’t bother trying to know him.

“Nothing important,” Kyungsoo says quietly, avoiding eye contact.

But Jongin doesn’t want this he wants Kyungsoo to trust him and tell him everything so he grabs him by the shoulders and turns the other to face him.

And kisses him.

It’s an awkward press of lips but Jongin likes the way Kyungsoo’s lips are soft and warm against his. They’re rigid at first but he nibbles on Kyungsoo’s bottom lip, running his tongue over it and Kyungsoo kisses him back softly, hands flitting around nervously until he grabs onto the front of Jongins shirt bringing him closer. They kiss until it’s smooth between spit slick lips and it’s hard to breathe.

“I like you,” he pants, sitting back and watching Kyungsoo.

Kyungsoo runs dark eyes over him, face serious. Jongin thinks he’s made a mistake but then Kyungsoo smiles, heart shaped and lovely.

“I like you too.”

“Hey guys.”

Minseok, Yixing, and Sehun look at him like he’s grown another head.

“What are you doing here, don’t you have somebody to hug,” Sehun sniffs.

“I do actually,” he cant help the large smile on his face, ‘because I’m dating him!”

He's met with several pairs of shocked eyes; Jongin knows his friends weren’t going to be jumping up and down for him but he’d think they’d be more excited. They seem to catch on and Yixing reaches out and kind of claps his back “Congrats man.” Minseok grins and he thinks Sehun is smiling.

“Thanks guys now if you’ll excuse me I’m gonna go spend lunch with my boyfriend.” He feels himself grin widely and walks off towards the library where Kyungsoo usually waits for him, but he isn’t there. Jongin looks around and figures he went to the roof since he did take longer today.

He walks up the steps, pushes the door open and looks around but no Kyungsoo. He decides to wait, maybe he had something to do and begins unpacking his lunch. He’s almost done eating his sandwich when he hears Kyungsoo scream his name.

“Jongin!” He turns around and a disheveled Kyungsoo is running to him.

“Hey w -,” he doesn’t get to finish his sentence because he has a lap full of the smaller.

“I was worried when you weren’t at the library and so I was looking around for you and….” Kyungsoo trails off smiling shyly up at him “sorry, I can be a worrier.”

“No, no it’s fine,” he says waving his hands “I’ll text you next time!”

It's after practice and Jongin is wiping some of the sweat off in the bathroom when he feels cold hands encircle his waist. He gasps and turns around to see the smiling face of his boyfriend.

“Oh god,” he breathes,”you scared me.”

“Sorry, I was waiting up for you and saw you walk over to the bathroom. Wanted to surprise you.”

“Thanks, but you didn’t have too its so late.”

Kyungsoo lets go of his waist and brushes his bangs aside “But I wanted to, now come on let’s go get dinner I’m starving.”

It’s after school and they’re sitting that the library studying for their project. Kyungsoo going over some books, writing down things here and there, while Jongin watching the elder. He starts getting antsy, leg shaking, playing around with his pen when Kyungsoo snaps at him.

“Stop moving around so much and work.”

“Sorry I’m just bored.” He almost pouts. Kyungsoo’s never snapped at him.

Kyungsoo looks up from his work, sighing “Sorry it’s just this project is important you know.”

“No I know I’m -” but Jongin doesn’t get to finish because Kyungsoo is kissing him lightly on the cheek.

“Shhh, work.”

He feels his face heat up, still not used to the small intimate gestures. They sit in silence a bit longer when Kyungsoo asks, “Do you want to go over?” Jongin’s eyes widen. “Like to your house?” He knows these things happen, they’ve been going out for a month, almost two so he doesn’t know why he feels so shocked.

“Technically apartment, but yes,” Kyungsoo says.

“Uh yeah, hold on let me tell my mom.”

Jongin calls his mom to tell her he’s going to his friends to work on a project, she agrees telling him to be home before eight.

“I’m good.” he says. Kyungsoo nods and gathers his things up passing some stuff over to Jongin for him to carry.

“Do you have some money for the bus?”


“Alright let’s go.”

He feels nervous going over to his boyfriends house, what if his mom is there and wants to talk to him? He’ll probably embarrass himself in front of her. He starts getting anxious and twitchy and it seems Kyungsoo can tell because he slides his fingers over his, holding his hand, and tells him to calm down.

They arrive at a stop at the edge of a large apartment complex, Jongin understands why some of the kids called them creepy. They’re large, and covering the sun making shadows splay across the street. Old school brick covers walls, and Jongin can tell they’re aged from how run down it looks. Kyungsoo pulls his hand “Come on.”

