
Jan 14, 2014 05:33

kyungsoo-centric kai/kyungsoo
pg ;700w

a/n sam! i've owed you this kaisoo drabble for a long time OTL its full of mistakes and probably too much commas but here you go ;; also happy belated kaisoo day~

its crowded. people are rushing. people are always rushing, home, work, school. they walk walk walk, the pit-pattle of their footsteps filling up the subway station like a drizzle, pit pat pit pat.

kyungsoo watches them all, large eyes seeing the way people rush through life maybe, he thinks, if they’d just sit down, if they stood still they’d notice some of the beautiful things. like the man near the entrance who every day plays his violin. today its a sad melody. tempo slow; melancholy. delicate fingers moving over the strings, bow moving leisurely. if kyungsoo listens hard enough, closing his eyes and blocking out the crowded station he can feel the sadness emitting from the man, kyungsoo wonders what caused the man to share his sadness with the world today.

his train arrives.

its a happy song today and for that kyungsoo is glad. he was caught in the rain (having forgotten his umbrella at home) and ran all the way to the station from school, he’s drenched. shivering he walks to his usual bench near the back. kyungsoo likes the back, its great for people watching. today there's a boy in a ratty wet hoodie and black jeans, his hood is up but kyungsoo can see a pair of plush lips and some of the boys black fringe peaking out.

he sits.

its quite between them but not awkward. kyungsoo is silent, trying to hear the violinist’s song and the boy seems to be texting its not till the song is over that kyungsoo opens his eyes and looks around and notices the umbrella next to the boys leg. he furrows his brows, why is the boys jacket so wet if he has an umbrella?

kyungsoo can’t help it when the question leaves his mouth, he’s always been curious. “why are you wet if you have an umbrella?”

the boy startles and looks over at him so quick his hood falls off, and yep his hair is also very wet. kyungsoo continues to stare.

“i was in a rush,” the boy says quietly, putting his phone back in his pocket, “what about you?”

“forgot my umbrella,” kyungsoo smiles, glad they're talking, it can get lonely waiting by yourself.

they meet like this, on random days when its hot or cold, when theres nothing better to do then make conversation with a stranger.

although, they're not strangers anymore.

its raining.

kyungsoo runs down the station steps and towards the back and gets hit with the biggest sense of deja vu.

jongin is there, wet, with that ratty grey hoodie on, bangs plastered onto his forehead. hes soaking wet.

“hey,” kyungsoo says, stopping in front of him, “why are you wet?”

and as jongin looks up at kyungsoo, he realizes how wet jongins face is. he’s crying. his lips are trembling and he looks so painfully young, it makes kyungsoo remember jongin isn’t all tough alluring looks.

jongin is a weird concoction of sexy and childish that kyungsoo has learnt to figure out. there are moments when he feels the heat of jongin, jongins stare on his face, lips, when jongin leans in too close for too long. but he also knows how freely young jongin can be. how he laughs at everything. laughs with his whole body, hands clapping wildly, lines around his eyes and mouth deep and noticeable. kyungsoo has learnt jongin is two sides of a coin.

“hey what's wrong,” he sets his things down and sits beside jongin scooting close.

jongin takes some calming breaths before looking at him “my dad kicked me out.”

kyungsoo doesn't know what to do but he knows jongin doesn't need words right now so instead he wraps his arms around him and whispers in his ear that its ok to cry. and jongin does. he cries, body shaking. he’s so big kyungsoo feels himself becoming completely engulfed by him.

his train arrives.

teary wide eyes look at him and kyungsoo knows what to do in that moment.

“come with me.”

they leave hand in hand, it doesn't matter that they don’t know what they're doing, but somehow, kyungsoo thinks, together they’ll figure it out.

pg, kaisoo

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