Walking through the complex Jongin feels his anxiety coming back but he ignores it because Kyungsoo is stopping in front of a door, taking out his keys and opening it.

They walk, taking their shoes off and the older claps his hands getting Jongins attention.

“This is it,” he laughs softly.

It’s tiny but seems comfortable. The living room is right in front of them, wall opening up to a hallway where Jongin assumes the bedrooms are. Next to the hallway is the kitchen. Kyungsoo ushers him over.

“Come on let’s work in my room.”

Jongin follows him down the hallway and into his room. It’s tiny, just a bed and a desk at the side of the wall with a lamp that gives the room a soft glow. It’s bare.

“Is your mom home?”

“No she works late nights so you dont have to worry about introducing yourself” Kyungsoo laughs.

Jongin glares “Excuse me for wanting to make a good impression.”

“Aw Jongin,” Kyungsoo says walking over to him “don’t be mad come here.” He grabs his hand and sits beside him on the bed.

They sit before Jongin bends down to get his backpack.

“Oh,” Kyungsoo says beside him, theres a tiny smile on his lips and Jongin gulps “did you think we were actually going to work?”

The smaller shifts over brings his face closer to Jongin and kisses his jaw then kisses upwards towards his lips “I wanted to do something else.”

He kisses him, full warm lips are on his and now it’s Jongin’s turn to not know where to put his hands. He decides on Kyungsoo’s waist, holding onto him tightly as the other kisses him hard. They’re both out of breath and panting, lips red when they hear a thump.

“Mmm...what was that,” Jongin says, dislodging his lips from Kyungsoo’s.

Kyungsoo looks annoyed and tries to bring Jongin back, but there it is again, another thump.

“It’s probably my neighbors, the walls here aren’t exactly thick.”

Jongin nods, that makes sense and lets himself be pulled back into soft lips.

But it happens again, and he pays more attention to it. “It sounds like its in your kitchen, maybe your moms home.”

Kyungsoo pulls away from him, face set. He’s angry.

“She won’t be home till later, but if you want to go check let’s go.”

He stands up, unwrinkling his sweater, soft feet padding out the room down the hallway. Jongin follows him into the kitchen. Kyungsoo was right there was no one there. He inspects closer and notices a door next to the fridge.

“See, nothing,” Kyungsoo says a bit loudly.

Jongin nods and asks “What’s in there?”

“Just another bathroom, but it doesn’t work so if you have to go use the other one.”

Jongin can tell he’s angry. He finds it kind of cute his boyfriend is mad about their makeout session being interrupted.

“Actually I should get going.” he says. He wants to lean down and kiss Kyungsoo but the other still looks angry.

“Alright let me walk you out.”

“Uh can I go get my backpack?”

“I’ll do it.”

Kyungsoo disappears and Jongin stands around, but then he hears it again. It’s quieter this time but the thump is definitely coming from the kitchen, he checks the hallway and it seems Kyungsoo went into the restroom before getting his stuff. He softly makes his way into the kitchen. He doesn’t know why but his heart is pounding, hands sweating. It’s just a bathroom he chides himself. He’s getting closer now and he thinks he hears Kyungsoo walking into his room now. Just have to open the door, he thinks. His hand is on the knob when someone grabs onto him.

He screams.

“What are you doing,” Kyungsoo asks.

“Uh. I heard it again.”

“I told you it was nothing now come on.”

Kyungsoo drops his backpack on the floor and goes to put his shoes on, Jongin follows.

They walk in a tense silence all the way to the bus stop when Jongin apologizes, “Sorry for uh, being so weird.”

“No don’t be I was being weird,” Kyungsoo says, reaching out to touch his neck smiling “oops left something there.”

Jongin smiles. “See you tomorrow?”


A slap resounds throughout the room.
“I told you to keep quiet mother.”
She sobs.
“Oh please stop with your pitiful noises they annoy me.”
Another slap.
“Now I’m going to leave and you’re gonna keep that mouth of yours shut or I’ll have to take something else away from you.”

Jongin is happy. School is going great, the dance club is going great, but things with Kyungsoo are starting to become rocky.

Kyungsoos become….clingy.

He’s everywhere, texting him, waiting for him. It’s getting to the point where Jongin can’t remember when he hung out with his friends without the pressure of Kyungsoo’s eyes on him.

It’s after dance practice, when he’s almost sure Kyungsoo’s gone home that he talks to Sehun about it.

“I don’t know he’s just everywhere you know?”

Sehun nods, taking a sip from his water, “I don’t want to say I told you so...but I told you.”

Jongin glares, “I still like him but I just want to tell him to back off a bit.”

“Well if I were you I would tell you to break up with him.”

Jongin shrugs biting his lip. “I don’t want to go that far, but anyways my moms here see you tomorrow!”

Sehun had decided to hang around long after everyone had left to continue working on his routine. It’s only once he's exhausted and drenched in perspiration that he packs up to leave before they close the front gates.

He’s detouring towards the bathroom, intent on relatively cleaning up the sweat and quickly changing, when he hears a scream in the hallway.

His duffle bag drops to the ground and runs towards the noise - runs faster when he hears the second scream. Soon he’s at the end of the hallway by the stairs, eyes searching for some kind of source.


They probably fell down the stairs, he thinks, cautiously edging closer to double-check.

His body tenses; muscles curling in on each other as an abrupt onslaught of dread washes through him. It’s not that he’s seen anything disturbing - hell, he can’t see any problem at all. It’s that he feels a pair of eyes on him.

There’s the impeccable heat of a stare levelled at his back and he shakily turns around.


He’s smiling.

“Uh, Kyungsoo. H-hi?” he stutters, confusion lacing into his nervousness. What was he doing here?

“Sehun,” Kyungsoo says sweetly. He takes a step closer and Sehun reflexively takes one back. “What a pleasant surprise, just the person I was looking for.”

“Oh, you were looking for me?” He wants to walk forward, puff out his chest and tell Kyungsoo to get out of the way, you’re too close. He can feel the edge of the stairs at his heel.

“Yes, just wanted to give you a heads-up,” he cocks his head to side, smiling wider. “Just so you know, Jongin won’t be breaking up with me. I want you to stay away from him, okay?” He takes another step further. “You can do that, right? Oh, and you won’t be telling him about this little encounter - unless you want something worse to happen to you.”

Sehun feels his heart hammering within his ribcage, nurturing a scream that’s ripping at his throat. He clenches his hands. All he wants to do right now is get away; get far far away from Do Kyungsoo and those terrifying eyes.

“Something wo -”

Sehun never gets to finish his sentence. He feels the pair of hands shove against his chest before he has any time to react. The last thing he hears is the sound of Do Kyungsoo’s laughter ringing after his falling body.

“Bye, Sehun.”

Its black..

Sehun was found by a janitor who was doing his last rounds around the school. He was at the bottom of the stairs, legs twisted, a pool of blood surrounding him. The ambulance was called immediately and he was taken to a hospital.

Sehuns fall comes to a shock to the whole school, but most of all to his friends. Jongin, Minseok, and Yixing are heartbroken and shocked. Sehun has always been good on his feet, you can’t exactly be clumsy when you’re a dancer.

It’s been a week since then. His friends, and some classmates visit him, he’s in a temporary coma from bashing his head against one of the stairs, and one of his legs is broken, but he’s going to be okay.

Jongin can’t help but feel like something is off about Sehun’s fall. Everyone speculates he was going to his locker when he fell, but why would he be going without his backpack, which was left in the bathroom? He shakes his head, no need to think about these things it’s only going to make him feel worse.

He’s walking down the hallway when a hand grabs his.

“Hey.” It’s Kyungsoo.

Jongin lets him twine their fingers together, but he doesn’t feel the warmth he used, the reflex to hold on tighter.


“You’ve been quiet lately.”

“Well my best friends in a coma.” he says harshly.

Kyungsoo stops, lets his hand go and looks at him. “You think I don’t know that Jongin? All I wanted was to make you happy,” Kyungsoo says this so seriously, voice wavering with emotion, Jongin thinks there are tears in his eyes, “and you’re giving me attitude. I’m going to class.”

Jongin feels helpless. He wants to chase after him and apologize, but he also feels relief that he doesn’t have to keep on talking to him. Kyungsoos everywhere all the time and he can’t do it anymore, Sehun was right it was time to break up with him.

The bell rings, time for lunch. He knows Kyungsoo will be waiting for him by the library so he rushes to Minseoks locker.

He needs advice.

“Hyung.” Minseok looks over at him, bags under his eyes, Yixing had told him he’d been going to the hospital waiting for Sehun to take up.

“Jongin ah, long time no talk.” Jongin gives him a guilty smile. He wants to scold himself, he never thought he’d be the type to leave his friends for a boyfriend, but here he was.

“Yeah, I’m sorry about that hyung, but...I’m going to end it today.”


“Yeah I’m going over to Kyungsoo’s apartment today, Sehun’s fall made me realize how important you guys are. Things aren’t the same either, he’s different.”

Jongin notices the crowd of students thinning, going to the cafeteria he feels watched.

“I just wanted to tell you, I don’t know why,” he says sheepishly.

“No, no its cool I understand it’s hard breaking up with someone.”

He nods, “Well alright then hyung, thanks for listening to me, maybe I’ll stop by the hospital.”

Minseok brings him in for a hug and waves.

The halls are empty.

Jongin feels it again, that nervous hair rising feeling. He hates it. He’s almost to the library when someone grabs his hand. He screams.

“Jongin? Jongin it’s okay, it’s just me,” Kyungsoo says.

He knows he’s always been easily spooked, but something about Kyungsoo has him on edge.

“Ah sorry hyung, I was in the restroom.”

“You had me worried, so I went looking for you. Come on let’s eat.”

They agreed that Jongin would go over after dance practice. Kyungsoo had already gone home and Jongn was to meet him there. He feels bad, going over only to break up with him but he has to do it, and he wanted to make it personal.

He walks over to the bathroom, changing out of his sweaty practice clothes and back into his uniform. Once he’s cleaned himself up a bit, he goes out and waits for the bus.

Sooner than he’d like he arrives, bus stopping at the corner of the large apartment complex; the size is daunting. It seems the more you dread something the faster time moves. He enters and makes his way to where he remembers Kyungsoo’s door to be at. Finally he knocks.

“It’s open.” Kyungsoo says from the inside.

He pushes the door, and looks around for Kyungsoo. He’s in the kitchen stirring something.

“Sit sit,” he says clapping his hands “I made us some dinner, I hope you don’t mind.”

Jongin can’t speak, nerves getting to him so he nods and takes a seat watching Kyungsoo move around.

“It’ll be done in just a few minutes.”

He watches Kyungsoo for a while, and rehearses what he’s going to say to him in his head till he thinks he has it down. Quick and painless, well for the most part.

Finally Kyungsoo’s done and he brings over a bowl of soup for himself and Jongin. He takes tentative sips, watching Kyungsoo who sends him the occasional smile.

“So Jongin,” he says, “what did you want to talk about today?”

Jongin feels warm. The room is stifling, he can feel sweat dripping down his neck onto his back making his shirt stick to him. His tongue feels heavy.

“I want to,” his throat constricts, it’s getting harder to breathe “break up.”

Everything’s fuzzy, Kyungsoo laughs.

“I know, I overheard you talking to Minseok. Which is why I made us some dinner, delicious isn’t it,” he says, smiling. Jongin’s ears are ringing.

Kyungsoo stands up and starts speaking, “My dad tried to leave me and my mom before, but I got him before he got away,” he chuckles, as he walks closer to him, “stabbed him in the stomach and left him on the floor before he could walk out the door.”

Jongin feels the heat enveloping him, it’s getting harder to breathe.

Kyungsoo passes him and walks to the door by the fridge, “Mom tried to tell the cops but well, I cut her tongue off.” Kyungsoo opens the door and Jongin almost doubles over, a rancid smell filling the room. Kyungsoo moves out of the way and he sees her, Kyungsoo’s mom on the floor.

“She’s dead don’t worry. Had to do something about all that noise.” Kyungsoo says, turning around, with that crazed smile on his face. “She put up a fight the whole time, since dad,” He lifts the sleeves to his sweater up and Jongin can see ugly red lines marking skin.

Kyungsoo’s walks over standing in front of him. He sees black and white spots, blackness taking over, he doesn’t even know if he’s breathing anymore.

“Help,” Jongin gasps, clutching at his throat.

Kyungsoo tsks at him, “I don’t like when people leave me, Jongin.”

The last thing Jongin feels is the brush of lips over his and then everything’s black.

Kyungsoo sighs, and lets Jongin’s head fall from his hands. It lolls side to side lifelessly.

“Another mess to clean up,” he sighs. He drags Jongin’s body over and piles it on top of his mother’s.

He closes the door, making sure the lock is on it and walks over to where his food is, time for dinner.

Minseok watches steady rise and fall of Sehun’s chest. The uniform beeping of the heart monitor gives fills the silence in the small hospital room, and he feels slightly comforted by it.

Fatigue pulls down on his eyelids, and he feels himself on the verge of dozing off when a hand suddenly clasps his own. His head shoots up to see Sehun sitting upright.

Sehun only says one thing before he falls back.

r, kaisoo

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